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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Seems you need to be accepted in the Fiverr Pro program. https://www.fiverr.com/certified/become-a-partner
  2. I remember I saw and it changes based on what you selected..
  3. You don't need to stay online. Once you create a gig, people can find it. So, it makes no sense to stay online. Whether your gig is appealing to potential customers or not, that's another thing. But in general, if you stay online, you're not doing anything other than wasting time. Use that time to learn something, improve your skills, don't just look at an empty screen.
  4. This falls into the category of "buyers sometimes don't understand the rating system, they rush or just randomly press stuff". I had the same thing , a tip with a 4.7 and text saying excellent work. Well it wasn't excellent it seems 🙂 At this point I just move on, I understand the review system is not changing so for me.. I just prefer to stop worrying about things unless they have a severe impact. We will surely have something to talk about next week when Fiverr launches that new leveling system.
  5. Yeah, but keep in mind those freelancing sites also require you to pay for connects/sending a proposal. Here you don't have that, they promote your gigs themselves. That alone makes a huge difference. And Request to Order is not exactly mandatory. It is helpful, but it also limits the exposure and appeal of your gig, since a lot of people want to order directly anyway. A lot of people are in a rush, they don't spend hours and hours figuring out what freelancer to work with. So if you have this option, it might deter some people from working with you!
  6. Time for what? Don't wait, do something, learn, improve. If you just spend time looking at a screen, you won't be successful.
  7. Yeah, because the last thing we want is an SEO service from someone that doesn't know any SEO. If you want to have success on Fiverr, make sure you become the best or one of the best people that offer a service. If not, you'll just receive a lot of bad reviews, people will be unhappy, and your freelancing career will stop pretty fast.
  8. I mean.. people can easily contact you before placing the order. And also, it won't prevent cancellations. If the buyer dislikes what you're sending, you can bet he's going to cancel. As for fake orders.. if you mean people that just order and cancel, they can easily ask for an offer and cancel right after. It just adds an extra step. As for why it's in Seller Plus and it will always stay there most likely... Seller Plus needs to have some selling points and reasons for people to pay for it. This is a good feature to have, it's not mandatory, so it fits the Seller Plus package very well. It doesn't have to be free, but it's something nice to have. That's what Seller Plus is all about...
  9. I suggest you focus on learning something and mastering it. Even if something sells very well, if you're not good at it, buyers will always find experts in that niche.
  10. And that's the thing. Fiverr tends to track your performance over the past 2 months or so, up to half a year. And they compare you to others within your niche. So if you didn't have any sales, others that had sales and good reviews surpassed you.
  11. No, It doesn't guarantee anything. The role of SP is to give you more tools like analytics, extra features like Request to Order, and if you go the Premium route, you can talk with a success manager from Fiverr that will give you some advice on how to improve your gigs. Can Seller Plus be helpful for some sellers? Yes. Does it guarantee sales? Absolutely not. It certainly has some interesting things, like being able to withdraw money in half the time when compared to regular sellers, quicker support replies when possible. I find it worth the money, but then again I've been selling here for a long time. As a new seller, it can be great since you can talk with someone from Fiverr and they might offer guidance on how to improve your gigs. But it comes down to the skills you have and what you want to sell. Some niches are overtaken by AI, and it's very hard to acquire sales, since most buyers took the AI route. The remaining buyers might be very picky, and when you have tons of sellers fighting for a few buyers, obviously the chances of success can be low.
  12. Exactly. With so many simple things being doable for free or at a very low price with help from AI, you really need to have a service that stands out and which can't be replicated by AI. Also, the fact that you are selling so many different services in multiple categories can also be a warning sign. If someone claims they are a writer, designer, logo maker, programmer and so on, then people might think they are not working with an experienced professional. Try to focus on a specific niche and stick with it. Like @katakatica said, essay writing is not allowed, among other services. Go to the Terms of Service and read that to see exactly what you can't provide as a service on Fiverr. And again, try to stand out with unique services. If people can use AI to obtain a similar result to what you do, then they will do that and not pay you any fee. Especially for the anime AI gig you have, there are AI tools, some even free to use that provide such a thing. Why would someone pay you when they can pay a platform (a cheaper price) or even acquire such an image for free?
  13. Do whatever works for you. I don't really worry about the algorithm, that would drive me insane. Just do what feels right for you.
  14. SCAM SCAM 100%. Don't share that kind of personal info over the internet. Again scam. Anything that encourages you to go away from the platform, that's stuff to avoid.
  15. You can do a few things Limit the number of orders in queue. Pause that gig that you have lots of orders for. If you have Seller Plus, enable the Request to Order, so people contact you and don't order directly. Try to increase deadlines for a bit, until the workload is better. Hope these ideas will help you!
  16. Those are recommendations, services similar to the ones you purchased. It's not like they are selling you toothpaste or whatever random stuff. They should allow people to turn those off, if that's not a possibility. Still, how does that hamper your experience, since you can easily ignore recommendations?
  17. Clearly it's a forum penalty. Why are you asking what it means, when it clearly says exactly what you need to know in that message. You used AI generated content, which offers no value.
  18. True but.. you can easily ignore that. And it's not an ad for stuff outside of the platform. If anything, they are giving you gig ideas that you can easily ignore. At least that's how I think about it.
  19. Exactly, you pay for the service.. And you get it. I am not sure what ads you are talking about, but remember that you can easily use an ad blocker if there are any ads you don't want to see. Problem solved 🙂
  20. I recommend you read the terms of service. Contacting people outside of Fiverr will get you banned. Most if not all people that send a Telegram related message tend to be scammer. A reliable, real buyer will always keep things on Fiverr. So, you are dealing with scammers, ignore them and move on.
  21. Not necessarily. There are different signs you should be looking out for: Scammers try to make you work for free, they ask for a free sample made using their guidelines, but never offer to pay for it. They encourage you to get in touch outside of Fiverr, which is not permitted and it will get you banned. They promise they will pay you more since they avoid fees, but obviously they just want free work. They will sometimes link you to another platform or website, trying to acquire your personal info. These are only a few things that show you are dealing with a scammer. Honestly, any time people ask for free work saying they pay later, it's a good idea to avoid them. Same with sharing personal info or getting paid outside of the platform. Avoid those things...
  22. Since I am a writer, I will highlight apps mostly for writers, and a few others I found useful. Grammarly Copyleaks Evernote Todoist- for task management and todos Flux - for changing the computer lighting in order to avoid tiredness (I can say for sure it works for me) Hemingway Unsplash Pexels Dropbox
  23. Well that's very subjective. It's up to the buyer and if they are randomly leaving reviews, it's not our fault. All we can do is to try and vet buyers to avoid these situations.
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