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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. The question is, has anyone been getting PROPER briefs? I know some people did, but most people just receive random stuff they can't work on or with a low balling price. I know most of the stuff was like that for me.
  2. He got his money back so you won't be getting anything. You're not paying for anything either, but you did lose all the time spent working for him and his order, since you're not getting paid a dime. I don't know if chargebacks and orders canceled that way affect your stats though, I think they don't. Thankfully I didn't have a chargeback for the past few years. But in the early days there were quite frequent.
  3. The buyer did a chargeback from their bank. Fiverr can't dispute this so they automatically approve. The buyer account gets deleted from Fiverr if they do something like this.
  4. I know, I was one of the first 200 people and actually got in at $19. I was just curious what others think about paying $40 for the service.
  5. There is no ranking on Fiverr. Every person sees results differently. Your entire account is affected if you cancel orders. Things will be different after 60 days once you cancel, since that cancellation is not taken into consideration anymore.
  6. For me.. it's just the regular $29 plan. So they basically added Top Rated Seller vetting, that means you have a jumpstart in becoming a TRS? Or they just offer guidance on what to improve to become a TRS faster? What do you think about the Premium plan Vickie? At $40, do you think it's worth it?
  7. Does it say the difference between Standard and Premium?
  8. No problem. I have that order page open in my browser, just to check once all this madness goes away..
  9. By the way, the issue has been around for a few hours. I delivered on time, on the order page it showed the order as not being delivered, but it's gone from my orders in queue and it does appear in the delivered orders section. And that was around 2 hours ago.
  10. I hope, because I have stuff to deliver in an hour :))
  11. It's the same thing for everyone, site-wide. So.. I will be resolved by the Fiverr team shortly, most likely.
  12. There is no ranking on Fiverr, everyone sees different results. Ideally you don't want to edit the gig too often, as it will be detrimental in the end.
  13. Work harder. I got a tip yesterday, it doesn't have to do with the website changes. Instead, it's about what clients you are working with and if they want to tip or not.
  14. That's great because it caters to the buyer needs without upsetting the seller. They added this most likely because people were asking for more time, especially when it came to weekend deliveries. 5 days is not that much, I think it's the right amount of time. Way more than that and it would be problematic from a seller perspective.
  15. You're not supposed to have more than one Fiverr account.
  16. I agree. Someone ended up requesting a review every 3 days for an entire month. I was close to quitting and refunding, but they didn't come back and left the order to autocomplete. Other than that I never had any major issues with the revision system.
  17. Well people were able to ask for a revision when they needed more time to check the content. I had multiple revisions like this without nothing to change. I assume some customers need this. But it can be prone to abuse too. Especially if you deal with a reseller.
  18. I had people which pressed the button again a few more times. So it's definitely common even the way it is right now. An outsourcer ended up requesting a revision for up to a month using this system, so yeah... someone that wants to abuse the system will abuse it either way.
  19. True but the chances of that happening are very low. I didn't encounter this yet. But I can see some difficult buyers taking advantage of this. Then again, they did so with revision requests, so it would be the same thing basically.
  20. I guess this might replace the option when a person says they need more time to review and automatically that comes as a revision request. If that's the case, then I think it's great, instead of just having x revision requests that can't be worked on because people didn't even share what they need changed. It certainly seems like it replaced that with just additional time added automatically. Fiverr listens.. Hopefully they listen and add the ability to remove gig multiples...
  21. I went to my email and they said this so.. Yeah.. it seems they are making it more expensive. Well.. they basically want to bring the Netflix-like model for sustained revenue, but in this case if you cancel, it will be more expensive to join back!
  22. I don't know. I think the $30 pricing tier will stay there, and they might have a less expensive tier without the success manager. Or maybe they will do $40 for the success manager... We don't know anything yet, all we have is an email sent to current Seller Plus users saying that there will be a Standard and a Premium tier, and we are automatically upgraded to the Premium without paying anything. Which, when I think about it, suggests that the tier with a success manager might be even more expensive.. Who knows.. At least they will have 2 options and they are constantly adding some new features to seller plus, they just added the ability to lock people from buying before talking with you, and you can activate that on any gig. So there are some interesting things they are experimenting with here. Whether it's worth it or not, that's up to every seller. For me, I am thankful I was one of the very early adopters for the service, so I can't complain 🙂
  23. So there's a waiting list? Damn. I assume they are preparing this so more people can enter, and obviously they will charge more if you want access to a dedicated manager.
  24. It's $29. As far as I am concerned, for me it's worth it. Even without the need of special counseling from a success manager. I think a seller that's not very well established and with a great track record already can benefit from the success manager. The other perks are great too, I like withdrawing my $$ faster. 🙂
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