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Paid promotion feature


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Yes impressions are increasing again

Please, the feature work with you again after one month or two month

I think it was after around a month that it had stopped working for me (impressions on the gig dashboard weren’t increasing despite high enough bid amounts), then after that impressions increased probably every day.

Though there’s no history of it shown to be totally sure. They should show a graph of impressions like they do on the gigs page but on gigs dashboard so you can see impressions & clicks just for the ad promotions over time.

Though you do get monthly emails with the total ad spend amount but that doesn’t show what the ad impressions were at certain dates/when they stopped (edit: they gave me an email with “recap of your promoted gigs activity” that has total impressions and clicks for November but they didn’t for December). Though the ad spend for December is a lot less than the one for November. I’m still using the Fiverr $10 gift for the promotion.

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I think it was after around a month that it had stopped working for me (impressions on the gig dashboard weren’t increasing despite high enough bid amounts), then after that impressions increased probably every day.

Though there’s no history of it shown to be totally sure. They should show a graph of impressions like they do on the gigs page but on gigs dashboard so you can see impressions & clicks just for the ad promotions over time.

Though you do get monthly emails with the total ad spend amount but that doesn’t show what the ad impressions were at certain dates/when they stopped (edit: they gave me an email with “recap of your promoted gigs activity” that has total impressions and clicks for November but they didn’t for December). Though the ad spend for December is a lot less than the one for November. I’m still using the Fiverr $10 gift for the promotion.

Hi, Please What is your daily spend limit now?

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Not particularly good, I didn’t actually get any clicks on the ad so I can’t tell how much profit I would have made but I noticed that whenever I turned on the promotion, my impressions, clicks and requests went down drastically and wouldn’t increase anymore until I turned off the feature again. So my personal experience is similar to what others have described here already. But I’m not sure how Fiverr actually thought this was going to work. This surely can’t have been the idea behind the promotion feature. At least I wouldn’t hope so.

Unfortunately, I am still trying to learn more about the Fiverr promotion feature

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Guest umarmeee

Hey guys! I used that feature and now my gigs are down and dead and I am unqualified for that feature.

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Guest umarmeee

You fall for that freebie?

Well, I’d use it anyway. Are you also facing the same issue and did fiverr help you with that?

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