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How to complain about a buyer review!?


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I don’t know what to say!?
Buyer wanted to cancel an order without any valid reason. I declined the cancellation request. Now buyer submitted a review whereas I didn’t submit mine yet, I mean didn’t understand what to review!?
And if the buyer submits a negative review or lower rating then can I complain about that buyer review!?

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Guest humanissocial

You should try contacting the Fiverr customer support.

You obviously haven’t read the rules.

That’s called manipulation of a review and Fiverr routinely hands out warnings or worse for doing that.

Consider that maybe you shouldn’t give advice unless you understand the rules. Your suggestion could lead to this seller getting banned from Fiverr if he follows it.

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You obviously haven’t read the rules.

That’s called manipulation of a review and Fiverr routinely hands out warnings or worse for doing that.

Consider that maybe you shouldn’t give advice unless you understand the rules. Your suggestion could lead to this seller getting banned from Fiverr if he follows it.

@humanissocial could you suggest to me !?

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Guest humanissocial

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Maybe I haven’t read the rules but at least I am not rude to people

I’d call it pretty rude to advise people to do things that will make them lose their accounts.

I’d call it pretty rude to give advice on things you don’t understand and haven’t bothered to research.

I’m curt because your irresponsible actions will hurt people, not because I’m a “pro”.

I’m nice when people are responsible and don’t put others at risk. So you could try that.

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Guest humanissocial

@humanissocial about my topic !?

I explained at length that you can’t complain to CS about reviews because it will lead to a warning or even a ban.

You’re asking me to help you on your topic but I already have…

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Guest humanissocial

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

You could have just said, “Don’t do that, it will hurt your account” rather than being that much rude. You should understand that It’s okay for people to make mistakes.

You didn’t make a mistake. You pretended to have knowledge you didn’t actually have, advising people to do something that will hurt them.

No, I don’t have to excuse people advocating harm and act like it’s no big deal. It is.

If makes no sense to give advice on something you don’t understand. It’s harmful.

You just said you haven’t read the rules. When Fiverr’s registration form asked you if you read and understood the ToS and you said yes, you were lying. I’d call that pretty rude.

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If you do receive a bad review, which, most likely, you may due to the buyer wanting to cancel - you can reply with your OWN review of your experience with them. Be professional and on topic though - no name calling or hitting below the belt in your review of them. Just state facts of what happened.

What humanissocial is saying is that you cannot reach out to the buyer and discuss their review or reviews at all - this is why it is bad advice to contact the buyer about their review under any circumstance. Fiverr tends to see this as trying to guilt the buyer or manipulate them when it comes to their review.


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If you do receive a bad review, which, most likely, you may due to the buyer wanting to cancel - you can reply with your OWN review of your experience with them. Be professional and on topic though - no name calling or hitting below the belt in your review of them. Just state facts of what happened.

What humanissocial is saying is that you cannot reach out to the buyer and discuss their review or reviews at all - this is why it is bad advice to contact the buyer about their review under any circumstance. Fiverr tends to see this as trying to guilt the buyer or manipulate them when it comes to their review.


That’s the perfect answer. Thanks for elaborating this @genuineguidance .

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Guest coderbdisrafil

If you do receive a bad review, which, most likely, you may due to the buyer wanting to cancel - you can reply with your OWN review of your experience with them. Be professional and on topic though - no name calling or hitting below the belt in your review of them. Just state facts of what happened.

What humanissocial is saying is that you cannot reach out to the buyer and discuss their review or reviews at all - this is why it is bad advice to contact the buyer about their review under any circumstance. Fiverr tends to see this as trying to guilt the buyer or manipulate them when it comes to their review.


Good… it’s very awesome…

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If you do receive a bad review, which, most likely, you may due to the buyer wanting to cancel - you can reply with your OWN review of your experience with them. Be professional and on topic though - no name calling or hitting below the belt in your review of them. Just state facts of what happened.

What humanissocial is saying is that you cannot reach out to the buyer and discuss their review or reviews at all - this is why it is bad advice to contact the buyer about their review under any circumstance. Fiverr tends to see this as trying to guilt the buyer or manipulate them when it comes to their review.



Thanks for the cool reply GG! Can I complain about a bad/inappropriate review to CS!?

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Thanks for the cool reply GG! Can I complain about a bad/inappropriate review to CS!?

