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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. Multiple account is considered anyone who has more than one account. Since the system is very automated, it can also be triggered if you're more than one person offering similar services from the same IP. I'm not sure what's unclear to you. You're asking: "I use multiple account in multiple device but same service and same internet connection. so, Will I break Fiverr Rules?" The answer is yes. If you do that, you're breaking Fiverr rules.
  2. Read the entire post + all the posts linked to in the first post of this topic:
  3. Everyone has the right to block other people on the platform, for any reason. They don't have to explain themselves to you. If they want to block you, they can. As for the reasons, I can't really say why this happens to you so frequently. Perhaps you're making demands or asking for redicilous amounts of work at low prices? I wouldn't know. If someone contacts me with a stupid budget or request, I'm not always in the mood to waste time on them, so I block them. Except for spam, that's probably reason number one for blocking people, at least for me. But again: I'm not presuming to know the reasons why they have blocked you. Maybe you've just been unlucky with your sellers.
  4. I don't want my buyers to knock me. It hurts to get knocked.
  5. I suggest searching the forum for your question, before posting. This question gets posted by 10+ sellers every day. Here's another post I responded to about marketing your gig:
  6. Whatever floats your boat. 😄 Happy to be of help!
  7. I suggest you read the terms you agreed to when signing up for Fiverr. It's your responsibility to know the terms, and you did agree that you've read them when you made your account. @seven_signis right. You risk getting all your accounts suspended if you do this. It's a direct violation of the terms: Multiple Accounts - To prevent fraud and abuse, users are limited to one active Fiverr account and one active Fiverr Business account. Any additional account determined to be created to circumvent guidelines, promote competitive advantages, or mislead the Fiverr community will be disabled. Mass account creation may result in disabling of all related accounts. Note: any violations of Fiverr’s Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards is a cause for permanent suspension of all accounts. https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service
  8. Yeah we have the same here, usually. But we just moved to the north of the island (Gran Canaria) and it's colder here. The south can be scorching in the summer. In the winter time it drops down to 10 - 12 degrees at night in the north. That's when I use three duvets and sleep fully dressed with a heater on. 😂
  9. Your gig video could perhaps use a voice-over. It doesn't feel as engaging as it could be. Using that "space" to explain more about your services and value proposition could engage more of your potential buyers and increase the conversion rate. Your profile picture reminds me more of an Instagram feed than a professional business portrait. There is nothing wrong with being personal, but it might make you seem more professional and dedicated to your business if you go for a more business portrait-style profile picture. There are some punctuation mistakes in your profile description, and it doesn't seem as well-polished as your gig description. You call yourself a perfectionist, which needs to be clearly communicated by not having grammar issues in your profile description. Your gig graphics are not bad, but I would consider removing the Grammarly screenshot. Using Grammarly (however magnificent) can make it seem like you need help writing great content. Not sure if that's the message you want to send to your buyers. I see you have a couple of orders in your queue and a rising talent badge. That's awesome! Keep doing what you're doing and improve what you can. Best of luck!
  10. Haha! I'm the guy wearing a full three piece suit in 28C/82F without breaking a sweat. I'm also the dude wearing a Canada Goose jacket if it drops below 15C/59F 😂 Some say this is a sign I am from Venus. I'll take it, too! 😄 There's a Norwegian movie, titled "Shooting the sun". It's a terrible movie. But the dude gets sick and dies from a growing heart. He kept shooting at the sun with his shot gun in the movie. 🤣 It's not Swedish. It's Norwegian.
  11. Well, first of all, doing orders for free is stupid. No professional would do that. It's like putting up a big sign saying "I don't know what I'm doing". In regards to what you can do as a new seller, here are some tips:
  12. I was born in Norway. It can get hot there (today it's been 28°C in Northern Norway and my buddy up there is sweating at the moment, not used to the heat - that's up at the polar circle!) but usually it's very cold. Freezing cold. Horrible. But I've lived in Gran Canaria for the past 10 years and I also (partially) grew up here. So I'm very used to the heat. Cold, on the other hand, I can't handle. I suffer from cold urticaria, which basically is like an allergy to cold. I get hives, can go into shock, pass out and get scary blood pressure dips due to the cold. Can't even handle a breeze on a mild day or the metal from an armrest at a cafe without getting hives. So give me scorching heat any day. But Gran Canaria, usually known for it's heat, has been rather chilly. It's warmer up at the arctic circle than here in (geographic) Africa! An ice cold alcohol free beer. I'm a simple man. A beer and a cigar. That's all I want.
