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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. That recent webinar where they were so giddy over AI makes me think they are screwing with automating a bunch of things via AI right now cause its fun to play with AI. The fact that they are killing successful sellers does not affect those on salary playing with the toys. I'm sure that "accidental" email was just one of many unintended consequences that diddling caused. I want them to explain why we should pay for premium guidance while they fiddle to the point of killing our sales, then offer nothing as a plan to respond, or even explain. I'm only remaining on SP right now to see how this plays out because I'm suffering and all I get is, "take a look at your keywords."
  2. Yep. You would think that a group that has literally sold millions of dollars of services for Fiverr, who are also paying for premium advice and guidance to manage their success, have been smacked into a sales nose dive and now sent an email confirming that, because some automated process flagged us, would deserve some quick action.
  3. Waiting to hear from mine. I'm amazed that some SM's have not dropped into this thread of dissatisfied successful sellers to provide guidance or even reassurance that they are aware of what is happening.
  4. If the email went out in error, we need to ask if we are all being erased from impressions by error as well. Obviously the system flagged all of us, and we are all feeling the same drop in sales. Wanna bet we're all getting punished for an "error"?
  5. Your profile claims that you are fluent in English. Why would you want automated dreck instead of writing about your services yourself?
  6. @theratypist Please add Congra-culations to the Congo's master list. Thanks. Congress
  7. To be clear, was that your voice that you uploaded and then synthesized? I'd check EULA for elevenlabs if that is the case because you most likely granted them the rights to recreate and resell your voice forever. Have you seen the gigs on Fiverr where you can sample the seller with AI? I was in the original meetings they had along with about a dozen other sellers when they wanted to test this prior to launch, and that was the reason none of us decided to go forward. Buried in the fine print was the fact that they own anything you upload and can sell it in perpetuity.
  8. So at the same that the algorithm is punishing a bunch of experienced sellers they expect us to trust the same algo to efficiently spend our promoted gigs money.
  9. Yes, it is entirely inconsistent. Promoted gigs should be like purchasing any other advertising in the world. For example, I should be able to have my ads only appear to sellers in US/EU/AUS/CAN to only buyers who spend $100 or more per order, have a positive rating as a seller. You can buy any demographic and geography you want IRL. I don't want to pay $1 per click for people from a certain country who say "Give me job."
  10. While any business needs new customers, most are smart enough to provide all sorts of "loyalty, rewards, retention" incentives for the top producers and buyers. You know the folks making the register ring on a regular basis. Almost all businesses know this, almost all.
  11. Hi, Here's a friendly email to let you know that 1 person had something negative to say about you. It is however a secret and we won't share it with you so that you can learn from it or make adjustments. Nor will we look into it to see if maybe someone was extorting you for free work, then when you refused, they killed you in the private review. Because of this 1 person's review we will be starving you to death for a few months. Thanks for being a member of Seller Plus, that will be $29 please.
  12. I just enabled "request to order" It appears grayed out to me, but probably because I am logged in. When I try a different browser not logged in, there is no request to order, still proceed for $120. Can anyone verify usability please?
  13. Agree, Not suggesting this is optimal for everyone. But it does limit the damage a noob can do to an established account. I wish it weren't necessary, but Fiverr created this "Let's let new people who know nothing about how Fiverr works determine the fate of our best sellers", insanity.
  14. The good news is that you can exclude precisely the most dangerous audience using "request to order", now I just need to write the Quick Reply that says why I can't work with them.
  15. More so than when I was charging less. But sadly, all it takes is 1 to shut you down now.
  16. I am going to do that right now. If they are giving a noob with a $5 bill, limited English skills and no intention of reading policies clearly explained in the gig, the power to cancel someone who has been on the platform for 7 years and made Fiverr a crap ton of money, I for one, will refuse to work with any non experienced buyers. Interesting that TOS preventing blackmail via threatening bad reviews, but now hands anyone who can't get 100% what they want a kill switch for a seller account. Since this is all public here in the forum, I cannot imagine how it won't will force sellers who do engage with new buyers to become a doormat.
  17. I can't see the email you are discussing, but I assume its the same one I just got from Seller Plus about "First Time Buyer Satisfaction Guidance." This is disheartening because in the last 3 months I have had only 1 first time buyer who, like many, ordered then asked for a revision when they changed their script. Of course, I politely offered to sell them a revision, which was met with the usual "What, you want more money? You are supposed to work for me forever, for free." After explaining that my revision offer carried a 50% discount the user just accepted the delivery and did not leave a review. So Fiverr turned my gig off because I attempted to make us both additional revenue by selling a revision, as opposed to rewarding someone who did not read the 3 places in my gig and offer that explained the revision policy. Worse yet, when I contacted my SM about this a few weeks ago, she assured me that my private reviews were fine and not a concern. Watching them erase the best sellers on the platform is amazing.
  18. Hi Phil, welcome. Your demo reel is good. I would suggest that you select a preview frame from the video to be one that shows you sitting behind the mic as this becomes your thumbnail. Good luck.
  19. Because they choose not to. No drama needed. Please look up the word "inhumane" to use it properly in the future.
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