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Gig Success Score a 4 - no way to improve!


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I have been actively selling my UGC services on Fiverr for around 6 months now. Business has been good. I was getting daily enquiries and around 2-3 jobs a week. I have never had any issues with any gigs. I am 5 star rated on all metrics and am a Level 1 seller.

I noticed recently that I had not been getting as many enquiries, actually 0. I also noticed that I could not find my own gigs in search. I created a few more gigs for more reach (still ugc style) and still nothing has come through.

I then noticed about the new metrics change and checked my analytics which now say low performance. My new gigs don't have a rating yet as there as not been enough activity on them on the marketplace. But both of my main gigs (which had been performing well) are now a level 4 with each one saying this: 

Conflict-free orders

Negative impact

Delivery time

Negative impact

Client satisfaction

Negative impact

Effective communication

Negative impact

It makes no sense. I reply to all messages well within an hour. I have had maybe one or two gigs ask for revisions which I have done no problem and quickly. All customers have been happy with my service. I spoke to customer service and they were completely unhelpful. How am I supposed to better my score if my gigs are not even being advertised on the market place?!

This new metric change is awful and is ruining my business. If anyone has any ideas on how I can improve my success score and be shown on the market place again that would be great! 

Main Gigs:



New Gigs:




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1 minute ago, Lena said:

Hi @maxwelltaylo724 

We understand how this change can be confusing and overwhelming. Since you are already familiar with Fiverr's new level system, please allow me to leave you a couple of additional links that I'm sure will help you understand the success score a bit more. 

Thank you.  

Thank you - however this does not help me whatsoever. 

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54 minutes ago, Lena said:

Hi @maxwelltaylo724 

We understand how this change can be confusing and overwhelming. Since you are already familiar with Fiverr's new level system, please allow me to leave you a couple of additional links that I'm sure will help you understand the success score a bit more. 

Thank you.  

I'm sure everyone checked these articles already. Problem is they don't explain anything and feel very vaguely written on purpose. For example: "Understand your client’s needs, stay in touch throughout the process, and exceed their expectations." "Understanding" need, asking for a brief, references is a basic flow of an any project. Coming back with sketches and updates also. We already doing that. But what are objective criteria for that? Does AI analyse my questions regarding the a project, frequency of updates? "Exceed their expectations"... Do I have to deliver more work than I was paid for? Do I have to make sure I state that in the chat with the buyer? Is there is Ai that analysis this or it only rely on subjective buyers feeling? For example I include free watermark of the logo but buyer might expect a favicon, submark, alternative logo and so on for whatever reason. One buyer might get very happy getting a free watermark and leave a good feedback and a tip but other might not even manually accept the delivery. To my understanding we are getting penalised if buyer do not accept delivery manually. Problem is every situation might be different and subjective. Simply stating vague tips that are already implemented by sellers do not help to change the score if we don't have clear criteria to follow them or understanding what exactly might affect the score.

"Avoid potential conflicts by setting clear expectations and respectfully responding to any client concerns."

What does that mean? Buyer places an order and can check the description of the package. It states They will get x and it will take y amount of time. If they have any question I'm sure seller are happy to explain what x is or offer x+z for a different price etc. What are exact criterias that negatively affect these areas? These question here and in another forum are raised because we don't have exact criterias and we feel that we already implementing everything that is stated in the descriptions of the key areas. And when seller ask for a better explanation we get a link back to the article we already saw. Problem is it lacks clarity and clear criteria we can follow to adjust our behaviour.


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I am honestly having the same problem.  I got marked for communications and conflict problems. After that I get one or two impressions a day if I'm lucky which is not enough.  But I don't remember ever having a problem communicating with a customer or getting involved in a conflict with them.  I'm not getting any serious feedback.  I went to customer service and they did not tell me where I went wrong.  They just cut and pasted the new guidelines into the chat.  It's not helpful because I would like constructive criticism and the opportunity to take on more gigs to improve my score. Perhaps I'd like them to re-review it to see that I've never had a problem with customers.  But we'll see what happens. I would like to stay in good standing with Fiverr I know we could make a lot of money together.  I have a feeling this is happening to a lot of people right now.  I hope they get it ironed out soon.

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In one scenario, a client requested a professional logo design service with an agreement for 3 revisions. However, after providing 5 revisions and completing the project professionally, the client changed their mind and demanded more revisions. Upon explaining that the agreed-upon revisions were exhausted, the client canceled the order and left a negative internal rating, hindering my visibility.

In another instance, a client initially requested 10 icons for a mobile application. I delivered the icons professionally, but later, the client wanted 20 icons for the same price. When I clarified that the original request was fulfilled and asked about additional compensation for the extra work, the client gave me a negative internal rating, impacting my visibility.

This new system appears unjust to sellers. When buyers request a specific service and then demand significantly more, they often end up dissatisfied even if the service provided is above and beyond. Sellers are then compelled to provide excessive work, sometimes without fair compensation. Consequently, the majority of buyers may only be satisfied if the service is almost free.

It's crucial to reconsider this system, as there should be a regulatory framework that ensures fairness between sellers and buyers. The buyer should not solely dictate terms and serve as both adversary and judge. We need mechanisms in place to prevent such unfair situations and ensure a balanced and mutually beneficial environment for both parties involved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with Fiverr since 2015. All 5 stars reviews. Response rate 100%, order completition 100%, on-time delivery 100%.

I used to have around 3 / 4K impressions of all my gigs. Now I'm getting 36 (yes, you read right, 36 impressions) and lowering!

And I'm having this problem since Fiverr launched the "premium" features.

My guess is that they want you to pay more. Apparently 20% commision is not enough for them.

And I tried! I've paid an ad to boost a service, but they charge you for clicks, which is useless!!! 

Overall, Fiverr platform it's not being useful to me anymore, so I switched to other platforms. Also I made my website and getting my business elsewhere.

And that's my recommendation to all of you guys!!!

20% commission is already a LOT OF MONEY paid to Fiverr, and that should be enough to deliver a good and transparent service for all partners.

Value your time. Value your expertise. Value yourself.


Edited by mgvillafane
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On 2/19/2024 at 8:37 PM, Lena said:

Hi @maxwelltaylo724 

We understand how this change can be confusing and overwhelming. Since you are already familiar with Fiverr's new level system, please allow me to leave you a couple of additional links that I'm sure will help you understand the success score a bit more. 

Thank you.  

Hi Fiverr support tea, I have done with almost 12 orders with 5 star ratting and excellent communication and providing extra VIP support to my clients but my success score is not effected till yet, will it be increased on 14th date ?? kindly explain this point

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Hello @w0rdpress_pr0 

26 minutes ago, w0rdpress_pr0 said:

Hi Fiverr support tea, I have done with almost 12 orders with 5 star ratting and excellent communication and providing extra VIP support to my clients but my success score is not effected till yet, will it be increased on 14th date ?? kindly explain this point

Here on the Forum, we are not able to provide answers to all Fiverr account-specific questions, but we can point you in the right direction. To contact Fiverr Customer Support, please send an email to support@fiverr.com. They will be more than happy to help you and answer all of your questions. 

Thank you. 

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Hi maxwelltaylo724,

The new success score metric looks at each of your Gigs in key areas related to the order process and your relationship with clients. Each Gig’s history is examined to determine an individual score, relative to other freelancers. These individual Gig scores are then used to determine your overall success score.

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