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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. At the end of the first quarter: Human 1, AI 0
  2. If anything, Fiverr should be promoting "Get great work from real, talented humans, not cut n' paste junk from a bot."
  3. Its like the room is full of IT geeks who are beside themselves over "The Latest Thing" and not one person from marketing or accounting is there to say, "Ya know this will put a lot of our sellers out of business." Always good to have an adult in the room.
  4. Yep. Fiverr thinks only sellers will use AI to create billable projects. They don't seem to realize that the more they promote AI, the more likely that buyers will just skip Fiverr and go ChatGPT and say "write a haiku about skipping Fiverr and using AI instead"
  5. I gotta stick with "Dinner's Ready!" - Mom
  6. @smashradio Great to see you Leo, we were wondering where you were.
  7. Only the truly mentally ill. Even you know who thinks so:
  8. AI cannot "create" anything. It can only replicate what has already been created by humans. There is no need to be scared unless your art is derivative as AI's is.
  9. This is absolutely wrong. The best thing to do is edit as much as it takes to optimize your gig. Don't worry, Fiverr prefers you have a great gig as opposed to one that could be better but remains weak because of unfounded superstation. Edit away! But if you are looking for an edit that would help you, you should remove anything that is not true from your profile, such as this:
  10. Ahh Yes, Fiver has a staff of 20 that sit and disable accounts for "No Reason", other than they giggle when they do it.
  11. Here's what they say about eligibility. Which Gigs can be promoted? To ensure a quality ad experience for buyers, only sellers who meet all our quality metrics can participate in this program. You are evaluated for Promoted Gig participation eligibility according to the following standards: You are a Level 1, Level 2, or Top Rated or Pro seller Your Gig scores are 4.7 in the public rating Your Gig has at least 20 reviews. Pro Gigs require only 5 reviews You meet additional quality metrics You can read more here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338
  12. True, but I'd rather they first find a way to opt out of the following spam, which makes me no money. Hi Dear, give me job. Hi, Can you look at my gig and advices me? Hi, I get no sales, do you need something done? Hi, Blah, Blah, Blah. The sponsored messages are clearly the lesser evil.
  13. Briefs were supposed to be relevant. And well....
  14. Understood. But I suppose Fiverr gets to decide in their world. He who writes the TOS... BTW, maybe coincidence but I got 2 promoted orders since they launched it this morning.
  15. Not when it is sponsored and sent by Fiverr I suppose.
  16. Promoted gigs has added "Inbox Ads" to the program to increase reach. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338
  17. You have a great ability to generate leads, but you don't have clients? So you are saying that people should pay you money to "generate leads", when you can't "generate leads" for yourself. You really need to beg a m.od to delete this post cause:
  18. Sorry, you have to work hard and fight to stand out against those who got here before you just like everyone else did No training wheels.
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