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Seller Plus, Premium.


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Interesting ideas here. But I had hoped a premium plan would cost more, not the same. They're just lowering the bar for access to premium features here, instead of creating new advantages for sellers willing to invest in their business. 

It is what it is. 

I haven't received such an e-mail yet, so I'm not sure if this is something they're rolling out slowly or not, but it usually is. Or perhaps I'm just not as valuable. 🙃

If this is a step towards a mandatory paywall, I'm all for it, but I share the concerns of @newsmike here. But any step towards a paywall is a step in the right direction, even if we can't immediately see all the benefits. 

Edited by smashradio
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10 hours ago, catwriter said:

According to the email, only if we switch to Standard, and then wish to rejoin the Premium.

Promises are made all the time, and later change. "Read my lips - no new taxes!" 😀

If they make that statement in the terms for the new program, I'll believe it a little more, but at this point, I am still a bit skeptical.

10 hours ago, smashradio said:

But I had hoped a premium plan would cost more, not the same.

The email states that if someone drops out of premium, and then wants to rejoin, "the price to rejoin is going up soon." I definitely think the price is going up for Seller Plus Premium.

I completely agree that any move toward a paywall is a step in the right direction.

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4 minutes ago, smashradio said:

I haven't received such an e-mail yet, so I'm not sure if this is something they're rolling out slowly or not, but it usually is. Or perhaps I'm just not as valuable. 🙃


Check out spam or promotion category. I have found it there for some reason.

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I got the same email a few hours ago.

They informed me that I am automatically a premium user now.

Maybe they will keep us at this price point since we are early adopters.

I have a feeling that they will make the standard pack available to people who meet certain quality metrics automatically. Let's see!

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5 minutes ago, gongor32 said:

Check out spam or promotion category. I have found it there for some reason.

I did. No such e-mail. 

3 minutes ago, danno1950 said:

The email states that if someone drops out of premium, and then wants to rejoin, "the price to rejoin is going up soon." I definitely think the price is going up for Seller Plus Premium.

I completely agree that any move toward a paywall is a step in the right direction.

Yeah, I get the idea here. Keep us paying the same while offering some of the benefits for less. I'm onboard with the idea, but I think 29 should be the standard rate (and a minimum  A premium tier needs to cost more, but also include even more benefits. 

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49 minutes ago, breals said:

If we are considered to be in a 'premium club' (Smoking jackets, cigars and cravats included)

Well, i received the mail today so I'm going to need a tux and s tip hat i suppose.

I share most of the excitement and concerns expressed and I think one of the reasons for this move, beside the monetary one of course, is that lately I've been seen more gigs and accounts rejected (in an attempt to get more quality in the marketplace i suppose) and some complaints about the SM's taking too long to answer.

In the case of the SM's i think they where overwhelmed with all the sellers that's they have to work with and now the feature will be restricted behind a paywall.

As for the paywall, i don't know how the prices are going to be in the end, but may be another 'filter' to avoid low quality or suspicious accounts to be made and bloat the market?

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Although my thoughts on new hires for Success Managers -- I am sure the demand is growing. I would understand veteran staff as they will have the experience, I wonder how new hires fare? Unless they were also freelancers or who know brilliant business people all around, otherwise their best input would probably the orientation and insider info they have on their belt. But as with all things, I think everything will vary and we all hope to get a good one. 🤣

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50 minutes ago, danno1950 said:

It's the "at least for a while" part that concerns me. Fiverr isn't going to let a source of revenue go for free.

Well they promised that price will be there forever. But now with them splitting this in two.. who knows. Well I would ditch the success manager thing and just upgrade once in a while when I really need it. I wouldn't pay monthly for it because I don't use it monthly, if at all. But that's just me I guess.

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I realize this is one of those 'your mileage may vary' sort of things, but I don't know that all the other features put together are worth thirty bucks if the Success Manager isn't a part of the deal.

The 'advanced analytics' are... nice (I guess?), but I don't need a flow chart to tell me when I'm doing well - my bank account does a good job of that.

The keywords thing is helpful, but you get the bulk of the benefit there by just doing a search yourself.

7 day payout is killer if you're not already TRS (but a lot of us are).


And as for this resembling a paywall - a paywall will only work if it is site-wide and mandatory. This is really more like those monthly subscription boxes you sign up for, where one thing in it is sort of worth the $$$ and the rest are basically stocking stuffers.


Again, just my 2 cents.

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Just now, terrygrantvo said:

I realize this is one of those 'your mileage may vary' sort of things, but I don't know that all the other features put together are worth thirty bucks if the Success Manager isn't a part of the deal.


That's the thing, it won't be $30. I think the success manager thing will remain the same price and they add a cheaper tier for onboarding more users.

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9 minutes ago, shalock said:

As for the paywall, i don't know how the prices are going to be in the end, but may be another 'filter' to avoid low quality or suspicious accounts to be made and bloat the market?

I don't think seller plus will be wall that filters bloats. But overall fiverr should have put this thing in the plan. Fiverr's marketing plan when starting was everything is 5$ thing hence the name fiverr. After company becoming bigger I don't think they will care or earn enough from low priced, low quality gigs. And these low quality gigs will eventually dry out potential clients. Place bad name on fiverr or rather already gave bad name. That's why they are starting fiverr business and other things this year. 

