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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. AI will replace that which is easily replaced, (low hanging fruit), while the innovators will remain. After all, AI can only mimic, not truly create, and who will it mimic? Perhaps less poetically, vending machines can indeed dispense a drink, but I damned sure won't sit at the bar at the Palm, and let a machine mix my martini. That will always be a personable human who lights the cigar, chats you up and makes you feel as only a human can. And for that I will always pay a premium. However, if I have one too many, I may let AI drive me home. Tools vs sentient beings.
  2. Good tune. It just seems like a guitar or sax solo are perfect, but a bass, flute or drum solo stops the song so everyone gets some spotlight. Some instruments are capable of being lead and others are meant to be support to those others. Just my opinion. BTW, acapella is annoying as well.
  3. ...is there anything worse than a drum solo?
  4. Precisely. The real question is whether this is intentional, or an unintended consequence of fiddling around.
  5. No, I do not agree. You have misunderstood completely what I said. Many of us have regular customers who order every week or every month. In fact more than 75% of my customers are regulars. My point is that if the 20% only applied to services and not the tip as well, you don't think people would cut deals all day that go something like this? "Hi, I was thinking instead of you ordering from me at $500 every month, I will do the order for $450 if you will let me bill you at $100, and then tip me $350." This way the buyer saves $50, Fiverr is cheated out of $80 and the dishonest seller pockets the extra. If you are naïve enough to think that this would not be common (given all the scammers on Fiverr) then I must ask, Are you serious? As to your decision to "ditch Fiverr" that is your choice, I could not care less, although most people take down their gigs when they do. I just wanted to clarify my position which you seemed to misunderstand. Good luck.
  6. Twitter had only about 10,000 more coders than Fiverr and I remember this...
  7. They'll be busy not giving us dark mode. So 2014.
  8. Interesting. I struggle to understand the lack of exposure from Fiverr though. The decrease in impressions from 5,000 daily to 100 daily is a sudden change, and the fact that many are experiencing it at the same time is just odd. My guess is that they tried some new adjustment to algo, and as usual, now sit back and see what it breaks.
  9. So, imagine you just paid $3 for a click, then while the buyer is looking at your gig offering, they are promoting others right there, enciting the buyer to click away from you after they charged you $3 for the click.
  10. Conspiracy theory time. At the same time they are choking off impressions of successful sellers, they are saying "Hey, spend up to $3 per click on promoted gigs." Drying up the free (yet earned) impressions could push the demand for paid ones.
  11. Plus Fiverr promotes your competitors. Bad mojo. I just went to Leane's #1 gig, and there on the bottom:
  12. This could be a problem for Fiverr en masse, should they continue to starve their best sellers.
  13. It seems that a good number of us are experiencing the same slump. Out of curiosity, what was the approximate date you fell off the cliff? Curious if there was an adjustment to algo that whacked us all at the same time. I was hit between Jan 30th-Feb 6th, when my daily impressions dropped from 5,000 to 100. Been crap ever since and SM has no real answers or help. Anyone else on the same timeline? Like @leannelrivers said, thankfully, Fiverr is a small part of my business.
  14. So the unintended consequence of trying to elevate the weight of first time buyer reviews may be that experienced sellers stop working with them all together, relegating them to the meksells.
  15. Interesting that we now have a "request to order" feature.
  16. I always say, "I'm sorry but we don't discount work, but there are lots of new sellers here who would be happy to work with you. Good luck."
  17. Yeah, but who's fault is that? Damned near every store I shop in asks if I want to save 5% on today's purchase by applying for their credit card...which is 22% apr.
  18. They will sit on the fence. You want to get there so hopefully they will not cancel if he asks them. Your job now is to continue to politely say (every time he asks), Yes, I'll be happy to do that and here's how much it will cost. You have to be more stubborn than him.
  19. So you should reject his refund request. I would report this to CS, tell them that he is threatening you with a cancellation of you don't provide free work outside the scope of what he purchased. Not perfect, but better to be first to CS.
  20. Why would you not just sell him additional revisions?
  21. You say "most." How are you able to gather this sort of insight into the hundreds of thousands of gigs that would have suffered that fate? Do you mean each time you make one it disappears?
  22. So you are saying it is only overpriced by $2,499,995. I tend to agree, as it would burn for heat the next time we blow up Nordstream.
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