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Everything posted by katakatica

  1. I... I mean, I've had my inklings based on the videos I've found in English - but... this is just sad. It's hard for me to blame the clueless new 'sellers' who come to Fiverr with the promise of gurus like this. It's a scam that's only obvious to people who get why these tips don't work - I remember when I first started on Fiverr...was incredibly clueless about the whole thing. Only thing that made me different from these newbies was my English. Still, something has to be done.
  2. From what I understand, someone started the rumour that by being active here, you're showing Fiverr that you're active - so the site will show you more (aka, you'll have more impressions). Quite obviously that's very untrue, but to people who are new (and gullible) it's easy to believe (since many of these new people come here after watching a video that says 'you can make money with no skills as long as you lie' (not an actual video, but you get the gist!)
  3. I'm not a designer.. but I'm certain there are schools for this. Online courses that anyone can sign up for, too. So... I'd just do a quick google search to see what fits me if I was interested in it. However... In your gig you state you've worked on 50k plus logos in the past 5+ years... wouldn't you know this already?
  4. I..think they thought you were ordering from them (was this via a custom order?) Based on the 'what you doing / what's my mistake it feels like that. (also, please remove the name from everywhere since it's against the forum rules to show.) It's a nasty situation but.. just go through CS to cancel and should be okay.
  5. I think this just means the gig of yours that sells the best (so not a 'best seller' in your category as far as I know) but it's still a nice little thing I guess.
  6. Can we spam this thread until everyone can see it? (seriously though, it really is THIS simple.) Ignoring the fact that some people have 0 talent, of course.) (I like seeing a buyer's POV - when I purchase stuff on here it's mostly for fun - but I feel like when it's for serious projects it'd be very different!)
  7. Okay, I'll start 😄 I wouldn't particularly say I eat healthy, BUT it depends on your definition of - we have lots of veggies in our garden so when I'm bored I'll make an omelette with a side salad (tomatoes and either some olive oil or Japanese mayo, trust me it works!), onions and the like. I also make lots of stir-fries with minimal oil and as many veggies as the wok will take 😄 Roasting all the veggies together (I usually do onions, sweet potatoes, garlic, eggplant if we have any, zuccini, peppers and so on) and adding it to a salad base is great, too! When I'm abroad, I also like to make a small cheese-platter (toast, butter, honey, various cheeses, fruit) or hummus with veggies (not a fan of raw veggies but love hummus, so...) (as for non-healthy options... tons of meat prepared the Hungarian ways (roasted or in a stew, goulash and so on...)
  8. From a buyer's perspective (I use BR for random projects like art stuff) I would NOT even spare this a second glance. The reason isn't even the obvious 'it's boring. Everyone posts something like this. (As in 80% the same or more.) Dare to stand out. (Especially because most of the people saying they have a "lot of experience doing XY" offer the wrong thing... Copy paste stuff doesn't do well in the long run.)
  9. When I was in the US I was really confused by why the waitress checked on us every five minutes - if that happened here in Hungary (other than in, say a hotpot or KBBQ restaurant where you kinda need the staff's help from time to time) I probably would feel bothered... However, I'd understand since this is how they make money. That being said, in my eyes, restaurants aren't the same as online services (not completely, at least.) I personally, I always felt like Fiverr saying 'it is customary to leave a tip' (when it is absolutely not!) to be...emotionally manipulative for the above reasons. People from cultures where tipping is part of life (and culture) might think that we are being underpaid (and not seeing our own prices, etc. Fiverr does take a cut, but for all they know, it could be much bigger!). However, some sellers end up charging far too little - which then makes it 'normal' that they might ask for some extra (I'd never do it but I'm pretty certain I've heard/seen it happen) - which can make it...awkward to say no to (I can ignore Fiverr's notice, but if someone flat out asked me to AND they actually did a good job... I'd probably tip out of pressure haha). My point is, the system is flawed (and unnecessarily pushy) but I don't think it should be removed, just...should be a little less in-your-face I suppose.
  10. Hm... The issue is, most of the people who have placed orders without consulting me since I've upped my prices are people who order the wrong thing (but don't realise it.) Just this morning someone wanted me to write five recommendation letters (didn't place the order but were close to doing it.) I... don't even know if that's legal, but also - don't write things like that! THAT being said - if someone can actually describe what they want and place an order (and it's something I do write) I'm fine with it. Wouldn't call it sniping - it's placing an order. However, I also don't change my prices on a whim (as in, don't quote someone higher prices unless they want more words/more work.) I realise that some people bait and switch - but that shouldn't actually be a thing to start with. This is why I do prefer communication though. What looks like no/little progress for someone might be hours of research for (or, me actually taking a couple of days off for whatever... Can be either.) If we have built out some sort of a connection prior, it's easier to explain expectations (vs. reality) as well. But of course, for small projects it's completely okay to just place an order (UNLESS the seller explicitly says not to in their description.) For projects that cost a significant amount of money? Yeah, I wouldn't do it.
