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Please help me by clarifying a thing.


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Hey sellers!

I became very dizzy when it came to gig video and image. I've heard a thousand times that video is superior. This is even recommended by Fiverr. But I don't get a better impression than from my gig, which has an image. On the other hand, I discovered thousands of successful sellers who made use of images. That's why I felt dizzy. Could you please clear up my misunderstanding?

Thank you.

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Impressions: These are the number of times your Gig appeared in Fiverr's thumbnails (i.e., on the homepage, category/subcategory page, search, and user page).

Clicks: These are the number of clicks after a user saw it once on the homepage, category/subcategory page, search, and user page.

Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010750318-Viewing-Gig-statistics

Logically, videos won't affect impressions. 

Fiverr likes videos, because people like videos. It's one of the best way to show that you have the skills you claim. Anyone with a camera can hit record, but a good video is more personal. It demonstrates you put in a bit more thought, time, and effort, and that you are invested and willing to work.

Not all gigs need video, but many would benefit from it.

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Fiverr have said that video increases engagement by up to 40%. I think it used to say something like that in the section where you add images/a video to a gig.

But they said that 4 years ago. They might have said it before videos were made mandatory in some subcategories. It might have helped if they gave more stats saying how helpful it was in different subcategories/categories.

So generally it's probably likely to increase the chance that they'll message you. But if it was mainly in the video categories then it might not be that helpful in the other categories.

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3 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010750318-Viewing-Gig-statistics

Logically, videos won't affect impressions. 

Fiverr likes videos, because people like videos. It's one of the best way to show that you have the skills you claim. Anyone with a camera can hit record, but a good video is more personal. It demonstrates you put in a bit more thought, time, and effort, and that you are invested and willing to work.

Not all gigs need video, but many would benefit from it.

Now I am clear of that. Thank you so much.😇 Greatly thanks. I am fully clear about that.

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I found it is the worst part. Because I got scammer from buyer request and my account rushed down at my starting career. After then buyer request became an awful feature for me.  Because almost all buyers who post job request, either they are scam or offer at 5 dollars price which actually cost 50 dollars. This things  make me depressed with my skill. Finally, Fiverr makes me happy with it's new update.

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Fiverr itself states:


Know your value

Fiverr’s services start at $5.00. While it can be tempting to offer promotions or discounts to start your orders rolling in, offering your work for free is not a recommended approach to connect with or entice potential buyers. Set your potential buyers' expectations and set the precedent that your work can’t be obtained for free. It’s essential to know your worth as a seller and not to compromise it to attempt to attract buyers.

Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010949038-4-Things-to-Do-Before-Creating-Your-Gig?segment=seller

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Hey good sellers?

I'm confused about a things. What does psychological thinking come to mind, when a buyer saw money refund offering?

Do they treat it as a good signal or as a poor seller who could not able to complete orders and use money refund policy?

I'd like to make me clear  about that things. Should I offer money refund policy?

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2 hours ago, abrahim_sem said:

What does psychological thinking come to mind, when a buyer saw money refund offering?

If you mean consumer behavior, then that depends on market segments. There are a LOT of 'types' of consumers out there, and none fit in nice little boxes.

That said, if you want to attract higher-end Buyers, then don't use gimmicks. 

(Plus, Fiverr already has a payment section in the ToS. There's already a stipulation for canceling orders that Sellers cannot fulfill, so there is zero need to include it in your gig. Fiverr's already covered that, and you've already signed Fiverr's contract.)

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11 hours ago, newsmike said:

Only if you want to have your work stolen and work for free. 

Yeah. I got the point. Thank you 

10 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

If you mean consumer behavior, then that depends on market segments. There are a LOT of 'types' of consumers out there, and none fit in nice little boxes.

That said, if you want to attract higher-end Buyers, then don't use gimmicks. 

(Plus, Fiverr already has a payment section in the ToS. There's already a stipulation for canceling orders that Sellers cannot fulfill, so there is zero need to include it in your gig. Fiverr's already covered that, and you've already signed Fiverr's contract.)

Your answer fully make me clear. Thank you.

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I wouldn't say it's the most effective, but based on my experience it's definitely helpful to reel in buyers when I was a new seller. Though at that price points you can't expect good buyers. I increase my prices as I earn enough positive reviews and the buyers I get now are so much better.

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Hey folk!

I found nothing about Fiverr gig secret after watching a bunch of videos and forum answers. I think the secret is not revealed  yet to me. Because I did everything that forum experts and youtubers said but failed to get the positive result. 

I heard about a secret that buying reviews is an effective way for newbie. My main question is-  Is buying reviews actually an effective secret or completely prohibited?

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Hi expert sellers!

I heard about Fiverr gig favorite exchange even I am joined in a group where everyone exchanges their gig's favorite. 

I noticed every gig which are getting orders or good ranking with a bunch of favorite. I feel confused that either buyers saved their gig or they exchanged.

So my question is-  Does exchanging affect in ranking or is it harmful?

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44 minutes ago, abrahim_sem said:

Is buying reviews actually an effective secret or completely prohibited?

Well, I didn't think I had to answer this question. But here it goes! This is completely prohibited since it's faking the service you've 'provided'. It's manipulating buyers and creating a false sense of trust in the qualities you have. It's lying. It's wrong. 

44 minutes ago, abrahim_sem said:

I think the secret is not revealed  yet to me.

There is no magic secret sauce that will help you become successful. As Dave Ramsey said about "the secrets of the rich" (in relation to becoming wealthy but it fits here), is that they're not a secret. The key here is that all the information is out there, you just have to apply it to your own situation. You're already gathering this information, so that's good! Now the key (secret if you will) to making all that information useful, is to see how it fits your situation. Let me give a Fiverr-specific example;

Advice you might read here on the forum is to make a great gig. This consists of a good thumbnail, a well-written description and to market yourself. This applies to everybody, but what does this mean for you? Details I write in my description won't work with your potential clients. How I market myself, for example, focuses on relating to the emotional needs of clients. For you, it would be about conveying your technical expertise. Of course, we're in completely different fields but that exemplifies how every piece of information/advice is contextual. 

