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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Do you prefer a platform where almost everyone has 5 stars and they are all (almost all active sellers) level 2? Because that's where we are now. I agree that emojis are not a professional choice. However, buyers are also to blame at times, because some of them rush and don't even read things. There was a seller who posted earlier that he did the work in an hour, and in the Things to Improve section, the buyer selected delivery speed :)) Clearly a lot of people just leave reviews randomly. I can't even imagine what happens with those private reviews, because unlike these public ratings, those are not seen by any seller.
  2. Yes. As @pinksamuraiiisaid, 4.7 is a good review. Everyone expects people to rate them 5 stars on everything. When that happens, all sellers on the platform have 5 stars and Fiverr needs to create such a review system to drag things down. THIS! There were people who hired a very bad competitor of mine (who was since banned for scamming) and they left a 5 star review, saying only bad things about their experience. But they still left 5 stars, because they didn't want to drag down the person. Yeah, that's the type of thing this new review system tries to avoid. And by the way, I had a 4.7 review a few days ago, even if the buyer received way more than we agreed and I went the extra mile. It's fine, because whenever a buyer checks and sees that the work was great, the missing star doesn't really matter.
  3. Regular buyers don't always equate to 5 stars every time. Maybe this time you delivered a lower quality product than usual. You still expect the buyer to provide the same review? Not saying that was the case here, but it might very well be, who knows. That's the thing Fiverr tries to avoid, people leaving automatic reviews, instead of actively reviewing the work the way it was done.
  4. The initial topic about this review system was locked, so.. a lot of people spoke their mind there and Fiverr knows some people dislike it. Buyers could change their review text in the past and it brought abuse a lot of times. The new system is fine the way it is, most of the time the error is from buyers not knowing what options to choose. And many times, they don't think the work had an exceptional value for money. There are mistakes, true, but again, every seller thinks they deserve that perfect rating, when in fact, a lot of people don't. There are lots of overpriced sellers for what they offer, yet some buyers leave 5 star reviews out of pity. 5 stars should be there for exceptional work, not because a buyer felt bad. How can a great seller differentiate themselves when many competitors receive 5 stars out of pity? There shouldn't be a mistake in the first place. People should be more careful when leaving reviews, or just don't leave a review now if you lack time. I have a 1 star review from a person that was happy with the work, yet they were going to bed and pressed the wrong stars. That review is still on my gig and profile. I don't want to risk a potential warning by going to customer support, so I moved on. However, as a buyer, you can easily not review now and leave it for later. There's literally nothing forcing you, Fiverr offers a 2-week window to leave feedback, so there's a ton of time for any buyer.
  5. Top rated seller is not a level you receive automatically. Most people never become a top rated seller. Fiverr's team needs to choose you as a top rated seller, based on various criteria. As I said, most sellers will never become a TRS so.. focus on delivering the best work. It seems from recent reviews that some people had issues. Try to learn from that feedback and eventually, you might become a TRS.
  6. Maybe there's an error with that system that shows delivery images. Why not upload the image yourself and include a few watermarks for protection? Obviously CS can't really do anything since that system is automatic. Either you would send the delivery again and hope it shows this time, or upload it manually.
  7. I don't think Seller Plus members get any benefit from the algorithm. And with the TRS stuff, who knows. They might, or they might not receive a boost. When I was a TRS, I didn't receive any specific boost, or at least it didn't feel like it. But there are other things that matter, like gig performance that might impact things as well.
  8. It won't. AI is the one to do that and it already affected a lot of niches. There will always be companies and people that never use AI. Those are our clients. The new review system doesn't affect buyers. So it won't affect sales. It's just a system meant to avoid the current situation where most active sellers are level 2 and a lot of them have 5 stars. It will affect those sellers that are extremely overpriced or don't offer good customer support. But I don't think it will affect Fiverr that much. Sure, some people might leave the platform, others will take their place though. So..
  9. I have a problem with AI, not Fiverr. The platform is fine, and we're working here, we're not in charge. A lot of sellers here don't realize they are just that.. Sellers. They aren't running the company. Fiverr has access to data we don't, and they also have shareholders who have a say regarding the platform and its direction. I understand that, and my focus is on adapting based on what what changes arise. I see a lot of people complaining about the review system. I just try to do the best job, those from Fiverr that browse the forum know the general sentiment and yet there were no changes to the review system so..
