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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. The email is very obvious. You now wait while they look at your account. They will tell you their decision.
  2. YOU: I can't make sales, help! US: Your images could be improved. YOU: NO, they are the best in the category. Why ask if you won't listen?
  3. Totally agree. Then the question is would you continue to pay a plumber who doesn't know how to fix your sink? There are some systemic issues here. 1. The algorithm is band aided together for years and is probably not understood by anyone at Fiverr. 2. The algo is also flooded with millions of gigs that are deadwood and outright scams that jam up the works. 3. Support (SP) as evidenced in this thread don't even care enough to read and respond to the actual issue. They skim and send the same cut and paste responses that they always do. 4. Coders and academics make up the entire workforce. None of then seem to me to have ever been successful sellers or marketers. Systemic issues require massive interventions. Twiter's rebirth under Elon is the kind of change needed. In fact I am starting to suspect that Fiverr is shopping for a buyer.
  4. No one comes to your house and knocks on your door.
  5. This is a new experience for a bunch of successful sellers simultaneously. It was once we realized that it was a systemic issue and not related to seller performance, we turned to our respective SM's. I hope you get better results, but as you probably have already learned, they are either unable or unwilling to deep dive and resolve the issue. Many of us are cancelling SP.
  6. newsmike


    It is not a question of fairness. That's how Fiverr works. No one is obligated to contact you first. Why did you sign up if you don't like the way Fiverr is designed?
  7. If the algorithm feels you are severely underpriced, why would you fight that? Do what they say and you will get promoted more and make more money. I fail to see a problem here.
  8. I believe that if you would actually read the thread you would understand what I am saying. We have all done that and are frustrated by the lack of quality, actionable advice the SM's are giving us. There are at least a dozen people stating as much. Have you actually read the comments?
  9. I most certainly do. This is perhaps thh dumbest piece of nonsense on the forum. Even most noobs know better.
  10. When spewing nonsense, reality is automatically suspended.
  11. You are not only wrong, but you are now in the hall of fame of wrong. There is now a picture of you hanging in the "Nonsense and Bollocks" wing.
  12. Yes. You see someone with 3,000 orders completed and 100% 5 star reviews, you know, without a doubt that they have agree to cancel and give work away free every time someone even threatens a bad review. I do not accept that volume sellers have never encountered a scammer or bully. This is sanitizing your reviews, completely dishonest and misrepresents your actual performance. Fortunately it is also a huge red flag if you watch for it. This is iPhone 13 on Amazon. This is what honest reviews look like:
  13. Hi Ran, I truly appreciate the response. May I suggest that there is a systemic issue which is greatly documented in this thread which is affecting a lot of successful sellers. Please read through to see what has occurred and how frustrated we all are in the responses we have received from SM's so far. I suggest a Zoom call for the folks in this thread with the SM team to discuss the issues at hand. I believe many in this thread have felt unheard by their SM's and perhaps a meeting of the minds can help. Please advise. Thanks
  14. I know. Won't even read the post, and 15 parrots will respond "Great."
  15. How's that advice working for you? You claim "I'm a Digital Marketer and SEO expert." Yet, you have zero sales. Also kinda entertaining is that you write like this: " I'm always available for my client . just knocks me once , I'll be there for you ." Yet you claim: You might try learning instead of parroting nonsense answers which clearly are not working for you. Also, taking false statements off your profile may help also.
  16. One of the most common posts we see is when a buyer demands a cancellation after work has been delivered and the seller has to deal with the cancel request. The TOS actually provides solid guidance and is actually on the seller's side with one major caveat. If you have done everything that is promised in your gig description and offer, the order is not eligible to be cancelled, period. TOS states: Orders are not eligible to be canceled based on the quality of service/materials delivered by the Seller if the service was rendered as described in the Gig Page. You may rate your experience with the Seller on the Order Page, including the overall level of service quality received. If you have not done all that was promised, cancellation is valid, but if you promise nothing more than "I will draw 5 cows", the buyer cannot come back and complain that they were the wrong color, or all 5 cows should have been different drawings, etc... UNLESS, they specified that in their requirements. Make sure you deliver all that has been promised and agreed to, then stick to "hell no" when someone invents a right to review and cancel, which exists solely in their mind, but not in TOS. Note: you have to be willing to fight, professionally, to defend this position, including not caving to threat of a bad review or else you will be doomed to blackmail and performing free work forever. This is intended for those willing to defend a job well done. You may give me a bad review, but I will keep your money and my dignity:
  17. ... or is trying to scam you. The best advice I can offer you is to ask "Did I deliver everything that was promised in the offer and in my gig description?" If the answer is yes, then stick to your guns and do not agree to a cancel. TOS backs you on this. It states: “orders are not eligible to be cancelled based on the quality of service/materials delivered by the seller if the service was rendered as described in the gig page." https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service The fact that he waited till last minute suggests scammer to me. Go get 'em.
  18. I think the 3 questions that Fiverr has inserted themselves which appear above your questions are far more annoying. I only use one very broad question as a catch all and it reads: "Please tell me about the style you are looking for. Also tell me about any special direction, pronunciations or instructions needed. You may include links to YouTube videos or samples in my portfolio to demonstrate the style of delivery you want." I suppose I could add more, but so far this has worked. Curious to see what you end up with.
  19. Yes. AI to mask English deficiencies! Race to the bottom.
  20. If you have delivered what was promised in your offer and gig description then you should stand your ground and fight as the TOS backs you up on this. I would keep replying as follows: "When you joined Fiverr, you agreed to their terms of service (TOS) and it is very clear as to why this order is not eligible for cancellation. it states, “orders are not eligible to be cancelled based on the quality of service/materials delivered by the seller if the service was rendered as described in the gig page." https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service You have to be persistent but keep hammering him with this.
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