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Ever work with some bigger brands?


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Hi Everyone!

We know sellers provide great work daily for clients, both big and small. For those of you who have had a chance to work with some bigger brands, we want to hear from you!

What kind of work have you done and for what clients (if you can share)?
We’d love the chance to talk to you about it and see how we can tell your story to the Fiverr community and potentially beyond.

-MJ (Fiverr Community Guy)

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I’ve worked with a Remax affiliate. (Not the big Remax but someone entitled to use the Remax logo). I’ve also recently worked on sales copy pieces promoting Sage for a national Sage software vendor, as well as Malta’s leading fast-food delivery company. - That last one wasn’t on Fiverr though.

In either case, if you are looking for people with links to big brands that you can promote to say how amazing Fiverr is, you might have a hard time. With my Sage and Remax work, all that came through resellers. i.e People already outsourcing their own clients work to Fiverr. The Remax and Sage people I worked for won’t, therefore, know that their work got done via Fiverr and I’m guessing that if they ever found out there could be problems.

In short, Fiverr is supposed to be a secret. The fewer people who know about it, the better the world is for resellers who bring in the most business.

That said, I did just do a property sales video for a new housing development in Austin, in this case, maybe you could/should focus your marketing outreach onto mid-big sized upcoming brands, the kind who find Fiverr organically by themselves and use it as their own secret weapon for grass roots business success.

Besides, big brands want people to think they have just spent gazillions on their latest sales copy and the like because being big is part of their brand identity. Upcoming brands, on the other hand, would jump at the chance to get any kind of cross promotion.

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Hello MJ,

In case, you’re after such stories http://blog.fiverr.com/back-to-the-startup-grind-startupgrindla-recap/

I’ve written for seven different startups. And I’d like ( insist on) five of them to be featured on Fiverr. Other two were a bit too manipulative. But feel free to cover them as well!

P.S. I won’t be replying here.

Jolly good,

Ash 🙂

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I have to agree with @cyaxrex. I’ve worked for a number of notable brands, organizations, and individuals (including businesses with franchise locations across the USA, recognizable product brands, heck, even a popular Country Music singer, and a NASA astronaut), but I’m fairly certain all of them would prefer that I not name them, or tout my working relationship with them here on Fiverr. They come here to find skilled freelancers to work with; they seek project help, not publicity. I agree with cyaxrex, anonymity is part of what makes Fiverr the success that it is. It’s what makes Fiverr work. I don’t know if it’s wise to challenge that concept.

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I’ve done work for clients who’s clients were quite notable. Not allowed share though. As the others have said, pretty sure most brands don’t want to be associated with buying on Fiverr. Don’t get me wrong, I love Fiverr’s quality and value but the perception “out there” is different.
If you don’t agree with me, check the comments on the Gary Vee/CFO video to see what the general public think. Especially bare in mind that most of those are Gary Vee fanboys who swallow anything he says, yet they comment against Fiverr even though their “Dear Leader” is recommending them (badly).

Anyhoo, perhaps a feature on the buyers who simply got/get the work they want done and done well would be a better idea. I don’t think we are going to get big brands here directly, so we can’t name them - focus on the type of client that makes up the majority of our sales and focus on more of those. I can assure you that big brands don’t make up much of the other gig/f’lancer sites’ sales. Tell everyone to “Come to Fiverr and get the work you need done, done well, done cheaper/within budget”.
Get more small/medium businesses on board. Perhaps an absolutely simplistic explainer video for newbies to buying. A step by step of how it works would do wonders for reassuring buyers and also stop them wasting a seller’s time with general questions.

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i worked for a leading electronic brand in India(LG) through Fiverr… they messaged asking for samples and they were happy with my quick response… apart from this being a voice artist i tend to mostly work with animators - video production houses - ad agencies who seldom reveal client names until the script comes out 🙂

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As @cyaxrex, @jonbaas and many others, I also had the chance to work with well known companies – amongst them a major record studio. It was through a probably outsourcing employee of the studio who didn’t want to do the job by himself. If this was public, he’d certainly lose his job. I already listened to the song in the radio and it still got my changes.
In my requirements section I always ask my customers if I may use their work for promotional usage. The big fishes decline and don’t even leave feedback in most cases. But in my experience, between them and you, it’s not them who you’re talking to, there’s someone else on the fishing line, outsourcing you being outsourced him/herself (or hired in the first place).

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Guest silkroute

My last two deliveries have been ‘big brands’. Without disclosing their identity on the forum, one was a big brand which operates out of the Bank Of America towers, and another was a Hollywood stylist.

I’d love to talk about it with you on private message. What is the best protocol to go about it? shall I message the buyers to seek their permission before proceeding?

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Guest sagor577

4 days ago i create a email signature for a buyer he keep me busy 2 days and give me $4 … it is my story on fiverr… not only one buyer … many buyer did like this… but i can’t skip him or hear because he or she put a bad review in my profile…it is the story

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