The problem is, Fiverr would just give you a copy/paste answer that you cannot manipulate the review system. Another thing is, to the buyer it is NOT a bad or inappropriate review. They are giving THEIR experience buying your service. While it may seem unfair to YOU and maybe it is unfair or bad, that is just how the ball bounces here - no amount of complaining to customer service is going to get that review taken down or altered. Now, if the buyer is using profanity, I guess you could complain - but, my guess is, you are just not happy with the review and want it gone, and that is not going to happen. We all get a bad review from time to time. You cannot make everyone happy here. Best thing to do is just reply to their review with your review with the FACTS of what went down - nothing personal, just facts. This makes you look like a professional. Especially if the buyer is ranting and raving about how bad you are.


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The problem is, Fiverr would just give you a copy/paste answer that you cannot manipulate the review system. Another thing is, to the buyer it is NOT a bad or inappropriate review. They are giving THEIR experience buying your service. While it may seem unfair to YOU and maybe it is unfair or bad, that is just how the ball bounces here - no amount of complaining to customer service is going to get that review taken down or altered. Now, if the buyer is using profanity, I guess you could complain - but, my guess is, you are just not happy with the review and want it gone, and that is not going to happen. We all get a bad review from time to time. You cannot make everyone happy here. Best thing to do is just reply to their review with your review with the FACTS of what went down - nothing personal, just facts. This makes you look like a professional. Especially if the buyer is ranting and raving about how bad you are.


@genuineguidance thanks a lot 🙂

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We just explained that you can’t.

We just explained that you can’t

:man_facepalming: Why do some people ignore pertinent advice? Oh, it’s because they won’t stop until they receive the answer they want - regardless of it being right or wrong.

We have seen it reported many times in the forum that people who complain to customer support about poor feedback often receive a warning. Unless the feedback contains inappropriate language or is racist - simply move on and don’t report it.

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We just explained that you can’t

:man_facepalming: Why do some people ignore pertinent advice? Oh, it’s because they won’t stop until they receive the answer they want - regardless of it being right or wrong.

We have seen it reported many times in the forum that people who complain to customer support about poor feedback often receive a warning. Unless the feedback contains inappropriate language or is racist - simply move on and don’t report it.

The advice was wrong. Humanissocial is very aggressive in a lot of situations where it isn’t called for. She replied to a person saying

You should try contacting the Fiverr customer support.


You obviously haven’t read the rules.

That’s called manipulation of a review and Fiverr routinely hands out warnings or worse for doing that.

That is false. It’s not review manipulation to ask CS about this. Review manipulation refers to contacting the buyer about it.

You can totally contact CS and ask what you should do if a buyer threatens with a bad review unless you cancel. That is against terms of service. They will NOT ban you for asking them. What you can’t do is ask the buyer, but that was never suggested. If a buyer tells me “cancel or I’ll leave you a bad review”, that will go straight to CS with proof immediately. It’s totally unacceptable, and there’s actually a name for that - blackmail.

Now, will contact CS help? Probably not. But they won’t ban you or give you a warning for it, come on (unless you are less than appropriate in your interaction with them).

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Guest humanissocial

The advice was wrong. Humanissocial is very aggressive in a lot of situations where it isn’t called for. She replied to a person saying

You should try contacting the Fiverr customer support.


You obviously haven’t read the rules.

That’s called manipulation of a review and Fiverr routinely hands out warnings or worse for doing that.

That is false. It’s not review manipulation to ask CS about this. Review manipulation refers to contacting the buyer about it.

You can totally contact CS and ask what you should do if a buyer threatens with a bad review unless you cancel. That is against terms of service. They will NOT ban you for asking them. What you can’t do is ask the buyer, but that was never suggested. If a buyer tells me “cancel or I’ll leave you a bad review”, that will go straight to CS with proof immediately. It’s totally unacceptable, and there’s actually a name for that - blackmail.

Now, will contact CS help? Probably not. But they won’t ban you or give you a warning for it, come on (unless you are less than appropriate in your interaction with them).

That is false . It’s not review manipulation to ask CS about this. Review manipulation refers to contacting the buyer about it

That’s still review manipulation if he’s asking CS about a bad review.

You can totally contact CS and ask what you should do if a buyer threatens with a bad review unless you cancel

The OP never said the buyer blackmailed him. I don’t know where you got that from. Leaving a bad review because the seller didn’t cancel isn’t blackmail unless the buyer threatened that as a consequence of cancellation.

