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New seller messaging, asking for work or help.


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Hello, I am facing this issue for long now and still not sure how to deal with this issue. 

I usually get minimum 3-4 weekly messages from the new sellers on Fiverr. Some of them request for work or some of them ask for help them how to start business on Fiverr. 

I have a quick response for these kinds of messages that I cannot help you or please check Fiverr forum for any kind of help. 

I do not know; it is an ideal way of handling or not. 

Do share you experience on this kind of situation. 

Happy Freelancing!!  

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16 minutes ago, asifhassanantue said:

I do not know; it is an ideal way of handling or not. 

Yes, there is an ideal way of handling it. Simply report the message as spam and/or report the seller profile if you're particlularly pissed off at the spammers.

These "sellers" have absolutely no success nor willingness to take the time necessary to learn how to do business. They prefer to spend their time spamming more successful sellers, hoping for work or to learn the fast ways to rank their gig on Fiverr. 

I have no time for such simpletons. They have 0 work ethic, and I'm not about to waste my time responding to such requests. However, I'm more than willing to help Fiverr in stopping them from continuing their charade. 

Problem: Bubble headed "sellers" who don't respect your time or the rules. 



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I politely inform them that, as per Fiverr's Terms of Service, it's only allowed to contact other sellers if they wish to buy from them, and that contacting sellers for any other reason is a violation of Fiverr's Terms of Service that can get their messaging disabled or their account permanently banned.

After that, I report them for spam, which also serves to block them.

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19 minutes ago, lalitsdmittal said:

I just told them that "I am sorry mate but It is against Fiverr TOS and If fiverr found you to doing this, they will ban you."

Me who doesn't get any sort of messages wishing at least for a scam message) 😭😭

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5 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

I have 2 QRs.

Short one:

Short, simple, to-the-point, perhaps a bit blunt but does the job. Then I have a longer one, which is a modified version of what @smashradio put in this thread:

You modified my bestest QR? 😮 

I used to use that one. For a long time. Then I realized that it's easier (and more fun) to just hit Report, since I never actually landed a sale using that message. 


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I started making a distinction between people who messaged me asking me for a job and people who messaged me asking me for help.

I get 7-10 messages like that per day on average.

I have a qr for the sellers who ask me for a job, politely informing them about how they are not going to achieve anything by this and I also report them for breaking ToS.

However, if someone is asking me for help, I have a different qr where I point them to the forum and encourage them to ask their questions there and read post by senior members.

I understand how we can’t help everyone, but at the same time we all started from 0 and at some point in time we all probably sucked at this.

So while it’s definitely not mandatory, sometimes a little bit of empathy may be just what could make a world of difference.

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I have lots of QRs, and probably half of them are different ones for different cases of spam messages, and I mainly use QRs for spammy messages of some kind.

Mostly, I use one that quotes the relevant part of ToS and has links to ToS and Help Center, and tells them that they can find out anything they need to know about how the platform works there. One has something about how they should ask their questions on the forum, so if I or someone else does take the time to explain, "guide them", etc., it's not just they, one person, benefitting from it, but several people. In addition to it being somewhat rude to expect total strangers to gift you their time, just so, it's actually also egoistic, unsocial in a way, to try it that way, while other people go the polite route of choosing the forum, where others can choose to engage, or not, and where many people can benefit from the advice those who have something to share, do share.

Spam or Report button depends, I favour the Spam button, as it's faster, just one click, and I lose way too much time through spam already. 

Sometimes, depending on the actual message, I reply by actually typing something up, but rarely, it's simply too many people for that, demanding a chunk of my time.

I feel for them, however, if someone can't manage to find ToS, Help Center, and forum of a platform they want to earn money on, on their own, or can't imagine that they may not be the only one asking that person for help, guidance, a job, money, etc., or can't even understand that all the "I will..." ads are seller ads and not BRs, they should probably not be a freelancer, and not selling on this platform, especially not in my niche.

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