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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. If your gigs are approved and online, it will show up in search results after a while. It might take a little bit of time after you've made your gig. Also, remember that it can be difficult to find your own gig in search results. Easy to miss a gig when you're browsing through thousands of gigs.
  2. Sudden dips like that could be caused by negative, private feedback. Perhaps you didn't do a good job with one of your buyers? A drop in buyer satisfaction rate and/or other stats will cause your gigs to drop.
  3. What do you base that on? What's your source? Because none of the great sellers I know of have nose diving earnings. I'd sure love to know why you think this is. Exactly. You're talking for yourself. I've made roughly the same so far this month as any previous month, and I'm doing better and better for every year. That's because I do a good job. Fiverr values quality and happy buyers. If you want to "beat" the algorithm, the solution is simple: do a good job.
  4. Yes, you can use Fiverr on multiple devices, but you can only have one account. So you're free to use your Fiverr account on your phone and both PCs, but you can't have more than one Fiverr account.
  5. Last week, a buyer uploaded the wrong script to their voice-over order. They noticed their mistake, corrected it immediately, and asked me if that would be a problem. The word count was very similar, so I told the buyer that I would make sure to record the correct script. Typically, I download all scripts I need to record the next day before the end of my workday. But this time, I forgot. The next day I sat in my booth, and I noticed, so I pulled the scripts directly from the orders on Fiverr. The recording session went fine, and I delivered all my orders. Five minutes later, the buyer sent a revision request. I had sent them the wrong voice-over based on the wrong script that they had uploaded when placing the order. It was time to pull up my "I blew this" checklist. I thought I'd share it with you guys. It might help you deal with situations like this. Here it is: Own your mistake. Take responsibility for what happened and apologize. Be sincere. It was your fault. Don't point fingers at anyone else. Explain why the mistake happened, and stick to the truth. If you forgot, tell them. It helps to humanize you. The buyer can relate to forgetting because everyone does it sometimes. Offer the buyer some incentive to return, like a discount on their next order. It shows that you're sincere and want to make this up to them. It does make a difference, even if they never order from you again. Ask the buyer what you can do to make it better while stating the obvious (in this case: "I will re-record this for you immediately. Given that we are where we are, is there anything else I can do to make this better?") The client wanted to make a minor edit to their script this time around but didn't want to ask for it, because it would be added work for me. I told them I'd be more than happy to add those lines, free of charge. That's the least I could do. Even though the buyer had to wait a couple of hours longer, I managed to turn the situation around. That's how you deal with your mistakes. You don't blame the buyer. You don't try to shift the blame onto someone else or something external. You don't come up with some wild story about how the cat ate your keyboard. I've worked with several sellers on Fiverr who did that. You won't believe the stories I've heard. One guy even took the time to write 500 words of bull*** about how his daughter was pregnant. He looked like he was about 18 on his profile picture. I called him out, and he changed his explanation to "he forgot." Don't be that seller.
  6. Gotta have some fun with them, beyond just reading them. When it comes to the Nietzsche quote, you're absolutely right. It's a good quote, but as far as I can see, it's not from him.
  7. No, if you agree on extending the delivery time, this will not affect your visibility on Fiverr in any way, as far as I know. But try to avoid it when you can, because it might disappoint your buyer, even though they say it's ok. For that reason, they might leave negative, private feedback if things take longer than originally planned, and that will harm your visibility.
  8. Could you provide a screenshot of the entire page for us? In the meantime, steps you can try: Make sure that all fields have been filled out correctly. Try in a different browser Clear your browser cache and try again
  9. No. Beyond the standard steps you should take like using gig tags, including relevant keywords in your gig descriptions and title and so on, what matters if you want to succeed is that you're actually great at what you do. If you're a true professional, you can succeed.
  10. By doing excellent work according to your skills that will impress your buyers.
  11. From what I can see, this is a totally normal stat. It goes up and down. Your placement in search is not permanent and is based on your performance – but importantly, also on the performance of your competition! Gigs will get rotated in search results based on this. If you've seen a drop in sales lately, it could be because it's summer (lots of people going on vacation) or it could be that a buyer left negative, private feedback to Fiverr about one of your services.
  12. How many clicks and impressions did you expect? You're a new seller with no proven ability in a category with more than 30.000 other gigs. Did you expect to get to the top in 14 days? Here's a great place to start learning. Just be warned: starting a business and succeeding takes years of effort, hard work, investment and skill.
