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Official feedback thread re: the new leveling system

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Out of curiosity, has anyone seen someone who has been given PRO status that doesn't have a perfect 10 for their Success Score? Not saying it hasn't happened, just genuinely wondering if there are any screenshots of PRO Sellers without 10's?

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44 minutes ago, lukesdesigns said:

Out of curiosity, has anyone seen someone who has been given PRO status that doesn't have a perfect 10 for their Success Score? Not saying it hasn't happened, just genuinely wondering if there are any screenshots of PRO Sellers without 10's?

I am a TRS and PRO seller with a score of 9. Screenshot attached from my dashboard at the moment. My supposed "negative impact" detractor is "Communication."

Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 9.58.39 AM.png

Edited by texvox
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On their website, they've revised the success score for level 2 sellers from 10 to 7. While this allows for a broader population to meet the criteria, it subjects sellers, who've received unfair reviews, to feelings of even

27 minutes ago, pixel_evo said:

did anyone got the update yet? can't see anything on fiverr app / web. seems like nothing's been changed yet.
有人得到更新了吗?在 Fiverr 应用程序/网络上看不到任何内容。似乎什么都没有改变。


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LoL, welcome to the mud bath!! Everyone is going to get a little dirty. 

And it will, statistically, not change much of anything in the long term. 

I find it odd and interesting how all the onus is on the seller. Some of the review questions could easily reflect how a client feels about Fiverr itself; it's structure and fees, handling, etc, etc. It's impossible to please absolutely everyone. Everyone has a line. 

As it is, you've overcomplicated a process buyers don't need to deal with on the ratings and review side. They don't have time for a grand inquisition. On PC, a new pageload per question is onerous. They will abandon cart at that point. 

People will ultimately just default to giving the highest rating, reflexively. Like they do now. 

In my field, voice over, you can say we are all unique pairs of shoes. Each with it's purpose. It's all about audio quality and voice print. My clients are busy entertainment people who don't have time for all this fussy nicety. They chose me for my ability. Yes, my other compliance stats are important. But is it SO important as to stop someone like me from really reaching out and getting great performances and outcomes with Fiverr. All over one outcome?

Edited by rudyabel
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It's "Valentines Day for Men" today. I dare not write its actual name, but you could Google it. This has been a PSA for the gentlemen with lady (or gentlemen) friends reading this thread. And, I suppose, the regular old men too. 

To make this vaguely on-topic, I'll add that nothing has happened here and this is the most boring world-destroying update day ever. Fiverr has failed to deliver and I want to cancel.

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3 hours ago, katakatica said:


To be honest I'm a little confused by how the grace period will function

If it matters at all, I'm pretty sure Fiverr is too.


2 hours ago, lukesdesigns said:

Out of curiosity, has anyone seen someone who has been given PRO status that doesn't have a perfect 10 for their Success Score? Not saying it hasn't happened, just genuinely wondering if there are any screenshots of PRO Sellers without 10's?

I'm PRO and TRS and I have a 9.

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Has anyone else received a strange message from his SM lately? I received one last night where I was informed that he's not going to be available for the next 2 weeks due to personal reasons. 

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Just now, vickiespencer said:

Not me. My SMC is available every weekday. Although, I have a friend who got that message from their SMC. 


I see.. I find it a bit strange that he's missing exactly now.. although I do trust him and my stats are in good shape.. it is a bit odd in my opinion but he might have good reasons who knows

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The "value" of the job is SUPER subjective and at once a global opinion. 

This question is too abstract. People will always want it cheaper. Especially on Fiverr where pricing is drastically less than the main stream. This might not reflect on the seller at all. 

Screenshot 2024-03-14 130446.png

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Just now, Alex.M said:

Has anyone else received a strange message from his SM lately? I received one last night where I was informed that he's not going to be available for the next 2 weeks due to personal reasons. 

Mine is suddenly away from the 19th to the 21st but that could be for plenty of reasons 

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Just now, vickiespencer said:

That is my friend's SPC's name, too. 

then it's all good, probably he has some problems that he needs to take care of, I wasn't suspecting him of anything, it was only a bit strange that he was missing just now that's all

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Just now, Alex.M said:

then it's all good, probably he has some problems that he needs to take care of, I wasn't suspecting him of anything, it was only a bit strange that he was missing just now that's all

I think the least that could happen especially given the immense changes in the Fiverr system is that if SMs aren't available you have a temporary SM assigned but clearly there isn't the capacity for that!! 

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19 minutes ago, Alex.M said:

Has anyone else received a strange message from his SM lately? I received one last night where I was informed that he's not going to be available for the next 2 weeks due to personal reasons. 

This time I did not receive any message of absence. But almost a week ago she responds to my messages 😕 and taking into account that it is my last day with this service (because they degraded me at level 0) I expected some answers.


I correct myself. From March 6 I do not receive a response from her. I hope she is well, normally when she could not answer I received a message of absence from her. But this time not.

Edited by leonormiserol
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