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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Guess I confused it with early payout. I don't see why you would need a loan from Fiverr if you are successful here though.
  2. I was TRS, lost it due to health issues, I have 18K+ reviews and since I lost it I never got it back. So pretty sure reviews are not a factor. I do think how much money you bring to Fiverr has more of an impact. You can pay for Seller Plus, it also gives you access to a 7-day withdrawal time instead of 14 days. In fact, Seller Plus gives you pretty much all the TRS benefits aside from the badge..
  3. Fiverr is ever-evolving and your performance automatically influences where you are in the search results. Just because you HAD impressions that doesn't mean you will continue having them. Things like cancellations, late deliveries, bad private reviews and other sellers with better performance can push you back in search results. Also, impressions don't matter. CLICKS matter, it doesn't matter if people go near your store but never go in. Clicks matter because that means they actually visit your gigs.
  4. The video you share as your gig video should be YOURS, it should be EXCLUSIVE to Fiverr and not found anywhere else. Plus, it's not mandatory to have a video for your gigs. I never had one and I've been here for close to 9 years now so..
  5. So you have multiple success managers? Anyway, you can offer lower prices than what you normally charge and it would be the same thing. So I don't get it, myself.
  6. Just because you are nominated that doesn't mean you will ever become one, only Fiverr staff will know if they promote you to TRS or not. That being said, I agree with an excellent quality for all your services and helping your clients. But generally based on my experience here is that bringing in lots of sales will speed up the process. And very good private reviews also increase your chances here too. Plus what Fiverr staff thinks about your gigs, if they are unique or very similar to thousands others.
  7. No one is forcing you to offer coupons. But if you offer them, obviously you will be earning less. I don't agree with the coupon system myself, you can easily send a cheaper custom offer if you want. So I don't get why you need a separate system for discounts.
  8. Your Gig has at least 20 reviews. Pro Gigs require only 5 reviews. So clearly is not enough if you have just 5 reviews. You need 20 at least.
  9. The minimum is $5. However, that also means you will receive the cheapest possible briefs and many of them will not fit. It got so bad for me that I stopped briefs completely because everything I received was either not suitable for me or downright insulting when it came to what they offered for the amount of work required....
  10. Ideally, just a couple of times. Delete a few instances and see if it accepts. But as far as I know 3-4 times at most, if I am not mistaken.
  11. Well they assume you studied the terms of service and already know the reason. So I do think they believe it's plagiarism.
  12. Well we are only sellers so we can share opinions and nothing more. Fiverr expects you to add only samples specific to Fiverr, so I assumed your samples or images were duplicate to what you had on your website. Since you didn't say that's your website or anything else, I can only assume Fiverr thought it was plagiarism. It might be anything else, who knows.
  13. Yes @jonbaas, but it's easier to blame others instead of claiming responsibility for your actions. So it's easy to see why OP says Fiverr updates are to blame for a lack of orders. The truth is that the marketplace is overloaded with workers, many of which don't have any skill and just want to get easy money. They have bad descriptions, lackluster images, no experience or portfolio, but expect $100 orders. Just check those digital marketers that ask US how to promote themselves on Fiverr when THEY should be experts. There are also a lot of topics on Fiverr about this, but many just don't bother to initiate a search. So.. why would be share any ideas or tips..
  14. There can be a number of things. Maybe someone left you a negative private review. Generally, your performance will dictate if you are qualified or not. These are the official guidelines: You are a Level 1, Level 2, or Top Rated or Pro seller. Your Gig scores are 4.7 in the public rating. Your Gig has at least 20 reviews. Pro Gigs require only 5 reviews. You meet additional quality metrics. So I can only assume their "additional quality metrics" check showed you are not qualified anymore.
  15. @zahidhassanpro, I already shared the same thing.. lol.
  16. As you get older you realize negativity has no place in your life.
  17. You can see more about gig policies here. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421218-Gig-Policies From that page you can see links allowed for your gig:
  18. No buyer should ask you to do so, those that do are against the Fiverr rules. Read the Fiverr terms of service and stick to it. Otherwise your tenure on Fiverr will be short lived.
  19. I think there are some issues here: For starters, staying online is a waste of time and it will never give you orders. Then also.. you are a digital marketer, people should come to you for ranking advice, yet you are asking us.. Leaving those things aside... You were promoted by Fiverr when you created your gigs, but never received an order, so Fiverr obviously went ahead and promoted others. New people are constantly making accounts and gigs, so if you didn't perform well, then those persons with great performance are at the top of search results. You never had any order so.. clearly others are pushed in front. Fiverr is all about customer satisfaction, people that have a high customer satisfaction rate are at the top, and obviosly without any order or review.. your gigs aren't really shown in the search results. It's that simple.
  20. Well, that wasn't really between two countries... It was mostly between multiple smaller republics belonging to the same country. This one is scary because it has one of the major world powers involved in it.
  21. I doubt it will be a paywall, instead it will be a nice-to-have thing turned into a necessity for serious sellers. But I don't see Fiverr charging every seller something just to sell on Fiverr. But who knows, I never expected to see any war in Europe during my lifetime and I was wrong so.. only time can tell that.
  22. I do too. I was able to avoid some nasty buyers thanks to it.
  23. True, but they can't see outright while searching for sellers, which is what the OP asked for.
  24. Buyer requests is in the process of being replaced with Buyer Briefs. You can accept Briefs if you go to your gigs and toggle the Briefs option on. Well they are right. Buyer satisfaction is what keeps buyers on platform, if they are unhappy they go somewhere else. So obviously Fiverr rewards people that have a very good track record with buyers. If you receive a negative private review, you can easily be pushed away from Fiverr's search results for a while, because others have better performance. It is what it is..
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