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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. False That's a given if you want to sell your services online. Otherwise much better, more experienced professionals will end up getting most of the work if you don't have something to draw people in.
  2. That's the thing. I for one never had any issues when I edit gigs, but I just edit a few things, and one gig at a time. For a lot of people (as seen on the forum), doing more extensive changes will remove your gig from search. And if you do more extensive changes to all of them, that might be a problem. It's not a rule, it's rather random to be honest, but it does happen to a lot of people so..
  3. You won't get orders fast. You need to create great gigs, mostly focus on offering something unique and different if you want to stand out. Experiment with keywords, gig images, videos, anything you can. And of course, improve your skills, show people why they should book your services and not someone else. Because they do have a choice...
  4. There are literally thousands of topics on the Fiverr forum about this, a single search will do the trick. But in general, you must put in the work, which is not the case if you're just asking for the magic sauce. There isn't any rule/trick to be the first in search results. Just hard work, offering the best results and experience to clients, stuff like that.
  5. Then it might be a lack of performance. And also, changing all gigs at once might not be a great idea either.
  6. If Fiverr shows what ranking factors are there, people would manipulate the system. It's the same reason why Google doesn't share a list either. It doesn't matter if there is a violation. I am pretty sure your problem stems from having a bad private review, maybe cancellations or just other people having much better performance than you.
  7. It depends on what you want. There are 2 tiers, one offers some interesting features like faster withdrawals (which you already have as a TRS), keyword tools and other stuff like that. You can also see more buyer information. Then the upper tier connects you with a seller manager. So it's up to you if you need these features. You could try for a month, see if you like it and then go from there. You can easily cancel if you dislike it. No one will know whether this is for you, it's a very subjective thing. I don't use the seller manager that much if at all, but I use the other features often. Maybe you won't, so you don't know unless you try, right?
  8. I am not sure if you saw my post, but I had an issue with a buyer after his first order and I disliked working for him. I told him I am in vacation and can't work with him anymore. I blocked him, blocking did not work and he ordered again after 3-4 weeks, I don't remember. It was more than 2 weeks though.
  9. Not sure if this is real, because I didn't get it myself. If it is real.. it's fine but then again, what if the buyer orders in 3 weeks? You still get penalized and there's no protection.
  10. Buyers don't care about your career. They just want the best possible product that they paid for. So.. the best thing you can do is to not ask buyers for a review. Be there for them if they need revisions, offer a great experience and a review will eventually arise. Nag your buyers to write a review and you might end up getting an account warning from customer support. So, be aware of that and just focus on delivering the best experience to any buyer. The rest will follow.
  11. Only Fiverr could tell you the reason and they won't do that for obvious reasons. There can be many factors. You either got a negative private or public review, you canceled orders, you delivered late, any negative metrics will affect how many clicks/impressions you get.
  12. It's gone because you have performance issues on Fiverr. That means you canceled, delivered late, received a poor public or private rating, etc.
  13. What exactly where you selling though? I am pretty sure that might have been a deciding factor too.
  14. Posting the same stuff multiple times is not ok. Leaving that aside: Create a service that's unique, since it will make you stand out Record a video for your gig, not every seller does that Be authentic and share a picture of yourself Improve your skills and become the best in your niche. Focus on becoming the best in what you do and stop looking to make money from the simplest service you can sell right now. If you want success and sales, you want to be unique. Don't copy others, and stop trying to go for the low hanging fruit because that's what everyone does. Hard work, blood and sweat poured into everything you do will help you reach that goal. I know you want the recipe to success, but there isn't one. You just have to figure it out on your own. I just gave a few tips for you to get started. Whether you choose to follow them or not, that's up to you.
  15. Buyer Requests is a cesspool filled with low balling offers. I never saw any serious buyer there, at least within the writing category.
  16. If you had some great orders with really really good feedback.
  17. You just have to deliver the best possible work to current clients, all the time. Only the Fiverr team offers you the Rising Talent badge, so they need to see you are keeping clients happy, and then you might have a chance of becoming. Just like Top Rated Seller badges, this is offered manually. So there's no magic way to get it, you just put the work in.
  18. Well they do need something to make people subscribe to the lower tier too. And the upper tier is mostly for the seller manager.. although they said they are adding new stuff to both tiers. They have to, because Premium is a bit slim in my opinion.
  19. I have a similar issue now. A person ordered at the beginning of September, but they started the order without any guidelines. I extended and then they asked for another long extension. Now I tried to receive guidelines but they don't reply, I wanted to cancel via customer support but they told me I have to initiate a cancellation normally, receive the cancellation penalty if it cancels automatically or if he agrees to the cancellation, and only after that I can go to them and they will delete the cancellation penalty. Orders without guidelines should be canceled without so much fuss.. But anyway I have an extra day of waiting since the cancellation was initiated 24 hours ago, and the person was online 3 times since then. Yet they won't reply so..
  20. Yes, the buyer has 48 hours to reply to your cancellation request. If they reply to the cancellation, then the order is canceled, or they can deny the cancellation if they want. The order will also cancel automatically after 48 hours if there is no reply.
  21. Fiverr sees that as relevant because it's long. That doesn't mean it influences where you are in search. On the other hand, if it's a long, bad review and it's also combined with a long, negative private review, that can affect you. But review length doesn't really matter. I've been fortunate enough to be up there when it comes to search results, but I don't follow this thing and while I can't be 100% certain, I am pretty sure this doesn't matter.
  22. Regardless, I think people are focusing on the wrong stuff. Everyone asks how to rank fast, how to get on the first page. While that should be an afterthought and the main focus should be on improving your knowledge, service quality, customer support, etc. But to each his own I guess.
  23. Fiverr customer support also said that private reviews don't have any impact. While success managers said the opposite. So it's hard to take anything at face value. However, many people here were said that results are presented differently to every customer based on their inquiry and that there is no gig ranking. So.. it's hard to know which part is true. Regardless, as you said, cancellations and all the other things can have a negative impact. Same with a private review. So in the case of OP here, it can be a number of things as I mentioned above. We don't know if he canceled any order, if the response time is not that fast, etc.
  24. Fiverr gives every profile a push for a little while, then it pushes other people and you end up not being in search results anymore. That's the fair thing to do for a platform this large. Anyway.... there is no ranking on Fiverr now so you should stop pursuing something which doesn't exist. Maybe we can try and catch the Fairy Godmother, or we can go to Atlantis next. Leaving jokes aside, all you can do is to experiment, improve your gigs and try to grab the attention of new customers. It might be possible that someone gave you a negative private review accidentally (or on purpose), and considering you just have a few reviews/orders, that can have a massive impact on your sales. So there can be a variety of reasons why you have less clicks/impressions.
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