  13. You should be fine asking that. Of course, they can refuse to give it to you, but since it would be only natural for you to check out their content in order to better understand their channel, viewers and demographics, it makes total sense asking them to provide their channel name inside the order.
  14. Have you asked customer support to cancel it for you? I see you already have spoken to them, but they should be able to cancel the order if you have tried explaining this to your buyer without success and they refuse to cancel.
  15. I'm not 100% sure what you're asking. Fiverr suggests marketing in social media – not spamming. Unfortunately, many new sellers think that posting their gig in random Facebook groups or in "share your gig"-groups will help. It won't, of course. When Fiverr talk about marketing in social media, it could be things like setting up a Facebook page for your Fiverr business and market that page to gather a following relevant to your niche. It could be using LinkedIn, or paid advertisements to send traffic to your landing page in order to funnel buyers into your Fiverr gig. Fiverr doesn't mean random sharing in social media. They mean marketing. These are two very different things. Too bad so many newbies don't realize it.
  16. Yeah that sounds like review scams. Or it could be buyers with multiple accounts, but I doubt it. Can't say for sure, though.
  17. Here's how I avoid domestic duties: When it comes to relaxing and unwinding as a freelancer, I often play Microsoft Flight Simulator. Just relaxing and flying with buddies helps me unwind and I love learning how to "fly" so you'll often find me reading the user manuals for complex airliners like the Boeing 737. I know, I'm a nerd. Haha. I also travel a lot. I've just spent the last week at a nice hotel, just to relax. Brought the wife and kid. Just enjoying some luxury, even for a day or two, can make a lot of difference. Even though I have a nice house, there's something to be said for decadent golden chandeliers, huge plush chairs and hotel linen. You can even bring your work with you. It really motivates me to work hard and be effecient when I'm working from home, since I'm never going to an office and so on. It can be good being around other people, have a change of pace and new surroundings.
  18. A way around this would be to include it at the top of your gig description. Heck, make it a huge selling point by stating in bold: "Commercial rights includied on all orders!".
  19. You should focus on improving your gigs. If you don't sell well, Fiverr won't spend valuable space on their website for your gig and you'll get fewer impressions. I checked out your gigs. Here's what I would look at, if I were you: Thumbnails: Too much text! It's unreadable on smaller devices and it looks messy. I recommend that you hire a professional designer here on Fiverr. Profile description: Full of grammar mistakes, bad English. Looks messy and clearly not written by someone fluent. If you want people to hire you to do their accounting, you should learn to write properly first. How can I, as a buyer, trust that you'll do a good job, if you haven't taken the time to write a good profile description? I'm not saying this to be rude. It's just the truth. You can't expect someone to trust you with their finances if they don't trust you. Gig description: Same as profile description. A lot of issues. Gig video: At the moment, you don't have one. GIg videos can help your gigs stand out but only if they are professionally produced. Hire animators or video editors here on Fiverr to help you, or set up a good camera in a good looking, professional office, and film yourself while explaining what you can offer, why the buyer should pick you and what makes your service unique. Last alternative should only be used if your spoken English is up to par. Hope this helps! :)
  20. You don't say what the warnings where about or your mistake. Anyway, this is probably something you should ask customer support about, since everyone on the forum are sellers just like you. We can't give you a definitive answer to your question. I will say this, though: if you're loaning money from Fiverr and you already need a new loan, you're on the wrong path in life. I would worry more about getting my stuff together than if you can take up a new loan.
  21. Congos my good man on ranking best keywords on Fiber. :D
  22. I wonder where the word "Knock" came from in this use case. I see it over and over again from non-western sellers. Is it a word used in Arabic? "Come knock me?". Or is it just a misunderstanding of the term "come knocking"? I don't know, but I find it hilarious. I don't want my buyers to knock me. That would hurt.
  23. I see your point. But the fact is that this is very difficult to do across multiple languages, and it's rather easy to circumvent. Safe to say; if an AI company wanted my voice, they would have to set me up for life. Then, and only then, would I consider it.
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