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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. I would just tell them NO. Not posing in your underwear might help also. @vickiespencer Serious content writing just got more competitive. Here's my new gig video, cause professionalism. 🤣
  2. Here's you and me trying to clean up the Swiss exparts:
  3. So help me understand. You are simultaneously trying to take money from people as a content creator, and at the same time you are here asking how to improve your gigs? Maybe you should try to sell a service that you actually know how to provide.
  4. You have managed to break 2 forum rules in 1 post. First is posting AI written content, and in perhaps a global first, plagiarism of someone else's AI generated content. Take a bow.
  5. Don't pass off ChatGPT written content as your own, it is dishonest.
  6. The wisdom of killing a successful seller based on the review of someone who has no idea how the platform works. Stunning. We now take you to the Delta Airlines conference room: We've decided to ignore customer satisfaction reviews from our "Million Miler Club" members, and instead will act on the advice of people who slept in the airport and bought a last minute coach seat for $39.
  7. I never expected a solution this quickly. But I really thought that in the last 27 hours someone would have said. "We see you all, we hear you all, standby." If I don't respond to an inbox message inquiry within 24 hours on Easter I get a ding. No recourse. They could respond within the same time frame they hold us to.
  8. I was thinking of posting a link to it in the SP section of the forum.
  9. Precisely. In normal times SM's are terrific for helping get a new seller up to speed. This however is an unusual event where many of the most successful sellers who have driven millions in sales have been reduced to invisibility. Most likely, most of us don't put as much demand on our SM's as we once did because as success grows there is less need. But when something like this happens, of course we turn to them not for routine advice, but to address the sudden, simultaneous drop in many seller's metrics. TBH, the email that "accidentally" went out stating that we all had lousy private feedback at the same time is still not sitting right with me. It feels like the system mistakenly flagged and penalized all of us, and even though SM's admitted that it was a mistake, it feels like no one has let us out of the penalty box. We all agree that the SM's hands are tied, but the question becomes, is that right given what's happening to so many at the same time and in the same way? So far the suggestions have been off target, generic and vague. I still hold out 24 hours after posting this that some SM will respond, indicating that they are having a meeting to help us. We need more than what we get from ChatGPT, as demonstrated upstream in this thread. Again, I don't blame the SM's, however, even an acknowledgement of this thread would be nice,. But I feel that we deserve some level of actual intervention since we are paying good money for someone to "manage our success."
  10. @miiila Brilliant idea. Guess what? ChatGPT gives the same "non answer answers," and 100% free!
  11. You don't write like this in your profile. Let's have a round of applause for ChatGPT.
  12. They are often 24-36 hours behind.
  13. Forum: Come for the grammar, stay for the gif's
  14. Wrong. This is spam and will get you reported and possibly lose your account. Terrible answers.
  15. Same here. I think the system that does not allow SM's to really help us needs review and reinvention. I would have welcomed something along the lines of "Let's take a snapshot of your KPI's today, then I want you to do these 3 things. Then let's meet in 1 month to look at the KPI's" That is success management worth paying for.
  16. It's like going to the doctor with a broken arm, and being told "Don't smoke, exercise and watch what you eat. That'll be $348 please."
  17. Dear Success Managers, To take a page from Micah Kaufman's recent "Open Letter to AI" in the New York Times, let me state clearly that as Fiverr sellers, we come in peace. There is no doubt that the "seller plus" concept provides valuable insight, but in light of the many successful sellers who recently suffered a simultaneous and unexplainable drop in impressions and sales, we ask that you consider offering more substantial remedies to address the problem. For example, many in the forum have told some version of the following story. In late January or early February, impressions dropped to nearly nothing. In my case from thousands per day to maybe 100 if I am lucky. Of course as impressions go, so do sales. As many other did, we turned to our SM's for answers, and unfortunately, we received essentially the following as advice: Look at your keywords Freshen your gigs Create additional gigs This is largely the same sort of cut and paste advice that non SP members get whenever they contact support and ask why they are not getting sales. However in this case, it was many very successful sellers with well performing gigs that were essentially switched off simultaneously. Let me state clearly that I very much like both my previous and current SM's, and in no way blame the following analysis on them, but instead on the secretive and opaque system that prevents them from providing any assistance that is truly actionable. I am not alone in having been told flat out that there are things which the SM's cannot share with us, however I am not asking for the key to the algorithm. I am instead asking why after many of us have counseled with our SM's, not one person has said they received any real analysis or more importantly a strategy to fix the problem. Again, we are successful sellers who suddenly hit a wall, not noobs asking why we are not getting sales. I personally pay $348 per year for SP. My hope is that for that amount of money, I would get a deep analysis of exactly why I am suddenly experiencing this, along with specific recommendations to fix it. Otherwise, what is the point? I could save the money and email support to be told the review my keywords. I am not writing to complain about the SM's, as I know their hands are tied and they are only allowed to provide vague and generic help. But when something of this magnitude sidelines a bunch of successful sellers, I'd like to ask if the SM's cannot become advocates for us, with specific advice to actually fix the issue. We are, after all paying for such help. SM's, I am asking for you to advocate for us and "Manage our Success". Perhaps discuss amongst yourselves and management how you can provide actionable help for those of us who continue to subscribe to premium help in the form of "SP" who are now presenting you with a real problem and are looking to you for help and guidance. I look forward to your response. Thank You
  18. Can you kill your conversion rate like this? Lots of people browsing AI junk who click on and then off your gigs without buying?
  19. They do know how to shoot themselves in the foot better than anyone else, we unfortunately are the collateral damage.
  20. If you were really a "b2b" lead generation expert" You would have so much business that you would not be here asking for orders. Further, if you were really: You would never, ever say "Then feel free to knock me."
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