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Fiverr by the numbers.


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Most interesting is that revenue and spend per buyer increasing nicely. 



But what made me chuckle is that with 830,000 sellers (pre pandemic), and the vast majority probably with multiple gigs the total gigs would have to be in the millions. Yet, every day, here in the forum, they are surprised that their gig is not "ranked".  After all it is just common sense that every one of those millions of gigs should be top row, first page, simultaneously.

Like Yogi Berra said, "Nobody Goes There Anymore, It’s Too Crowded"







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12 minutes ago, newsmike said:

After all it is just common sense that every one of those millions of gigs should be top row, first page, simultaneously.

I shake my head every time a seller asks why they are not 'ranking' like Fiverr owes them a place in the first row of the search pages. They want everyone to scoot over and make room for them!


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10 minutes ago, newsmike said:

After all it is just common sense that every one of those millions of gigs should be top row, first page, simultaneously.

It's the Handout Mentality and Dunning-Kruger at full swing, and it's only getting worse. Entitlement, baby. The world is getting increasingly narcissistic. What gives me a good chuckle, is people defending entitlement as something that's not inherently bad. WebMD classifies Entitlement Mentality as a narcissistic personality disorder. 

Some of the traits*: 

  • Put themself first (expect to be on the top even though it would put those who are actually deserving of being there in their spot)

  • Think they know the “right” way (the easy solutions often shared on this forum)

  • Think about themself most of the time and talk about themself a lot (why my gig no rank, why my impressions down, why fiverr not fair)

  • Crave attention and admiration (congratulate me, pray for me)

  • Exaggerate their talents and achievements (expart digital marketer)

  • Believe they’re special (I get one review why no more orders i deserve more orders now!!)

  • Set unrealistic goals (even entertaining the idea that they can reach the top with such a mentality in the first place) 


*(comments in parentheses are mine)

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50 minutes ago, newsmike said:

But what made me chuckle is that with 830,000 sellers (pre pandemic), and the vast majority probably with multiple gigs the total gigs would have to be in the millions.

According to a thread on this forum there were about 2.075 million active gigs in March 2021. That's probably increased a bit now.


Yet, every day, here in the forum, they are surprised that their gig is not "ranked".  After all it is just common sense that every one of those millions of gigs should be top row, first page, simultaneously.

Though it depends what they are being ranked for. They could mean ranked on the top page of their subcategory - in which case they'd be competing with no more than around 246,000 gigs max (about the number of gigs in the subcategory with the most active gigs - logo design). But they could mean ranked for their keywords, in which case they would also not be competing with every gig on Fiverr - just those that would be returned by a search on those keywords (though that still might be many thousands). If they used low competition keywords they might have more chance of being ranked higher for searches for those.

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On 7/8/2022 at 1:35 PM, uk1000 said:

Though it depends what they are being ranked for. They could mean ranked on the top page of their subcategory - in which case they'd be competing with no more than around 246,000 gigs max (about the number of gigs in the subcategory with the most active gigs - logo design). But they could mean ranked for their keywords, in which case they would also not be competing with every gig on Fiverr - just those that would be returned by a search on those keywords (though that still might be many thousands). If they used low competition keywords they might have more chance of being ranked higher for searches for those.


for example, keywords like 'shopify toy store' have 342 results overall --




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So buyers are spending more money and sellers are making less money, sounds just like Uber. lol

I'm grateful that promoted gigs got me a $50 radio commercial order (two 15" spots) after I spent $3.15 (4 clicks). 
My daily budget is $25, and so far, I have only spent $6.72 since 7/1 to 7/10. 
My CPC cap is on auto, so I should be beating other bids. 

The information you shared is fascinating. I used to think there were millions of sellers, now I see there's only 830,000. 

It's also fascinating you didn't get in trouble for sharing an outside link. My posts used to get banned for that, whenever I had a quote, I would have to write "source: Google" or "source: The Wall Street Journal" because the powers that be didn't like outside links. 

I'm glad that has changed. 

On 7/8/2022 at 4:10 PM, smashradio said:

The world is getting increasingly narcissistic.

Interesting, to me the world is getting increasingly altruistic. All that nonsense about pay it forward, conscious capitalism, people over profits, eat the rich, Bill Gate's pledge for billionaires. 

On 7/8/2022 at 4:10 PM, smashradio said:
  • Think about themself most of the time and talk about themself a lot (why my gig no rank, why my impressions down, why fiverr not fair)

I see that a lot as well, but to me it's desperation and frustration, not narcissism, although I admit a narcissist will become frustrated when reality pops his fantasy bubble. Most narcissists avoid reality, they avoid getting their fragile egos hurt, like people who turn off comments on TikTok. 

Forum participation requires a lot of courage, it's not a safe space.   

