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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. It's useless. That's the whole thing. I create my own message and customize it for each client. There you go, custom follow up message. Same with coupons, I can send an offer with a lower price, no need for a coupon. I never used a coupon, if I want to share a discount, I talk with the client and see if it's possible and how much. These, and some other features I find to be pretty much useless for a lot of people. Offer me the ability to lock gig packages, provide the ability to create a loyalty program for your gig, that's what people would pay for. But follow up messages, come on.
  2. Support agents don't randomly take decisions. If the issue needs escalation, they do that internally without talking with you. If there's something beyond what they can do, they will escalate to the different departments. I had stuff escalated to the financial department, they even have a department that studies every account that's under review, etc. As far as I know, there's no way to escalate, if they feel it's necessary, they do that on their own.
  3. Yes that is true, Kesha I think said exactly the same thing. The problem is that not all accounts are the same way. Some people work alone, like me. Others outsource everything and deliver 10x what I do, and there are also agencies. How is it fair to compare a solo worker with an agency and also penalize the solo worker because an agency just delivers stuff way faster due to its nature?
  4. Last year for 6 months I had very few clicks and impressions. Only 5 star reviews, I didn't even have a 4 star review during that time. And when I talked with the success manager from Fiverr, they told me the buyer satisfaction rate (which I guess it's the success score now, more or less) is low. And they also told me that even if people leave a review publicly, they might leave the opposite when asked privately. So those private reviews can vastly range... plus a lot of people are in a rush and will randomly leave a review, espeically since it's private. The bottom line is, we'll never know.
  5. The success score also takes into account private metrics like private reviews. So even if the situation seems great publicly, private reviews might say a different story. Some buyers leave random, bad private reviews, and if no one leaves you a good private review (most people don't bother), that bad private review from one person can be very problematic.
  6. It doesn't matter if you are online or not. Fiverr won't show you differently to buyers if you are online. Yes, there is an online filter, but realistically no serious buyer uses that. If anything, those that want to see people online tend to rush, and they are the worst type of client. So I wouldn't worry about being online because, realistically, it does nothing when it comes to sales.
  7. Well, the Star System is based on secret reviews, they are an integral part of it. I don't think they can be transparent with that data if they specifically say to their clients that their private review will remain private and no one will see it. So.. people can randomly leave any private review they want and tank your account. That's not really feedback for the seller either, because you don't have any idea why that happened. And a lot of people leave it randomly too, I had my success manager say that despite only having 5 star reviews for months, my buyer satisfaction rate (at the time, now it's the score) was low. Remember this private thing is not mandatory, so people are not forced to leave it. Most people don't, but if you only have a few private reviews and most of them or even a couple are negative, that's a huge issue. I never think I am fine and I started to learn not to focus on the stuff I can't control anymore. I am just doing my best and came to peace with the rules of the platform. It's not like we have control over anything other than the work we do and what we deliver.. The rest is either in the buyer or Fiverr's hands.
  8. Great pick. As for MOBA stuff, not into that, more of an RPG guy. I guess bugs come with the game size, most of the Ubisoft games are insanely huge, so they will always be very buggy. Even Call of Duty is buggy every year and it has an army making it 🙂 Well, I am looking forward to the new Star Wars game from Ubisoft, at least they know how to make good open worlds. But might wait a couple of months until they iron out bugs..
  9. Well I like their games. Especially Valhalla and the other RPG ones in the AC series. But hey, to each his own. What games do you like, Levi? If Ubisoft stuff is not good for you 😄
  10. Realistically, most of the new features are useless. The service is quite expensive for what it provides, and I am sure a lot of Fiverr sellers that had a special price will downgrade. I will keep the $20 package to see buyer insights and withdraw in 7 days, but I won't pay double that for instant withdrawals that I use from time to time or RTO that's not necessary in my case.
  11. The success score system takes cancellations into consideration as well. By looking at your profile, I think those cancellations from years ago might be the issue.
  12. There's a lot of filler in there. How many times did you use the negative keywords, coupons and follow up messages? The last 2 in particular are things you can do yourself when you create a custom offer, or you just connect with previous buyers again. Realistically, request to order and instant withdrawals are the best things about the $39 package, the rest is skippable. Having a success manager isn't really that helpful for a lot of older, vetted sellers, it's more useful for newer people that don't know how to optimize their gigs. So generally, there are 2 major reasons why you would go with the $39 package. For me, even if I used instant withdrawals sometimes, it's not worth it to pay double what I pay now.