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That is false . It’s not review manipulation to ask CS about this. Review manipulation refers to contacting the buyer about it

That’s still review manipulation if he’s asking CS about a bad review.

You can totally contact CS and ask what you should do if a buyer threatens with a bad review unless you cancel

The OP never said the buyer blackmailed him. I don’t know where you got that from. Leaving a bad review because the seller didn’t cancel isn’t blackmail unless the buyer threatened that as a consequence of cancellation.

That’s still review manipulation if he’s asking CS about a bad review.

No, it’s not. It’s a question. They will 100% not ban or warn you for asking about it. You are not manipulating anything by asking CS a question. How could that be “manipulation”? CS doesn’t control reviews at all. So you can’t manipulate anything. The only person that can be manipulated in terms of reviews is the buyer - since that’s the only person that can leave or not leave a review. Nothing else would be manipulation.

Granted, if the buyer did not threaten him with a bad review directly, it’s way harder to get anything out of it. Even if he did, Fiverr seems to have some trouble respecting their own TOS, so it’s probably pointless to contact CS in either case. But what they would likely do is just shoot back an automated message saying “Sorry for your bad experience, but the buyer can leave whatever review they want, yada yada” and that’s it.

Now, if you don’t accept their answer and start raising hell, then sure, you can be warned or worse. But simply asking about it? Less paranoia, it’s already bad enough as it is.

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Guest humanissocial

That’s still review manipulation if he’s asking CS about a bad review.

No, it’s not. It’s a question. They will 100% not ban or warn you for asking about it. You are not manipulating anything by asking CS a question. How could that be “manipulation”? CS doesn’t control reviews at all. So you can’t manipulate anything. The only person that can be manipulated in terms of reviews is the buyer - since that’s the only person that can leave or not leave a review. Nothing else would be manipulation.

Granted, if the buyer did not threaten him with a bad review directly, it’s way harder to get anything out of it. Even if he did, Fiverr seems to have some trouble respecting their own TOS, so it’s probably pointless to contact CS in either case. But what they would likely do is just shoot back an automated message saying “Sorry for your bad experience, but the buyer can leave whatever review they want, yada yada” and that’s it.

Now, if you don’t accept their answer and start raising hell, then sure, you can be warned or worse. But simply asking about it? Less paranoia, it’s already bad enough as it is.

No, it’s not. It’s a question. They will 100% not ban or warn you for asking about it. You are not manipulating anything by asking CS a question. How could that be “manipulation”?

Because the whole point of contacting CS about a review is to have it altered or removed, which is manipulation.

What other purpose could there be? To have poor grammar in the review corrected?

And again, he never said the buyer blackmailed him.

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No, it’s not. It’s a question. They will 100% not ban or warn you for asking about it. You are not manipulating anything by asking CS a question. How could that be “manipulation”?

Because the whole point of contacting CS about a review is to have it altered or removed, which is manipulation.

What other purpose could there be? To have poor grammar in the review corrected?

And again, he never said the buyer blackmailed him.

The purpose is asking what should he do in that case. CS will probably reply with “You can’t do anything”. And that’s that. It’s not manipulation. Trying to get something I want is not manipulation, unless I use shady methods to get it. It’s totally different asking person A for B, or manipulating A to get me B.

If you have questions about how to proceed, and you are being honest, contacting CS and asking is the natural action. Pointless in most cases, sure. But not dangerous, and people shouldn’t be afraid of contacting CS.

Do you believe that if I contact CS saying “A buyer tried to cancel and I refused, and now he’s left me a review that I suspect is just trying to harm my account, what should I do?” they will give me a warning? What for? For asking them a question?

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Guest humanissocial

We just explained that you can’t

:man_facepalming: Why do some people ignore pertinent advice? Oh, it’s because they won’t stop until they receive the answer they want - regardless of it being right or wrong.

We have seen it reported many times in the forum that people who complain to customer support about poor feedback often receive a warning. Unless the feedback contains inappropriate language or is racist - simply move on and don’t report it.

We have seen it reported many times in the forum that people who complain to customer support about poor feedback often receive a warning

Exactly. This doesn’t become ethical just because you are asking CS about the review and not the buyer. And that’s why Fiverr takes action against it, too.

:man_facepalming: Why do some people ignore pertinent advice? Oh, it’s because they won’t stop until they receive the answer they want - regardless of it being right or wrong

Exactly. The forum is a place for truth, not a place to be reassured that your fantasy is accurate.

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