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World Domination 41%
It’s amazing to see how buyers nationalities correlate to internet penetration in the given country.
What I am missing is most of Afrika, Far-east 'stan-s.
It’s a fun treasure hunt, and you can’t really influence it! (Though now I think about it, if you’d target a few facebook groups in those countries…🙂)

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Mine is 548%, but that’s only because my gigs are dominating on other planets as well.

Seriously, though, why do people keep posting these “world domination” topics? They serve no functional purpose other to compare a completely irrelevant stat.

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Mine is 548%, but that’s only because my gigs are dominating on other planets as well.

Seriously, though, why do people keep posting these “world domination” topics? They serve no functional purpose other to compare a completely irrelevant stat.

it is just fo our education, if you dont like it then dont participate in these type of posts and ignore it,

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On 3/13/2018 at 3:12 PM, lancewrite said:

it is just fo our education

There is nothing “educational” about comparing where everyone’s clients come from. Nothing about this compared information will make YOU a better seller.

On 3/13/2018 at 3:12 PM, lancewrite said:

if you dont like it then dont participate in these type of posts and ignore it,

I will comment wherever I wish. I was not rude. I did offer a sarcastic response, but what’s the harm in a little humor (especially in a topic that keeps popping up over, and over, and over and over, through the years)?

It is inappropriate of you to demand that other people stay away from your topics. This is a public forum. You may comment here as much as I or anyone else.

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Mine is 548%, but that’s only because my gigs are dominating on other planets as well.

Seriously, though, why do people keep posting these “world domination” topics? They serve no functional purpose other to compare a completely irrelevant stat.

Only 548% on an inter-galactical level? Amateurish.

Seriously, though, why do people keep posting these “it’s already been said” reiterations on world domination topics? They serve no functional purpose other to express a completely irrelevant trend.

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On 3/16/2018 at 2:35 PM, jonbaas said:

I prefer not to dominate the world. The last time someone tried to do that, it resulted in WWII. 😉

Ya, I feel like the way they have “World Domination” makes it sound so intimidating. When in reality I write children’s books about flowers and talking dogs. So I mean, if I am starting a war. Its a war with rhymes and lullaby’s. 😂

On 3/16/2018 at 2:37 PM, nikavoice said:

I never pay attention to the WD thingy.

However, I’m all for a powerful & strong female-led world domination. 😶

Me neither! That’s why I was so interested. And yes. I agree 1000% #strongwomenstrongworld

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Guest uxreview

I am at 6% only 😩

I am at 6% only

I’m at 4% 😛

Most of my clients are from 3 countries. I didn’t pick them, they picked me. I don’t mind it because my gigs are optimized for a specific target audience and I’m not looking to expand it 🙂

PS. With this one you’re pretty much asking for a 1-star review


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I never really paid attention, but I got curious and checked mine.

It was 31.

I’m too lazy to rule/dominate the world.

I’ve got more important things to do like having BBQ with my friends while

watching the Walking Dead. 😉

While I never watched a single episode of the Walking Dead (or Games of Thrones for that matter), I agree that your BBQ is much more important than what your stats say about world domination.

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