Last word of advice; freelancing is hard work! Success won't happen overnight. It's about consistently building your profile and adjusting it where necessary over time. 

Edited by sabinespoems
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Some things to contemplate:

If you've heard about it, it's not a secret. 

If you've heard about it, Fiverr staff also have.

If they hadn't heard of it, or thought of the possibility until now, which is ultra-doubtful, they'd have now. You're aware that your posting on Fiverr's official forum, right?

An alternative idea to "secrets" might be trying to be effective yourself, instead of relying on effective "secrets" that can get you banned. Not using such "secrets" is better for your peace of mind. And Buyers love effective sellers. 

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15 hours ago, abrahim_sem said:

My main question is-  Is buying reviews actually an effective secret or completely prohibited?

It's a violation of Fiverr's Terms of Service, so of course it's completely prohibited.

15 hours ago, abrahim_sem said:

I found nothing about Fiverr gig secret after watching a bunch of videos and forum answers.

Apparently, you also found nothing about the necessity to read Fiverr's Terms of Service, so you don't get permanently banned from the site.

15 hours ago, abrahim_sem said:

failed to get the positive result. 

You say that you're a digital marketing specialist, and yet, you're unable to successfully market your own business.

No secret will help you if you're just not good enough at what you do.

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15 hours ago, abrahim_sem said:

Is buying reviews actually an effective secret or completely prohibited?

 Didn't even know it was a thing 🤦‍♂️

A bit of common sense please! In any platform this kind of behavior is prohibited and more here as its a marketplace.

Also, how will it work?? you pay people so they give you money to make orders to then give you good reviews? Isn't it the perfect template for a scam?

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Do you really think there is one secret tip or shortcut to building a successful business? That is what you are trying to do here by offering services to clients. So much learning, effort, and time goes into building a business. 

Besides, your question about cheating to get fake reviews just revealed you as an unscrupulous seller... a scammer. Why would anyone buy from you?


No, adding a gig to Favorites has no affect on its success.

All your posts on the forum are about gaming the system... trying to find tricks or secrets to make this work. Maybe concentrate on quality business practices instead.

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On 10/3/2022 at 8:14 PM, sabinespoems said:

Well, I didn't think I had to answer this question. But here it goes! This is completely prohibited since it's faking the service you've 'provided'. It's manipulating buyers and creating a false sense of trust in the qualities you have. It's lying. It's wrong. 

There is no magic secret sauce that will help you become successful. As Dave Ramsey said about "the secrets of the rich" (in relation to becoming wealthy but it fits here), is that they're not a secret. The key here is that all the information is out there, you just have to apply it to your own situation. You're already gathering this information, so that's good! Now the key (secret if you will) to making all that information useful, is to see how it fits your situation. Let me give a Fiverr-specific example;

Advice you might read here on the forum is to make a great gig. This consists of a good thumbnail, a well-written description and to market yourself. This applies to everybody, but what does this mean for you? Details I write in my description won't work with your potential clients. How I market myself, for example, focuses on relating to the emotional needs of clients. For you, it would be about conveying your technical expertise. Of course, we're in completely different fields but that exemplifies how every piece of information/advice is contextual. 

Last word of advice; freelancing is hard work! Success won't happen overnight. It's about consistently building your profile and adjusting it where necessary over time. 

Thank you a bunch. You made me clear.

On 10/4/2022 at 3:22 AM, miiila said:

Some things to contemplate:

If you've heard about it, it's not a secret. 

If you've heard about it, Fiverr staff also have.

If they hadn't heard of it, or thought of the possibility until now, which is ultra-doubtful, they'd have now. You're aware that your posting on Fiverr's official forum, right?

An alternative idea to "secrets" might be trying to be effective yourself, instead of relying on effective "secrets" that can get you banned. Not using such "secrets" is better for your peace of mind. And Buyers love effective sellers. 

Thank you so much to aware me. I didn't anything of these yet. I ensure myself with the right way. Now you cleared the thing.

On 10/4/2022 at 10:49 AM, catwriter said:

It's a violation of Fiverr's Terms of Service, so of course it's completely prohibited.

Apparently, you also found nothing about the necessity to read Fiverr's Terms of Service, so you don't get permanently banned from the site.

You say that you're a digital marketing specialist, and yet, you're unable to successfully market your own business.

No secret will help you if you're just not good enough at what you do.

Whoa! This is interesting. Thank you for remark the point.

On 10/4/2022 at 11:26 AM, shalock said:

 Didn't even know it was a thing 🤦‍♂️

A bit of common sense please! In any platform this kind of behavior is prohibited and more here as its a marketplace.

Also, how will it work?? you pay people so they give you money to make orders to then give you good reviews? Isn't it the perfect template for a scam?

Oh yeah! I knew but got confused to hear around fake tricks. Here I really found the right suggestions. Thank you.

On 10/4/2022 at 12:11 PM, melanielm said:

Do you really think there is one secret tip or shortcut to building a successful business? That is what you are trying to do here by offering services to clients. So much learning, effort, and time goes into building a business. 

Besides, your question about cheating to get fake reviews just revealed you as an unscrupulous seller... a scammer. Why would anyone buy from you?

No, adding a gig to Favorites has no affect on its success.

All your posts on the forum are about gaming the system... trying to find tricks or secrets to make this work. Maybe concentrate on quality business practices instead.

Oh, Thank you a bunch. Now I got rid of all confusions.

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