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How to be Successful


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4 hours ago, zeus777 said:

This can be turned into a new drinking game.
Take a shot each time you hear the word "success." 😁

That’s the primary driver of the parody. In all inspirational videos - the key phrase is repackaged in many ways all centered around quotes, slogans and sayings. I’m taking that aspect, the repetition, and demonstrating the absurdity. 

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18 hours ago, visualstudios said:

Written by: @damooch916

Voiced by: @newsmike

Video and editing by: @visualstudios

Thank you dear success brothers! Pray for success and success will pray for you! 

I got my tongue twisted on the fifth time I tried to repeat “success” 😂 @newsmike did you have to re-record at least once the “success” word? 


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3 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

I got my tongue twisted on the fifth time I tried to repeat “success” 😂 @newsmike did you have to re-record at least once the “success” word? 

Fun fact: in order to keep costs down, Newsmike was paid to say "success" only once. Visualstudios used that one recording dozens of times in the video.

No, I'm kidding, but it's one of those rumours that's crazy enough for people to believe. 

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8 hours ago, damooch916 said:

snarky Dennis Miller

Wow, that's like Nietzsche playing chess with death in an Ingmar Bergman flick, while Jordan B Peterson and Kafka play "Volare" on the theremin with backing vocals from the Ghost of Christmas yet to come, Klaus Nomi and Fellini's mistress. 

Edited by newsmike
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16 minutes ago, newsmike said:

Wow, that's like Nietzsche playing chess with death in an Ingmar Bergman flick, while Jordan B Peterson and Kafka play "Volare" on the theremin with backing vocals from the Ghost of Christmas yet to come, Klaus Nomi and Fellini's mistress

I’m not sure if you’re more pretentious for having made this reference, or if I’m more pretentious for having understood it.

Listen Mikey, I’d hate to pound this point harder than Charo’s heels in a publicly funded telethon, but sometimes the professorial schtick gets so thick in here, it should come with a “My first Marxism” pamphlet and elbow patches. Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant here - but what’s with our bloviating need to litter the thread with so many 1000 dollar words, that they should come with a teary eye’d Native and a community service sentence? Seriously. I’ve seen less verbally inflated, conspicuous word jabbing at spelling contests sponsored by crack. With the flailing word puzzles and sentences that run on so long they should own a shrimp boat, it’s gotten to the point where our threads have less action sequences than a Woody Allen movie. We’ve become so gratuitously verbal that one would expect a Truman Capote appearance and a visit from the great “Carnac.” We’ve got less solitary word involvement than Zelda Fitzgerald at a Parisian soirée. Are we too infused with the mechanics to just say what we mean? Are we really this overly compensatory, spell checked, half bred cybertronic, Phillip k. Dick manifestation, riding in to virtual environments on animatronic sheep and hive-minding with the locals through transmitted, instantaneous translators for little more than simulated high fives without the possibility of a replicated reach around? Well, not me Charlie-Disney-bot. I refuse to be reduced to believing that life’s best moments are most closely approximated by androids on a boat ride - or that the value of man is to extract his every utterance as he cranks another ten cent word into the two cent coin box. I won’t fuse to the motherboard, concede the space to breathe easy and be put in the attic once my chip hits erosion and my voice starts skipping like Ye’s heart in a world war 2 museum.

Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wr-wr-wr-wr-wr … error code. 

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1 hour ago, damooch916 said:

Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant here - but what’s with our bloviating need to litter the thread with so many 1000 dollar words,

There are now $1000 words! 
When I taught English, there were $.05, $.50, and $1.00 words.

1 hour ago, damooch916 said:

We’ve become so gratuitously verbal that one would expect a Truman Capote appearance and a visit from the great “Carnac.”

Who has become this verbal? I do not see them in the typical Forum posts. Well, other than yours, of course. 

It is funny that many users who ❤️ your posts more than likely cannot follow what you say. 

For example, the only user who chose the confused emoji for @mateusbl's short post gave your loquacious post a ❤️

1 hour ago, damooch916 said:


You look too young to remember Charo!


Edited by vickiespencer
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15 hours ago, newsmike said:

Wow, that's like Nietzsche playing chess with death in an Ingmar Bergman flick, while Jordan B Peterson

My cat insists that he never plays chess with people, only ever roulette, in the version of a country that currently may not be named, and never with people who actively use their middle name, especially not abbreviated with a single bold letter.

Apart from that, he says he likes the video, but won't say why. He is like that.