  13. It's just your own experience. I, for example, mostly have US buyers and Australian ones. But there are also Asian buyers too. I don't think Corona has anything to do. We are well behind that, and a lot of companies adjusted remote work policies a year or two ago. Who knows though. I just think it has to do more with AI removing a lot of jobs from the market, and many potential buyers using AI. Which they do.
  14. Realistically, we are living in rather bad times from an economic standpoint. Leaving Fiverr's changes aside, there are also less buyers on Fiverr and for digital artists specifically, as well as writers (in my case), AI ate up a lot of the market. Plus, with people not having lots of money to spend.. it just became a lot harder for many sellers with a higher pricepoint to sell more, or anything a tall in some cases. And it's not that amazing at a lower pricepoint either.
  15. It's unfortunate, but Fiverr really wants people to not all have level 2 and 5 stars on average for their gigs. So I am sure that in their eyes, the new system is working the way they wanted, and I don't think they will go back to the older one. I agree, cancellations are not always the fault of a seller, not to mention there are lots of scammers that pose as interested, talk nicely to you and then boom, give me my money back because your work is trash. The extension button though.. that can be very good. Just send the extension 2-3 days before the deadline and it extends automatically. That's a great update they did recently and it definitely works. It shouldn't appear as late if you used an extension, no matter if it was accepted automatically or not.
  16. Go to customer support. But it seems that PayPal or whatever company you use to withdraw might not accept your payment. Customer support should help you with this.
  17. Yeah, the difference is that Pete started doing some questionable video. The writer we are talking about is doing things within the Fiverr rules. So they won't ban her. With Pete's videos... there was a very high chance of fraud happening and that would fall on Fiverr. Here, that's not the case, because she operates within the Fiverr TOS, unethical but that doesn't really matter because she's not breaking rules. It is sad that writers get compared to a content mill, one that uses AI as well, and we end up having a lower success score to some extent because of her, and others like her.
  18. If Fiverr makes $$ from her, why would they remove her? It doesn't matter if it's immoral or that it feels unethical for any competitor. That seller also lies that they are working alone too, so it's not like morals matter to them. But hey, buyers don't realize that they are fed semi-AI or close to full AI content (some of them do, hence their bad reviews) and Fiverr, as I said, makes money from that seller. It's quite unfair that you will find that seller featured everywhere, while honest, hard working, solo sellers won't stand a chance and even get their success score lowered by that seller, because no seller can deliver 20+ orders a day even if it's Sunday, manage 20+ gigs and so on. If there's one major gripe I have with this new Success Score system, that would be it, the fact that we are compared with agencies or people that outsource everything. Obviously you can't match their workflow, even if I am extremely fast as a writer, there's no way I can surpass a team of 10 or 15-20 people. But Fiverr sees those accounts, including the one that you said, as a solo account and we are compared to it. So it's very unfair that a solo writer/seller like me or any others have their success score lowered because others lie their clients, outsource most of their work and also use AI without disclosing. Exactly what I've been saying for the past 2 months now, since the success score reveal. We shared out feedback with Fiverr, they know, the constant outrage is unnecessary at this point and a waste of time. I doub there are any changes, because even if those were in development, we would be told in some capacity, just to calm the waters. Like you, I just focus on things that I control. Fiverr income has become very volatile for me as well, so I totally get that you want to focus on your business and have control!
  19. I mean it has to do with the niche and what others pay as well. I tried with auto and without auto, you get more clicks with auto, but it also costing way way more. Clicks don't guarantee orders, though. But in general, at least for me, I average around 8x to 10x the invested money when I use promoted gigs, so for me it works. But there were people that paid over $50 and didn't receive any orders. I think at $300, that's a lot of money to pay for ads on a website that also takes 20% of the cut in which they technically should also promote your gig. But hey, if it's profitable for you, then it's worth it.
  20. I think it was a year or two after that, for me. I went to CS and they told me to just leave them there, maybe people come back. I even offered all the order numbers, spent time to create a list and they told me to not worry because those orders have no impact if they are inactive. Then Fiverr started auto-canceling stuff on their own.
  21. Not only that, but a lot of buyers are leaving. And new buyers coming in... let's just say they aren't as many. AI, but also some of the website changes and bad experiences with meksells ended up pushing lots of buyers away. I used to see a lot of buyers with accounts from 2010, 2011, now those are a rarity. At least to me, that says a lot.
  22. Yeah well I have 17 of those. And there was no success score back in December when they canceled around 20 for me. So that's why I am worries. We are in the dark, we don't know how things work, so obviously you're worried that stuff might not work the way you want.
  23. Wait until Fiverr starts canceling older, inactive orders. I have more than a dozen of those in queue, and I think they will damage the succes score even if it's Fiverr canceling them, not the buyer. Some of those are close to 2 years old..
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