  10. It's not the algorithm ignoring you. In general, the higher your price is, the less impressions and clicks you will have..
  11. That's not the case. Even with lower prices, you can still get bad reviews 🙂
  12. It's always been dangerous. Value for money has always been a part of private reviews. I now see why my success manager said that sometimes even a 5 star review can come with a bad private review. If people pay attention as much as they do here with these reviews, I can only imagine what happens privately. It also pushed a lot of buyers away. Fiverr has a lot of data we don't know. But if they decided to try and lower seller reviews, they aren't doing that without looking at data first, that's for sure.
  13. As you saw my screenshot above.. Kesha said lifetime. So.. yeah. Newer data matters more, but previous bad reviews will have some negative impact, even if it’s minimal.
  14. Change the description, delete your gigs and create design gigs.. you can do that. But do you have the talent for it??
  15. Clearly both of you didn't read the terms of service. You are not allowed to have more than ONE ACCOUNT. PERIOD. If you create more than one account, you will get banned. Don't create more than one account. As for the OP, you can sell a variety of things, writing, development, career advice, even stuff in the AI category from the same account. If you have the knowledge and expertise to sell a variety of things, do it. Don't create a new account, because you WILL get banned.
  16. I don't think that review thing is still active or available, because whenever I had a bad review it did affect my stats. Considering they are lowering review scores left and right, not to mention we will have a review score taking into account orders from years ago.. I highly doubt they will keep that, if it's still something valid.
  17. Most likely you won't. And obviously if they are taking into account every review with the new success score, even those from years ago, you can only imagine this rule is not valid anymore. But do ask the SM and let us know, please.
  18. I can't find where it was said, but yeah, it was said that all reviews are taken into account, so one can assume even 10 year old orders will have some impact. Granted, to a much lesser extent.
  19. As Fiverr said, they want excellent work to shine. The solution is to not have everyone level 2, with 5 stars. Which tends to be the case for most active sellers on the platform. I get it, we are all perfectionists and we want the best possible ratings. But the truth is that it won't always happen. I understand the reason for these changes, and while I agree with some, I also dislike a few as well. Yet it's not my platform, I just work here, and I will adapt to these changes. Also, some people might actually want to give you 4 stars in some areas.
  20. If you think those are bad, look at what I got a year ago. I moved on, clearly it was a mistake, he even apologized. I didn't go to customer support, I just left it there. Anyone with a brain sees it's a mistake so.. why bother getting an account warning? Even if the situation is warranted, it was clearly a mistake and not just a single star error. He was a repeat buyer, but since that mistake he never came back, I assume he was sorry and didn't want to mess things up again.
  21. Search your gig titles and you will see thousands of gigs that are identical to yours. The problem is that you're offering identical services to others on a saturated market. Don't offer exactly what others already sell, try to stand out with new ideas. Maybe niche down on a specific type of website.
  22. Maybe their gigs are very old. Or they had another gig and changed it to what they are selling now. I recommend checking the terms of service and you will see there in black and white what to do and what not to do.
  23. Welcome to my world. Yes, a lot of buyers rush before when they write a review. And this review system clearly showcases that better than ever before. Don't go to customer support, you will receive a warning. Don't text the buyer, don't ask anything related to the review or you can get in trouble. 4.7 is not the end of the world. It's fine, and maybe they come back. The focus is on delivering the best work, so yeah, just move on. I had the same thing happen yesterday, and I went well overboard for that client. They liked my work a lot, said it was excellent, but I got less value for money than expected. And it's fine, everyone on the platform is getting these new ratings. As long as we don't lose our seller level and people leave a positive written review, that's what matters. I think this review system shows that everyone wants to have perfect gig scores. And the truth is that while some might have perfect scores, a lot of people selling of Fiverr only have 5 stars. As a buyer, how can you choose a great seller if everyone has 5 stars? Some sellers curate their reviews and some don't, so there's a major difference. Yet everyone had the same score. That's unfair..
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