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1 hour ago, fastcopywriter said:

My daily budget is $25, and so far, I have only spent $6.72 since 7/1 to 7/10. 

Promoted Gigs is fine. However I dislike the fact that they are misleading. If a person randomly found a promoted gig but they didn't click on it and eventually want to work with you, each one of their orders is seen as a Promoted Gigs purchase and they add it to the total amount you got through this. Which is obviously not the case. But it can get you buyers, so that's a positive thing. I never spent more than I earned thgrough it, so it is profitable.

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17 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Promoted Gigs

This is slightly off topic but was just curious incase you had an idea - do buyers know if a gig is promoted? Does it say "ad" somewhere just like how other ecom sites seem to say "ad" if its a promoted item or something.

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13 minutes ago, theratypist said:

Does it say "ad" somewhere just like how other ecom sites seem to say "ad" if its a promoted item or something.

I was browsing Fiverr from another browser, not logged in of course, and yes, it does show it's an Ad. I will have to re-check, but I am pretty sure it shows it's promoted. Not sure if buyers care or not..

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40 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Not sure if buyers care or not..

I think they'd be focused more on whoever can get their job done regardless if promoted or not. And with the numerous success cases on promoted gigs, seems to be that most wouldn't mind.😃

40 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

I was browsing Fiverr from another browser, not logged in of course, and yes, it does show it's an Ad.

That's interesting. Thanks for taking the time. I have another Fiverr friend who told me the same thing. I have yet to see it myself. I've never seen what it looks like when I attempt the search myself 😅

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2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

I was browsing Fiverr from another browser, not logged in of course, and yes, it does show it's an Ad. I will have to re-check, but I am pretty sure it shows it's promoted. Not sure if buyers care or not..

I've had a few past clients who specifically told me that they found my gig by "clicking on an ad on Fiverr" -- i.e., my Promoted Gig. So, buyers would seem to notice, and understand the distinction in the marketplace.

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I don't think I've seen anything marked "ad", but possibly the categories I'm searching simply don' t have anyone promoting. But, when I do dig through pages, I often see the same four gigs at the top of each page. I had been assuming those were promoted. I don't see any special marking on them.

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I'm the Product Manager of Promoted Gigs at Fiverr.

Regarding the following post, I would like to reassure you that as a Promoted Gigs seller you are being charged only for results, which means actual clicks on your Gigs, in placements you won as a result of an auction. If a potential buyer simply found a Promoted Gig of yours, but did not click on it, you will not be charged for the click.

A green badge with the word "PROMOTED" will appear on each conversation or order that originates from a click you've paid for.

7 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

Promoted Gigs is fine. However I dislike the fact that they are misleading. If a person randomly found a promoted gig but they didn't click on it and eventually want to work with you, each one of their orders is seen as a Promoted Gigs purchase and they add it to the total amount you got through this. Which is obviously not the case. But it can get you buyers, so that's a positive thing. I never spent more than I earned thgrough it, so it is profitable.

Have a great week,


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12 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

Promoted Gigs is fine. However I dislike the fact that they are misleading. If a person randomly found a promoted gig but they didn't click on it and eventually want to work with you, each one of their orders is seen as a Promoted Gigs purchase and they add it to the total amount you got through this. Which is obviously not the case. But it can get you buyers, so that's a positive thing. I never spent more than I earned thgrough it, so it is profitable.

I’ve gotten orders for the same gig, some promoted, some not. I always keep my promotions on.

In fact, this has encouraged me to raise my prices for radio. I need to make more money to justify the cost.

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On 7/10/2022 at 12:43 AM, fastcopywriter said:

So buyers are spending more money and sellers are making less money, sounds just like Uber.

Would it not follow that when buyers spend more that sellers make more?  Not sure how you distilled that from anything in my post? 

On 7/10/2022 at 1:14 AM, fastcopywriter said:

Interesting, to me the world is getting increasingly altruistic.

That nonsense goes out the window when there are 4 hot dogs and 5 people.  Then it's full on Survivor, season 35. 

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1 hour ago, newsmike said:

That nonsense goes out the window when there are 4 hot dogs and 5 people.  Then it's full on Survivor, season 35. 

Damn, we agree on something. Miracle of miracles. lol



1 hour ago, newsmike said:

Would it not follow that when buyers spend more that sellers make more?  Not sure how you distilled that from anything in my post? 

I was making a lot more money thanks to great volume when buyers were spending less. My biggest queue was 15 buyers. I had to check my e-mail and Fiverr app all the time, used to get upset with people who would message me before ordering, because I had no time to deal with that. 

Now, I get excited when someone messages me, I'm super polite and professional because buyers are rare, and I don't want to lose their business. 

I distilled the number of sellers and other important statistics. I appreciate that you took the time to gather that information. 

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