  11. I made the mistake of looking for a cheap logo I could use as a watermark via BR. Out of the 200 replies I had about... 20 people message me directly (big no-no!) And maybe 150 if not more just copy paste whatever. My favourite were the first five or so that said 'I AM THE FIRST TO REPLY SO YOU CHOOSE ME' (Exact same script for all of them...) Thing is - until Fiverr is full of spammers who think they can get orders by messaging other sellers - or people who copy other's gigs and descriptions...And are confused why they have no orders.. I don't think BR will be cleaner.
  12. I've seen a few BRs where the buyer was looking for someone with a specific religion - and I think one or two people have messaged me looking for a writer who's religious as well. Since I don't write nonfiction there's not much I could do for them. As an outsider, admittedly my POV would be very different which could only work for a very small amount of people for sure. (That being said I also don't think it's good to justify you being an honest seller by saying you are from x religion. When I was looking for nanny jobs many fake parents would claim not to be scammers based on how god-fearing (and the like) they were. I always found it an odd thing to say (but scammers are scammers and they did have a specific audience so...)
  13. It's a manual process - not like level 1 or 2. From what I've heard some people wait for years! You need to be absolutely exceptional at what you do. Even if you are - maybe you're in a category / niche that's very crowded so there are already tons of TRS (so it takes a while for new ones to be nominated. I'd assume that niches that are rarer get more attention because it's easier to pick and genuinely evaluate every single candidate (while with crowded niches this takes longer.)
  14. Didn't you pause all your gigs though? What if it only monitors 60 days that are active? (I'm not 100% sure that's possible, but that'd seem more likely to me.) Something that happened to me twice was that if the buyers were at fault, my order completion rate went back to normal after a while - what if the system regards these as 'buyers are at fault' kinds of cancellations (but the app messed up your rating?) I wouldn't say that your account isn't being evaulated at all - from what I know TRS is fully manual and some people just never get it. But of course, I could be wrong.
  15. Difficult depends on your mentality, too. Working 12 hours a day chasing kids around, keeping them safe for little to no money was difficult for me. 'Ranking' a new gig, to me, is much easier than that - even though I have no idea what I'm doing half the time. Being genuinely talented at something that others might not be so great at is what's hard. Understanding what even the toughest customers who struggle with English (or are always in a rush) is what's hard. Making a gig in a popular category is 'easy', especially if you are spoonfed that information. (that being said, yes, the competition is REALLY tough. Still not harder than dealing with a screaming toddler though) (take this with a pinch of salt, obviously the two cannot be compared. Both require vastly different skillsets...)
  16. Honestly, if I needed a business card I'd totally buy it (but I realise that IS rather specific!) Yeah, I think what we need is something that is NEEDED but still not many sellers do it. My two interactive(ish) gigs (one for game-writing, the other choose your own adventure) are definitely what bring in the most $$ for me - not many people have them (I'm sure there's more gigs around now than when I made them, but still!) I tried to do something new with offering scripts for city-tours (like those detective ones) -but as cool as it sounds, there was no luck with the gig! The point is, it is also trial and error, as you've implied, even for people who have some sort of a talent. I feel like the main issue is that logo/bg removal and so on - those gig look easy to make. You can make a logo in canva (or even in PS, really) in ten seconds. Will it be cool and unique? No - but it's finished quickly. These gigs seem to focus on quick delivery instead of actual artistic thought into things, which CAN fool people who are used to fast food (and just rushing, in general). I remember when I'd first moved to Paris (even though it's such a fast-paced city) I was SO confused why people would actually line up in front of bakeries (or other food shops, really!) Quality really matters, but not everyone understand it in this world - and of course, people are desperate, which is sad - but they need to realise that they need to think to make money. It leads to chaos (and while it's good for us in the sense that good gigs really 'shine' when surrounded by bad ones, it's probably still devastating to people who were relying on this to get extra $$ because someone online said they can do it.
