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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Exactly. We ask again and again "how will you deal with the fraud?" Yet that is always sidestepped or otherwise answered with a non effective, "Well, we'll ask the scammers to please be honest." As entertaining as that sentiment is, it may at first appear naïve, however, I think they are smart enough to know that it is an effective response, even though it is an obvious "non answer, answer." It would have been great if 10 seconds of this webinar would have dealt with how actual content producers would be protected, but instead it was a combination pep rally and instruction manual as to how to use AI to cut corners, fake qualifications and otherwise lower the quality of product offered and delivered on Fiverr. It clearly demonstrates that Fiverr has very different priorities from those of us who wish for a community of verified, honest, talented humans performing quality work, instead of enabling, training and cheering on the creation of dishonest and inferior content created in illiterate sweat shops. Otherwise, they could have answered my question, "How will you prevent the fraud." But then as now, all I hear is silence.
  2. @editors_picks I agree, it is important to be clear and state the exact content. Even though it has already been pointed out, by @melanielm Here is the precise statement once again. "Because if I if I need to have like 10 writers that will write 10 articles a week, now I can have why I engine that will write thousands of articles in an hour and also generate large volumes of content weekly." (Quote from the transcript that obviously contradicts the above claim.) Why are you denying something that appears right in the transcript and video. When you asked me to refrain from speculating as to content of the webinar, I gladly complied. How disappointing that once I accurately reported on something that was said, you accuse me of misrepresenting it, despite the fact that your own transcript and video prove me correct. Is it so hard to simply admit I am right?
  3. It already is rampant here in the forum. So I would be confident to say that it is also being used to misrepresent qualifications and fluency on the main site as well.
  4. Be sure to leeva a pawsatative reveew of my writin skillz. thanks ewe
  5. I wrote you a response. That'll be $40 please.
  6. And Fiverr seems to not care enough to even address the question., Race to the bottom.
  7. Bingo. They will not address this, and I believe they are intentionally confusing the faking of interactions and qualifications (like the faking job applications) with disclosing that seller is using AI in their gig. I get the feeling they are so over the top in love with this AI that they don't really care if their 20% comes from humans providing original work, or bots regurgitating previous work.
  8. They are taking the following approach: Write 900 page book on how to build a bomb. Add sentence at the beginning that says. "You should not build bombs, but here's how to do it."
  9. Not the first time that I have asked about fraud prevention in a webinar, only to be ignored.
  10. To summarize: AI is great AI is super cool AI is amazing Here's a bunch of engines to use Here's where you sell AI stuff on Fiverr It even helps fake job applications You can sell AI deliveries In the Q&A, every question was answered prior to and after mine, which was ignored. @editors_picks Why did you suggest that this might be addressed? I called it 100%.
  11. Showing off Fiverr AI vertical and all the "beautiful things that can be done with AI"
  12. 7. To Developers, AI can also write code. Which is Amazing!
  13. 30 minutes watching David edit images of himself.
  14. I am Liveblogging the webinar at this thread.
  15. 45 minutes into webinar. So far. 1. What is AI? How does it work? 2. AI is growing rapidly. 3. The Rise of "New Skills" Prompt engineering. 4. AI content writing. Goal is to reduce costs. Now you can add AI to replace humans. 5. Demonstration. David says AI can be faster and better. Conducts a "How To" tutorial on how to use AI. 6. Directs sellers to numerous AI engines that can be used.
  16. Fair enough. I will wait and see what the webinar has to say about the current use of ChatGPT with regard to fakery. I'm sure you have seen the many examples of it here in the forum already, as well as sellers who have perfect bot written gig descriptions, yet cannot communicate in English here in forum when they post. I will wait till after the webinar to comment on what Fiverr will be doing to stop that.
  17. Sure, look up the definition of "final."
  18. Sell stuff that people want
  19. That IS a problem. I thought all 5,000,000 gigs were supposed to be #1 at the same time. I'd demand to speak to the manager right away.
  20. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll hold a webinar explaining how soon.
  21. They have already thrown in the towel. If Fiverr was a Rolex retailer, they would be sponsoring seminars called, "How $15 counterfeits are good for business." The worst part is that Fiverr does not even understand our concerns. Notice their words "AI got you spooked?" If they were paying attention, they would understand that we are not scared of AI, we are annoyed that Fiverr is allowing low quality/low English sellers to fake their work and conversations, thereby setting buyers up for more disappointment and once again weakening the platform's image by not chasing out the fakers and scammers, but instead instructing them how to cheat more efficiently.
  22. But at the same time, they are holding webinars encouraging the use of AI to mask quality deficiencies and spoof English proficiency. Just don't fake the profile pic?
  23. You may come up with a better way to say it. I haven't offered the paid consultations and don't plan on it for that same reason. Plus this way allows me far more control over scheduling, and even not booking one if it seems like a mismatch with the buyer.
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