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Have you tried reporting a gig?


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This is my first time using the "flag" button to report a gig!

My initial intent was to purchase a funny birthday greeting video under the "lifestyle section" for a close friend as her birthday is coming up.

Then I thought "Oh I wonder how my category is doing these days..." 🤣 

Lo and behold I found a seller who was (on my front page) that was using my gig photo. I was in the first row and the seller's gig was a few rows below mine. 

And I was like....... "I'm pretty sure I saw my gig earlier"

Then oh wow, I thought my eyes were lying so I had to just double check! And so it began...


Actually we had a much longer conversation but it was just revolving around the two statements below

Him: "Why didn't you inform me first before doing that" 

Me: "It clearly is mine. Read the Fiverr terms of service"

So after a couple of back and forth exchanges revolving that he informs me that he has changed the photo and below was our last conversation. 


Around 10 hours later. He informs me that the gig has been removed (as seen above). That's pretty quick! 

I assume that it wasn't the first time the person's profile / gig was flagged. He already had a couple of [what seemed like legitimate] reviews as a new seller this 2022... And the gig that was similar to mine had less than that. (His other gigs had no sales) only the gig that had the same photo as mine did.

Anyway, I guess the flag button works? Interesting......

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In hindsight, I don't know if it was a good idea that I messaged him. I should have just flagged him without the discussion. I guess I was just annoyed that he used my gig photo. I would have just been fine it was the gig description. 

Thank you to @surajkartha (we had a conversation in messages) for the added perspective...🤣

P.S. This seller's profile photo is a stock image. And the image he replaced the gig photo was with a stock image. So I dunno if Fiverr actually saw the replica gig image or the gig was taken down because of the stock image! (For those who haven't tried reporting, you have to cite the source of the original photo)

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I've done it before, with people that straight up stole my gig videos. Half the time, nothing happened. Now they've gotten smarter - I've seen several people with videos following the same structure (same sentences on screen, same cadence, etc.) as mine, just swapping out the shots for other shots, while ripping off the entire concept. Very hard to do anything in those cases. But man, if you're a new seller claiming to have "hundreds of happy clients" in your video... lmao.

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I don’t even engage in conversation with people who stole my images or gig description. I just report them and that’s it, their gigs getting removed pretty fast. 

I think I tried a couple of times when I was really pissed in early days and I got the same answers (which is mind blowing) “why didn’t you tell me first before reporting” 🤦‍♀️ Like why would I even give you a chance? Or you thought that if you will be caught somebody will just politely ask you why did you do that 🤦‍♀️ 

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You're brave for actually confronting the seller, @theratypist! 😂 I would never do that!

8 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

Half the time, nothing happened. 

This is the case for me as well. I have flagged gigs before for obvious violations (usually found while browsing through services). Some use copyrighted images, others offer questionable services,  and one seller even said he would set up gigs for other sellers and pass their English tests for them. However, I haven't seen any of those gigs get taken down yet. I think Fiverr doesn't take action unless multiple sellers are reporting the same gig.

24 minutes ago, theratypist said:

Actually we had a much longer conversation but it was just revolving around the two statements below

Him: "Why didn't you inform me first before doing that" 

Me: "It clearly is mine. Read the Fiverr terms of service" ...

Around 10 hours later. He informs me that the gig has been removed (as seen above). That's pretty quick! 

8 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

I don’t even engage in conversation with people who stole my images or gig description. I just report them and that’s it, their gigs getting removed pretty fast. 
I think I tried a couple of times when I was really pissed in early days and I got the same answers (which is mind blowing) “why didn’t you tell me first before reporting” 🤦‍♀️ Like why would I even give you a chance? Or you thought that if you will be caught somebody will just politely ask you why did you do that 🤦‍♀️ 

I'm glad the the gigs got removed right away for both of you! I think it's ridiculous that those sellers think you need their permission when they are the ones using images without your permission! 

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3 minutes ago, vickieito said:

You're brave for actually confronting the seller, @theratypist! 😂 I would never do that!

Hahaha, first time to use flag button and it worked! Thanks Fiverr..... 

Tbh, at the moment I was really just annoyed that he used my exact gig image. It has a huge watermark that says theratypist so its really, really stupid to use it. Gosh and he's made sales from that gig. And for some people I think he might appear at the same page as me (which was how I found the gig -- he was on my front page rows below mine).... Had it been a different situation I don't think I would have messaged.

But definitely I would not message next time!!! 😂

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Just now, kenzahmed said:

@theratypistyou should totally check out the new post I just dropped might come in handy.

Thank you. The watermark I used was a logo commissioned from a Fiverr seller. I've had this gig image for a while and I have not any issues with it, nor am I in the design category. A lot of successful TRS sellers offer work from Canva. Any technicalities beyond that, I'm not keen on being informed. Not my line of business.

I would probably commission a new image in the future, but at the moment its been working out. 

I would also probably focus more on making actual sales than worrying about Canva.

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5 hours ago, visualstudios said:

Now they've gotten smarter - I've seen several people with videos following the same structure (same sentences on screen, same cadence, etc.) as mine, just swapping out the shots for other shots

You're right. Someone copied my gig video's script, structure and concept of the video. I reported the gig and stated that they took the script and concept from my gig video. I wasn't expecting much, but fiverr did take their gig down.

I had a few unsuccessful attempts as well. While browsing through my category, I noticed a very familiar video. When I clicked on it, I saw that they had stolen (from my gig page) a video I had created for one of my buyers and used it as their own. I reported it and supplied all relevant information. For some reason, the gig was not removed.

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On 6/15/2022 at 4:42 PM, theratypist said:

In hindsight, I don't know if it was a good idea that I messaged him. I should have just flagged him without the discussion. I guess I was just annoyed that he used my gig photo. I would have just been fine it was the gig description. 


I would recommend not messaging anyone. They know what they did. Clearly it wasn't a mistake. Just report it, that's what I do. I guess this is a sign of success if people try to copy your gig 🙂

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No, i have not tried this yet. But i found someone copied my Gig image and Description. Then i warned him to remove that Gig. And that worked. I did not have to report that gig. But i got one of my Gigs reported and removed without any notice or warning. 😞

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9 minutes ago, only1kader said:

No, i have not tried this yet. But i found someone copied my Gig image and Description. Then i warned him to remove that Gig. And that worked. I did not have to report that gig. But i got one of my Gigs reported and removed without any notice or warning. 😞

Are these two different instances (that are not related), I don't think Fiverr removes gigs without any reason. Did your gig turn out as denied?

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1 minute ago, theratypist said:

Are these two different instances (that are not related), I don't think Fiverr removes gigs without any reason. Did your gig turn out as denied?

I did not get any notification why that gig is removed/denied. Its not removed, its denied and can not be restored. But again, i got no notification or information why the gig was removed. It was a Photo Editing Gig. 

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