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51 minutes ago, smashradio said:

I haven't received such an e-mail yet, so I'm not sure if this is something they're rolling out slowly or not, but it usually is. Or perhaps I'm just not as valuable. 🙃

I did not either. I was feeling left out until @smashradio said you did not get the email. Maybe we will not be invited to the Kool Kids Klub, @smashradio. 🤔

Edited by vickiespencer
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15 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

I did not either. I was feeling left out until @smashradio said you did not get the email. Maybe we will not be invited to the Kool Kids Klub, @smashradio. 🤔

I just had a response from my SM (took her less that 30 minutes to respond!) and we're still a part of the Kool Kids Klub, even though we haven't received the e-mail yet. It will get sent out gradually in the coming week. Basically, we get to keep our current monthly price as long as we stay enrolled in Premium, and the price for new Plus Premium sellers will go up. So if we decide to unsubscribe and then come back later on, we'll get the new, higher price. 

The difference, according to my SM, is only the success manager. Perhaps there will be more to come in the future - she didn't say - but for now, it seems the only difference between premium and standard will be the SM. 

Edited by smashradio
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18 minutes ago, gongor32 said:

. Place bad name on fiverr or rather already gave bad name. That's why they are starting fiverr business and other things this year. 

I agree with you, but i suppose that if not subscribing to any plan reduces something like the positioning then it may work with those sellers that aren't willing to pay anything for a plus plan.

5 minutes ago, smashradio said:

The difference, according to my SM, is only the success manager. Perhaps there will be more to come in the future - she didn't say - but for now, it seems the only difference between premium and standard will be the SM. 

That makes a lot of sense, I suppose it will reduce a bit the workload of SCs and allow them to work better with their sellers.

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6 minutes ago, smashradio said:

The difference, according to my SM, is only the success manager. Perhaps there will be more to come in the future - she didn't say - but for now, it seems the only difference between premium and standard will be the SM

Are the people currently enrolled in the seller plus program getting to keep their seller plus manager?

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17 hours ago, smashradio said:

The difference, according to my SM, is only the success manager. Perhaps there will be more to come in the future - she didn't say - but for now, it seems the only difference between premium and standard will be the SM. 

Thanks for checking it out, @smashradioand getting confirmation of how the change will impact us.

17 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Are the people currently enrolled in the seller plus program getting to keep their seller plus manager?

This is a very good question, Vickie. I'd like to know the answer - I have a great SM, and I'd like to keep that relationship.

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The real question is:

As the first premium seller plus members, should we become posh and eccentric?

Do we have to carry ourselves in a certain uptown manner in the general forums?

Do I have to exchange my old motorbike for something shiny? Surely, I cannot be seen riding that! ^^



Edited by sunboatrecords
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9 minutes ago, sunboatrecords said:

The real question is:

As the first premium seller plus members, should we become posh and eccentric?

Do we have to carry ourselves in a certain uptown manner in the general forums?

Do I have to exchange my old motorbike for something shiny? Surely, I cannot be seen riding that! ^^



I'm thinking at the very least we should have an invite to canapes on the Fiverr company yacht.

The problem is that if we're all sending buyer requests and active 24 hours then we will have to decline the RVSP. 😀

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2 hours ago, smashradio said:

Basically, we get to keep our current monthly price as long as we stay enrolled in Premium, and the price for new Plus Premium sellers will go up. So if we decide to unsubscribe and then come back later on, we'll get the new, higher price. 

I assumed the difference is just the success manager. I am curious what the price difference would be here...

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4 hours ago, danno1950 said:

I'm just thinking out loud, Mike. Do you think this could be a preliminary step to instituting a mandatory paywall? What if they added a "Basic" with no features, for say $10 to 15? Wouldn't that resolve the issue of all the sellers that plague the platform, who wouldn't join a Seller Plus program anyway?

It would be a good test. If that were the requirement to sell here, the worst sellers would vanish immediately.

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15 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

I assumed the difference is just the success manager. I am curious what the price difference would be here...

Yes, I'm wondering about that price differential myself! I guess we'll find out as this deployment moves forward.

14 hours ago, newsmike said:

It would be a good test. If that were the requirement to sell here, the worst sellers would vanish immediately.

That's exactly what I'm thinking Mike. Thanks for the confirmation. If they do the math, and they don't lose money from eliminating those worst sellers, it would be well worth it. Plus - it would rid the site of the stigmas about "cheap marketplace" that will hang on until they take this step to really upgrade.

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4 minutes ago, danno1950 said:

If they do the math, and they don't lose money from eliminating those worst sellers, it would be well worth it.

Right. If you have 300,000 people selling photoshop services, and you force 2/3 off by instituting a "pay to sell" model, the business does not dry up. The remaining 100,000 will absorb the business, probably at higher rates which means bigger 20% for Fiverr, so win-win-win. Best sellers make more money, Fiverr gets 20% of higher priced sales, and buyers get better quality sellers.


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7 minutes ago, newsmike said:

Right. If you have 300,000 people selling photoshop services, and you force 2/3 off by instituting a "pay to sell" model, the business does not dry up. The remaining 100,000 will absorb the business, probably at higher rates which means bigger 20% for Fiverr, so win-win-win. Best sellers make more money, Fiverr gets 20% of higher priced sales, and buyers get better quality sellers.

From that analysis, it sure does make sense to go full on paywall! I just hope Fiverr is moving in that direction behind the scenes. I certainly hope they have done some financial calculations of making that change - it would just be a responsible direction to evaluate this option. Otherwise, it would mean they were hanging on to the old mindset that has held the platform back.

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