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  1. New system Success score In one scenario, a client requested a professional logo design service with an agreement for 3 revisions. However, after providing 5 revisions and completing the project professionally, the client changed their mind and demanded more revisions. Upon explaining that the agreed-upon revisions were exhausted, the client canceled the order and left a negative internal rating, hindering my visibility. In another instance, a client initially requested 10 icons for a mobile application. I delivered the icons professionally, but later, the client wanted 20 icons for the same price. When I clarified that the original request was fulfilled and asked about additional compensation for the extra work, the client gave me a negative internal rating, impacting my visibility. This new system appears unjust to sellers. When buyers request a specific service and then demand significantly more, they often end up dissatisfied even if the service provided is above and beyond. Sellers are then compelled to provide excessive work, sometimes without fair compensation. Consequently, most buyers may only be satisfied if the service is almost free. It's crucial to reconsider this system, as a regulatory framework should ensure fairness between sellers and buyers. The buyer should not solely dictate terms and serve as both adversary and judge. We need mechanisms in place to prevent such unfair situations and ensure a balanced and mutually beneficial environment for both parties involved.
  2. In one scenario, a client requested a professional logo design service with an agreement for 3 revisions. However, after providing 5 revisions and completing the project professionally, the client changed their mind and demanded more revisions. Upon explaining that the agreed-upon revisions were exhausted, the client canceled the order and left a negative internal rating, hindering my visibility. In another instance, a client initially requested 10 icons for a mobile application. I delivered the icons professionally, but later, the client wanted 20 icons for the same price. When I clarified that the original request was fulfilled and asked about additional compensation for the extra work, the client gave me a negative internal rating, impacting my visibility. This new system appears unjust to sellers. When buyers request a specific service and then demand significantly more, they often end up dissatisfied even if the service provided is above and beyond. Sellers are then compelled to provide excessive work, sometimes without fair compensation. Consequently, the majority of buyers may only be satisfied if the service is almost free. It's crucial to reconsider this system, as there should be a regulatory framework that ensures fairness between sellers and buyers. The buyer should not solely dictate terms and serve as both adversary and judge. We need mechanisms in place to prevent such unfair situations and ensure a balanced and mutually beneficial environment for both parties involved.
  3. From your experience: What is the best advice for new Fiverr sellers? please answer according to your experience with only one best advice I will start myself 🏆Consistently deliver high-quality work and outstanding customer service
  4. Requests are based on your profile, keywords, customer reviews, and marketing efforts. “It is a symphony where talent, marketing and algorithms align to achieve success.”
  5. Thank you for clarifying and helping me positively with the goal of learning Appreciate
  6. I think it is unethical for you to accuse me of illegally taking people's money and that I cannot provide service even if no one complains about my service. All these assumptions come from your imagination only Please adhere to conversation etiquette
  7. No problem, dear. If I'm not good at advising anyone can you advise us about the algorithm? We all keep learning from each other
  8. i registered on Fiverr 5 years ago but I began using it just a few months ago is it a big problem for you
  9. how does the Fiverr algorithm work? this is just a human mistake I think maybe I used AI to handle some of the text but the main thing is that I want to provide some small help for others that's it I think that I didn't make a big mistake in all of these just be kind
  10. AI GENERATED POST Fiverr's algorithm, like those of many online platforms, is complex and not publicly disclosed in detail. However, I can provide some insights into how it generally works based on industry knowledge and observations: Search and Discovery: Fiverr's algorithm aims to match buyers with relevant sellers based on their search queries. When a buyer searches for a service, Fiverr's algorithm scans gig titles, descriptions, and other factors to identify the most relevant gigs. Gig Ranking: The algorithm ranks gigs based on various factors, including relevance, quality, and performance. The more relevant and high-quality your gig is, the better it may rank in search results. Performance Metrics: Fiverr tracks various performance metrics, including response time, order completion rate, and customer reviews. These metrics play a significant role in determining how well your gig performs in search results and whether Fiverr promotes it to potential buyers. Conversion Rate: The algorithm considers how often buyers click on your gig after seeing it in search results and whether those clicks result in orders. A high click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate can positively impact your gig's visibility. Seller Levels: Fiverr has seller levels (e.g., New Seller, Level One, Level Two, and Top Rated Seller), and these levels are determined by your performance and the completion of specific requirements. Higher-level sellers often receive more exposure and benefits in search results. Fiverr Pro: Fiverr Pro is a premium service for highly skilled professionals. If you qualify for Fiverr Pro, your gigs may receive additional visibility and promotion. Fiverr's Promotions: Fiverr occasionally runs promotions or features specific gigs on its homepage and in email campaigns. Being selected for these promotions can boost your gig's visibility. User Behavior: Fiverr's algorithm also takes into account user behaviour and preferences. It may recommend gigs based on a buyer's previous interactions and history on the platform. Gig Updates: Making regular updates to your gig, such as adding new content or adjusting pricing, can signal to the algorithm that you're an active and engaged seller. Fiverr Proximity: Fiverr may also consider the physical location of the buyer and seller, especially for location-specific services.
  11. Try to reduce the text to 30% of the main photo this will help use shorten strong words
  12. why haven't received any (briefs) for a while now like before, despite having a good quality rating and positive reviews
  13. I have the same problem I haven't received any (briefs) on Fiverr for a while now, despite having a good quality rating and positive reviews. I received before 1 month
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