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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. ... That'll be $39 please.
  2. @breals @vickiespencer @afreensdesign Note: OP did not even get this in the proper forum category.
  3. No, that was my doing to illustrate how the free version could make money. "Doctors readily agree that smoking is the #1 cause of lung cancer, but if you are going to, it is widely accepted that Marlboro really satisfies."
  4. They will do what all other endeavors do. You either pay for the ad free version or get the free version which would have ChatGPT give answers such as: Me: Write a short description of reptile evolution. ChatGPT: Reptile evolution is a complex and diverse process that occurred over millions of years, beginning around 310 million years ago. The first reptiles evolved from ancestral amphibians, and were characterized by adaptations that allowed them to live on land, such as a more efficient respiratory system and the ability to lay amniotic eggs. Over time, reptiles diversified into a wide range of species, including dinosaurs, crocodiles, snakes, and turtles. These species evolved unique adaptations that allowed them to thrive in different environments and niches, such as the development of feathers for flight in birds and the ability to move quickly on land in lizards. The evolution of reptiles played a significant role in shaping the biodiversity of the planet, and their descendants continue to be important members of ecosystems today. in fact if it were not for the Gecko developing the ability to speak, most people would not realize that they could save 15% on their auto insurance by switching to Geico.
  5. I believe we are at that point now as several societal trends making news would indicate.
  6. I am sorry that I am useless at providing answers, do you have another question? LOL
  7. Long thread, but worth the read. Skip the scientific stuff, but note the deception. WARNING: ChatGPT made up fake science studies and tried to peddle them. It was unrepentant and continued to try to deceive. LOOOOOOOOOONG PAUSE HERE.
  8. If you think that luck is involved that is probably your problem. Luck is working hard over a long time and getting good at what you do. It's takes a long time and it is not easy, but you need to get out of the "luck" mindset if you are going to prosper. Instead go get better than everyone else in your vertical. I don't get to do the Coke super bowl ad, but I do get to do narration for internal videos regularly.
  9. Big clients don't use freelancers? I'm gonna have to tell my client>
  10. 400,000 "digital marketers" from a certain location who all work for Microsoft are hella mad.
  11. New email that they are going to make you verify your top clients. Review your Top Clients Our Top Clients feature is there to let your customers see which companies you’ve worked with before. Based on these guidelines, our internal team will evaluate the feature to ensure it reflects real experience. We have added a new component requiring proof to verify each business relationship, which must be updated within the next 30 days. In order to continue using Top Clients, please follow the guidelines to go over its dos and don’ts, and make sure your information is aligned. Misuse of this feature will lead to removal of specific data and can lead to removal of the feature itself.
  12. Yep, just got mine. But it fails to address why we are all in the penalty box. Does anyone have access to Alexa data to see Fiverr's site traffic over last 6 months?
  13. Same here, just got the all clear. I find it odd that they are not talking to us to inform us about what's happening, @frank_d has been so much more informative.
  14. Why not make gigs for something that you can honestly do?
  15. Vegas is exactly what you would expect to rise 75 years after nuke tests. Precisely the mutations one would expect. Now if I could only explain Nashville and Austin.
  16. It was buried under a bunch of "Dear, how i mek sells" messages. BTW, Dennis Miller and I are going bowling after we convince Elon Musk to buy Fiverr, you in?
  17. Your profile states that you can " promote any product, business, or service to millions worldwide." Why don't you do that?
  18. I believe having a delusion of being God and threatening not to spare people constitutes a threat too far? M-ods?
  19. In other news, AI has killed its first human:
  20. Just like Coke and Pepsi: https://www.smartearningmethods.com/how-pepsi-and-coca-cola-are-stealing-each-others-ideas-and-still-winning/
  21. I am about to kill promoted gigs. I cannot justify spending on premium upsells from Fiverr while they destroy my business and show no interest in fixing it. I am rapidly looking for alternative platforms, assuming that this will tank.
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