My suspicion is that it's either because it's useable as ASMR to fall asleep to, or because it can be used as a subliminal or not so subliminal "ask the universe and it shall give" video to brainwash people into being successful, so they'll earn the cash to keep the house warm and cans opening, while he keeps sleeping.

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On 12/15/2022 at 4:19 PM, miiila said:

Apart from that, he says he likes the video

After reading this part, I decided to show the video to my cat too. He WAS looking at the screen for a few minutes but then fell asleep...so either he found it boring, or Mike's super sexy ASMR voice made him sleepy. I guess I'll go with the latter. 

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On 12/16/2022 at 8:39 PM, zeus777 said:

so either he found it boring

Excuse you.

I am constitutionally incapable, inherently unable and genetically prevented from writing anything that even slips it’s toes toward the edge of boring.

Even that oddly curled over pinky toe. You know the one. That toe that folds and hardens the foot muscle during the derangement of bodily clenched passions; your lips barely brush and your anatomy separates from your essence all but for the contraction of your every muscle?

That same toe that locks when you stand up too fast and you’re over forty, and you have a head injury because you hear the neighbor’s dog rummaging through your garbage again, so you crash the door open and charge head long into the fright of facing a startled beast but it turns out that it’s a bear.

That toe. Not even that toe dares to tap over the hard rim of boring when I’m at the pen. 

What you and your cat are experiencing is an organized, possibly clandestine, largely scrambled message that I’ve hardcoded into the syllabic rhythms. Though it’s mostly situated in spaces and subliminally translated by articulating syncopations that increase or decrease around the heart beat from a sub psyche level - you’re understanding and enacting a three part plan exactly as intended. Decoded, It says this:

1) Go get your cat.
2) Hey cat. You’re getting very sleepy. Your eye lids are starting to feel heavy. When you close your eyes, you will be totally comfortable and willing to perform any task that this voice may tell you in concealment. You will go about your average routine and only enact these instructions when humans are not around.

Then I gave the cat some very specific instructions. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to disclose any further information.

However … just in case, if you notice your cat behaving weirdly, like let’s say - driving a motor vehicle … or if your cat takes a sudden interest in leather jackets and sunglasses … or if it appears that the cat is stuffing large amounts of jewelry into envelops and it suddenly has a PO Box … my strong advice is to just ignore it. Cats do weird things. We, as people, can’t possibly relate to the whims of a cat. I wouldn’t question it.

Im just sayin. 

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On 12/13/2022 at 5:19 PM, visualstudios said:

Written by: @damooch916

Voiced by: @newsmike

Video and editing by: @visualstudios

My curiosity piqued at "hookers", I'm not sofistikacated with any cultural references above that gutter mindset.


Read some Kerouac and it put me on the track
To burn a little brighter now.

I'm better with lyrical references, even if some of them are 'Clutching at Straws'.

Thank you though, like really, I get it, it's making a mockery and you guys put more effort into a joke than many put into their gig videos.

Makes me ask:

  1. How much effort went into a PARODY?
    Writing, rewriting, recording, re-recording, sourcing stock footage and editing it all together with transitions so the only clip I recall being repeated was the drinking habit glass of whiskey, which turned up again just like a drinking habit would, I thought that was a subtle stroke of genius and a hat tip to addictive nature of certain habits 
  2. How little effort goes into most GIG VIDEOS?
    I get it, your gig video doesn't need to be on the same production levels as the latest Pixar release, but even still, this is a parody and there's more work gone into every aspect of it than I see in many gig videos here.

Take away: it's time to up the game on our writing, delivery and video production skills.

This has made me:

  • Reassess my script
  • Think more about camera shots and delivery
  • Bring in B-Roll footage (and customising it so it doesn't feel "stocky")
  • Get to grips with video editing so it doesn't look terrible with hard cuts 

It's game upping. Thanks for that!

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How much effort went into a PARODY?

I'd say it took me around a full day of editing to get the video done, starting with just the script and the v/o.


How little effort goes into most GIG VIDEOS?

For mine, definitely more than this, depending on the video. If it's just a collection of past work, it's pretty quick. If it's a custom made ad for that gig (as I have in several of mine), it can take several days to nail it down.

But I'm a video editor, I don't expect everyone to do the same, obviously. At a certain point we're talking diminishing returns, and nobody can know everything. Just like with a graphic artist not being the best at writing gig copy, and hiring a copywriter to do that, it's the same thing with video. So I would expect videos from sellers in other categories to be weaker, or for those who want something professional to hire it out.

Now, if we're talking about videos of sellers in the video editing category... then yeah. If those are bad, they better up their game quick. 

Edited by visualstudios
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