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About robiulislam6

  • Birthday 06/30/1999


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  1. 1. Usually I'm a web Developer but also a graphic designer. I use those 2 type niche on my gig. Is it ok??
  2. Hi, everyone! do you use your Fiverr work as a portfolio when looking for a job?
  3. Logo making is a creative work and it’s always Demand full. But to much competition here. Suggest me something.
  4. Try different keywords that have low challenge..
  5. I'm perfectly done a buyer order and deliverd her in perfect time and full fill all requerment too. She satisfy with my work too . But she gave me 3* . Now i cant send buyer request. As a new seller it's too hard for me for top my gig. 😔😔😔😓😓 What should i do now??
  6. Yes i understand and also agree with you.💗💗 But still as a new seller it will helps lot for gain next order 😔
  7. I have completed two orders and buyer is happy but they have not given me any review till now 😔😔😔😓😓
  8. I received an order from a buyer today. After accepting the order, when I went to work Then I see that I need some paid tools to accomplish this task. Is there any way to cancel the order now? Can my rating be down for that?
  9. Tips For buyer requests!! First read the buyer request carefully. Then open your "Google translator" open voice translation then Work should be done by answering Bayer's questions in your mother language. Finally say. Order Now. And always keep in mind : Only the fee required for that order should be written. Never over your price or down too. I don't know how accurate it is but this is how I got the job done Thank you.
  10. Tips For buyer requests!! First read the buyer request carefully. Then open your "Google translator" open voice translation then Work should be done by answering Bayer's questions in your mother language. Finally say. Order Now. And always keep in mind : Only the fee required for that order should be written. Never over your price or down too. I don't know how accurate it is but this is how I got the job done Thank you.
  11. I just got added to fiverr 10 days ago. I got the job from the buyer request last day night. I want to maintain this consistency of mine everyone please pray😇
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