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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. I'll politely counter that argument with one word: Rothko. Would you pay $2.5M for this? Some dope did.
  2. Many would have opted for this:
  3. Nothing better than getting approval from the Vickies:
  4. Generally most messages describe to some point what they want. I don't recall someone asking for a quote without doing so. But I assume you cold always say, "Hi, tell me what you are looking for and I'll be happy to advise."
  5. newsmike


    Do you not recognize the problem with rewarding those who are breaking the rules of TOS? I'm sure they won't burn you later on when your delivery sucks. They will only break that first rule.
  6. If you are speaking in terms of business, writing is absolutely necessary. Memories fade conveniently when it's time to pay up, and then you gotta call the collection agency:
  7. Scientists aim to create AI from human brain cells: ‘New frontier’ The technology has come to be known as OI, or “organoid intelligence,” and scientists have already achieved success in “programming” organic materials. In October, scientists in Australia linked a dish of 800,000 living brain cells to a computer, successfully teaching it to play the 1970s video game Pong. https://nypost.com/2023/02/28/ai-could-be-created-with-our-own-brain-cells/
  8. You should use with caution. Here's an NBC story reporting on the inaccuracy of ChatGPT. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/fake-news-chatgpt-has-a-knack-for-making-up-phony-anonymous-sources/4120307/
  9. Here's a bunch of Top Rated Sellers who can help you. https://www.fiverr.com/search/gigs?query=vectorize&source=drop_down_filters&ref_ctx_id=63ff7de47b0cd0db59ae949f17bedfce&search_in=everywhere&search-autocomplete-original-term=vectorize&ref=seller_level%3Atop_rated_seller
  10. Despite using AI to fake your English proficiency, this is how you actually write. "As specialist of above mention skills, I am here to help you with all your projects." Please don't lie.
  11. Cancel the order. No excuse for that.
  12. Rather than asking us you may want to ask the potential buyer. I am a VO artist and routinely order VO's from other sellers when I need an additional voice for a project.
  13. No, may well contain bollocks, but bollocks created by a human. I will add that though. BTW, I missed 1 question on the English test, but that was because the test contained a typo.
  14. @imagination7413 Thank you for the $6 haircut video. Here is my new gig. https://www.fiverr.com/newsmike/fix-your-ai-written-script
  15. My friend @leannelrivers just posted this link in another thread, but it sure adds to the entire vibe that AI is yes, cheap, cheap, cheap, and based on wholesale plagiarism. It is a literal race to the bottom, and while plagiarism from one source is easily detected, mass plagiarism seems to be ok, as long as it is a $6 haircut. https://www.voquent.com/blog/whose-voice-is-it-anyway/
  16. That does not feel like protection from fraudsters, just a talking point and another "non answer, answer" to me.
  17. The best part is that is is set up as a scam from the onset. Q: Did you find any success? Remie: Revoicer.com have no registered address accessible anywhere online. Nowhere on the contact page or at the site footer could a business address be found. So, I contacted them through their support ticket system, and when I finally got a response, I was told flatly, ‘we can’t help you with that.’
  18. The same way they enforce the obvious fraud of literally thousands of sellers that we discuss here daily who are unable to speak 3rd grade English who claim to be "Fluent" in English. Or all the "digital marketing experts" begging on the forum that they cannot generate a lead while asking for help. They won't. The only difference is they have simply ignored the literacy fraud, but now they are actively promoting and instructing how to be more efficient and less detectable leveraging AI. Of course, saying at the end of the "how to" session, but please don't do this. Wink Wink.
  19. Exactly. We ask again and again "how will you deal with the fraud?" Yet that is always sidestepped or otherwise answered with a non effective, "Well, we'll ask the scammers to please be honest." As entertaining as that sentiment is, it may at first appear naïve, however, I think they are smart enough to know that it is an effective response, even though it is an obvious "non answer, answer." It would have been great if 10 seconds of this webinar would have dealt with how actual content producers would be protected, but instead it was a combination pep rally and instruction manual as to how to use AI to cut corners, fake qualifications and otherwise lower the quality of product offered and delivered on Fiverr. It clearly demonstrates that Fiverr has very different priorities from those of us who wish for a community of verified, honest, talented humans performing quality work, instead of enabling, training and cheering on the creation of dishonest and inferior content created in illiterate sweat shops. Otherwise, they could have answered my question, "How will you prevent the fraud." But then as now, all I hear is silence.
  20. @editors_picks I agree, it is important to be clear and state the exact content. Even though it has already been pointed out, by @melanielm Here is the precise statement once again. "Because if I if I need to have like 10 writers that will write 10 articles a week, now I can have why I engine that will write thousands of articles in an hour and also generate large volumes of content weekly." (Quote from the transcript that obviously contradicts the above claim.) Why are you denying something that appears right in the transcript and video. When you asked me to refrain from speculating as to content of the webinar, I gladly complied. How disappointing that once I accurately reported on something that was said, you accuse me of misrepresenting it, despite the fact that your own transcript and video prove me correct. Is it so hard to simply admit I am right?
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