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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. That's why I don't use the Fiverr template for this and say, message me for details. Then I control the terms. If I want to I can send a custom offer for the consult, or decline. period.
  2. I think Seller plus members should have much bigger word limits for description and FAQ's. Again we are paying.
  3. Interested to see. If we don't like we can bang on SM's for changes. We are paying for premium services and this is certainly one.
  4. Yes, The desire to worship ChatGPT may well cause a flurry of great sellers to require a Zoom consultation prior to ordering, especially now that we can force conversation prior to an order. From adversity rises opportunity. I need a graphic artist to come up with something to reinforce: "Verify, B4 order." I will consider all offers for our new badge.
  5. To be on the cutting edge of this I have just added the following to my gigs: NEW! Book a 20 minute Zoom meeting to discuss you requirements plus a 25 word sample read for just $100. Message me to book it. Great for agencies or when you need to be 100% sure.
  6. Like all other businesses, Fiverr is struggling with how to respond to ChatGPT and other AI's that may follow. There are discussions now to discern how Fiverr can harness AI, however there is already one very disturbing trend that you need to be aware of before you buy a service. First you must realize that many non English speaking sellers are using ChatGPT to fake proficiency in English. Every day we find and call out many forum posts from sellers who cannot speak 4th grade English who list their proficiency level at "Fluent." It is now sadly a requirement that if you wish to insure that you will be understood, that you demand a Zoom meeting with your seller prior to ordering, as many will simply fake the answers through ChatGPT. An inbox discussion is simply no longer sufficient.
  7. Yes, and honestly a certain amount of added humanity is not a bad thing. Henry, the studio cat occasionally makes an appearance, and 100% of the time, people say, oooh so cute.
  8. I think the blur background effect is fine. You only have to not look sloppy. The world knows we are working form home. There is a difference between comfortable and sloppy. I'm willing to bet you would never allow yourself to be the latter on Zoom. Would not sweat it much. I keep a nice shirt and ball cap at the ready, which goes on for all Zoom calls.
  9. Please report to room 305 for reprogramming:
  10. The upcoming webinar will be interesting. I believe Fiverr have a list of ways that it hopes users will leverage AI, but I already know that this how it will instead be abused, just to fake literacy as a trick to get sales. I'm glad that Fiverr recently rolled out wider ability to hold zoom calls, and I believe this may become a necessary step that buyers need to take instead of inbox chat just to verify whether you are speaking with a person who actually is fluent, or a chatbot.
  11. YOU: "Sir answers of your questions may be met in any way on Fiverr. Same may be routed through Fiverr and not other means else" ChatGPT: "Please note that some platforms may have terms of service or guidelines that need to be followed when it comes to the use of automated tools or AI-generated content, so it's important to familiarize yourself with those before using any such service on these platforms." How do you slip in and out of fluency like that? 😆
  12. Yeah but who is James Bond? Answer carefully, as wrong answer = you are dead to me.
  13. Your gig claims: "As a Facebook ads specialist. I can grow your business through Facebook marketing and generate sales through Facebook ads campaign.: So why can you not get any sales for yourself, as an expert at getting sales for others? To answer your question, you may want to offer a service that you can actually perform.
  14. Yes. The things you mentioned are valid to get some traction in terms of impressions, but being displayed high as in page 1 is tied to $$. Which means converting impressions into clicks and then into sales.
  15. First off, it is really weird to ask a question and then answer it yourself. It fools no one and is easily spotted as an to attempt to appear knowledgeable. Of course it goes down in flames when you answer your own question with the wrong answer. The correct answer is "Fiverr displays most prominently the gigs which are most profitable for them." So sell a lot of stuff, make Fiverr a lot of money and you will "rank" higher.
  16. What about claiming to be proficient in English? Might as well fix that as well.
  17. That is surprising as you clearly have invested so little time developing your offer that you don't even know the name of the platform on which you are selling. Oh, also people don't like dishonesty, yet right there in your profile:
  18. 1. You claim to be a "Social Media Marketer" yet you don't know the difference between "impressions" and "expressions". As a professional at social media marketing, shouldn't you be able to convert your impressions to clicks? 2. You claim to be "Fluent" in English" which is clearly not true. Please don't lie.
  19. But I'm willing to bet that you did not misrepresent your qualifications. I often feel that when we give these outright scammers the BOD, the sympathy is misplaced. It should instead be with the poor folks who buy a service from them believing that the qualifications in the gig are factual, but instead they are ripped off. That is who we should feel bad for in my opinion. Not the scammers.
  20. Like I have told you before, I love that you give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but looking at that gig I can assure you that there is no team. One does not pay a staff on a $5 gig which has zero sales.
  21. Do you think it wise to coddle people who are outright misrepresenting their proficiency, especially when you consider what else they may be lying about? After all, they know they are not proficient at English. This is not a mistake, it is deliberate fraud.
  22. The lying about English proficiency is an epidemic here. The real question is if they will lie about something so obvious, what else will they lie about to make sales? I guess I feel no regret about coming across as mean to liars.
  23. I don't think you read that carefully, @donnovan86 It clearly stated "Hi, we're writing to let you know that we have banned your account for no reason whatsoever. Thanks for understanding." - Fiverr Support
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