  17. What came to my mind was 'when everyone is selling mangoes, bring a durian to sell' (although I realise, wrong continent, but bear with me for a second!) Selling something that stands out (even if its the smell 😄) will make people curious. Curiosity might not get you thousands of dollars in the first few weeks - or even ever, but it's a good starting point. Of course on such a huge marketplace it's difficult - but it's still possible to offer up a talent that's different. Obviously this mostly works for artistic folks. but I'm sure other niches can find something different to offer up as well (...and also, make it attractive somehow.)
  18. I wish THIS was what those 'gurus' preached. Because you do NEED skills to do anything, so why would online work be any different? I realise that one time I was a waitress for like, three days. NEVER hated a job more than that - I'm really clumsy but I was desperate. Ended up mostly wasting time (and being SHOOK) after I was fired haha. The thing is - online, people don't have such 'consequences'. I've read several posts that confirmed that these gurus are telling them 'it's okay to break rules/get bad reviews, just go and make a new account' - so even reviews/criticism isn't 'that' harsh. Some people just don't get the hint and try and try (which is sad)... But... I know they won't read any of this. Maybe there should be an undercover youtube account 'debunking' Fiverr myths (but posing as a 'guru'...)
  19. See, I've been thinking lately (been exhausted by trying to offer genuine/unique advice to people) and... this is accurate. Something else I've been trying to think of (but it's hard to do so without pointing fingers at people from certain niches) - if you have a tool that can help you finish a job that takes a (top rater/pro/level 2/level 1, whatever) seller days/weeks to do, the tool might NOT be helping as much as you think it is.
  20. This is so hard (even though I've ranted about this, ha!) I think by knowing what we can actually handle, we also become kinder to ourselves. I've started saying 'no' to writing 5-6000 words a day (7 days a week), not because I can't do it but because it was exhausting me mentally - I needed to do it at some point because I'd set a delivery time...and then promise to deliver much much earlier. But obviously, quality also matters! Don't be dumb, people! Know what you're capable of (and what you CAN'T do.) (we should keep this post active so those who need it will like, at least read through them. Maybe.) (I mean. thx for tIps bro, my gig will rank now.)
  21. Okay, I'm really curious - how do you think being online on the forum has ANYTHING to do with impressions? Being online on Fiverr can - kindamaybesomewhat help if you are in a niche with 212231312 other gigs AND people filter for online sellers - but that still won't get you clicks OR orders, for that matter. I'll give you a trick though: be good at what you do - and sell something people actually NEED.
  22. So I've been trying to pinpoint what bugs me about these posts (other than how they fill up the forum along with all the one-line tip posts like (fiverr is good. And so on) And... It's the lack of content that makes them feel spammy (which they are.) I personally would LOVE to read actual stories that are tied to these orders - got your fifth order after a huge slump? Got three orders in a row? Announce it - but in a way that we actually get something out of reading it. Make it worth our time. (My point is - my personal issue is how these posts are clearly created only because the posters are convinced forum goers will order from them (or make their gig rank better or whatever.)
  23. Honestly, I did consider it - sort of like a 'witty debunking fiverr' kind of thing (a bit like those reddit reading things!) I'm not funny enough - but I might still give it a shot haha. I just think it'd be an easier channel to reach people who struggle with English (this is from personal experience but when there are visual cues (and sound) it's easier for me to get a foreign language than just reading - some people are the opposite but..maybe? I feel like I've been losing my cool about the 24/7 thing mostly because of my personal sleep struggles - I probably wouldn't get so caught up in it if it wasn't a sore subject haha (but... I do think that it'd be nice if we could actually HELP these people...)
  24. Aha, I mean, proper grammar will help (indirectly, but still!) so it's not even a lie! But But. WHAT IF - a new fiverr guru graced youtube's presence. Pretending to agree with the rest but STILL dropping actually useful information. I did notice that while the posts go unread and just commented, the videos do seem to have actual engagement (could be fake but...) It's easier to watch videos than to read, too so... (honestly though, with us trying to help... we could be just selfish and let them be. It's not like they are hurting anyone's business but their own... I'm just too used to being nice to people to bear with this haha)
  25. I wish the voice of reason was actually heard once in a while by those who genuinely need it. But.. let me be honest, we need a new fad for this one to disappear. Because why is being online 24/7 an advice that's heard so much? It's too easy. So... People who want a quick buck (or need it) think that it's effective... Why they don't believe us when they spend months without ANY orders IS beyond me but... so yeah, I feel like WE need to come up with a piece of advice that's just as simple but maybe less destructive... What could it be though? (doesn't have to be more useful than this, just.. maybe a tad 'better' for the people behind the screens.)
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