  13. Fiverr. With a V. If you think keyword density will determine gig success, you're mistaken. Gigs are not "ranked." Your gig visibility depends on buyer satisfaction, gig quality, sales, and other stats. That means you have to offer something that people actually want to buy and then make those buyers happy. It's not about keyword density. It's about running a business with satisfied customers. Stop believing in the myths you've heard. You won't succeed just based on your keywords. As for your last question, Fiverr doesn't want to market a seller that's not active on Fiverr to their buyers. Fiverr has no reason to market you if you're not making money. Not to be unkind, but your gig videos are not professional. Your thumbnails aren't attractive. Your gig description is more like a long list of over-formatted keywords. I highly recommend that you update yourself on current design trends and perhaps hire a professional video editor and voice-over talent for your gig videos.
  14. It's the Handout Mentality and Dunning-Kruger at full swing, and it's only getting worse. Entitlement, baby. The world is getting increasingly narcissistic. What gives me a good chuckle, is people defending entitlement as something that's not inherently bad. WebMD classifies Entitlement Mentality as a narcissistic personality disorder. Some of the traits*: Put themself first (expect to be on the top even though it would put those who are actually deserving of being there in their spot) Think they know the “right” way (the easy solutions often shared on this forum) Think about themself most of the time and talk about themself a lot (why my gig no rank, why my impressions down, why fiverr not fair) Crave attention and admiration (congratulate me, pray for me) Exaggerate their talents and achievements (expart digital marketer) Believe they’re special (I get one review why no more orders i deserve more orders now!!) Set unrealistic goals (even entertaining the idea that they can reach the top with such a mentality in the first place) https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/narcissistic-personality-disorder *(comments in parentheses are mine)
  15. Yes. Your cancellation rate is account-wide, meaning it will affect your entire account.
  16. I don't mind if they rush me. I have a rush fee for those occasions. I usually deliver most VOs in 24 hours or less, and the client can pay extra to get it even faster. But I'm not a fan of working on weekends. At least not at 100%. But if the client want to pay for the privilege of having me record in my PJs at 3 am on a sunday morning, I will.
  17. Indeed - haha. Yeah it sometimes happens, but not like today. It's mostly smaller orders or time-sensitive stuff. Tuesday is my big "order day", normally. I wonder if these people think before they act. I bet they would appreciate the boss coming into the office on Friday afternoon with a huge project. "Have it ready on Monday, thank you very much".
  18. I try to not be busy on the weekends. This week was nothing special at all, until today - haha. Yeah my inbox has been the place to be this friday, for sure. And no spam! That's perhaps even more unusual.
  19. This week has been relatively slow. I had about ten orders (two of them being large enough to make me smile) but nothing over the top. I was looking forward to a relaxing Friday. Nothing ever happens on Fridays. Perhaps the odd buyer will pop in with a question or a revision request, but never anything significant. On top of that, it's the summer holidays in lots of places. But this Friday has been crazy. Three new orders popped in on their own. Then I landed a 4000-word eLearning project for a big corporation, a 3000-word and a 6000-word translation through custom offers, from buyers who decided that "now is the time!" I'm glad I can plan stuff like this, so I don't need to complete all the jobs this weekend. But damn. What a Friday! How's your week been?
  20. The man liked his contradictions. "“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”― Friedrich Nietzsche (You can't have truth without fact, but the man was a philospher, so it is to be expected.) One subject he clearly was consistent on is punishment. He thought that all conventional justifications for punishment were irrelevant, in a sense, and that punishment (and the need to punish) was, in fact, simply an instinct – a "will to life" and "will to power." It's interesting stuff. If we internalize our instincts, it can cause what Nietzsche liked to call "ressentiment." I'll counter this one with a quote from Anton LaVey, who interestingly enough, was inspired by Nietzsche. “Why should I not hate mine enemies―if I "love" them does that not place me at their mercy?” The power of words and the words of power.
  21. It sounds like a bug of some kind. Have you tried reinstalling the app? If that doesn't work, I suggest contacting support with screenshots. Maybe it's a known issue.
  22. Not at all! I love a good quote or ten! I think that's my favorite from your list. I like quotes with humor.
  23. You should never massage your clients without their prior consent. Also, I recommend not knocking your buyers. It can hurt to get knocked. With that out of the way: It's normal for buyers to chat with different sellers in order to fint the right one for them. It sounds like they found someone else who was a better match, leaving you hanging. This happens. You could probably improve your communication skills. Knowing how to communicate with buyers properly can help you land more sales. I recommend that you take some English classes and customer service classes. Having skills in customer support can really help. And if a buyer stops responding to you, don't keep messaging them. That's called spam, and it could get you in trouble. Best of luck! 🙂
  24. It could be any number of reasons. Most likely it's a loss of data (think of your logins like cookies on a computer. If the data becomes corrupt or something doesn't match, expect trouble). It could also be that your telecom operator suddenly gave you a new IP or that something else triggered a safety feature within the app, prompting the logout. Or it could just be that the app updated in the background, requiring you to log back in after the update for some reason. Getting logged off without explanation happens from time to time with apps. I would only get scared if I couldn't log back in.
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