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About jamescott

  • Birthday 03/18/1904


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  1. Hi, I hope this helps: Image is pretty, but doesn't look real. Almost too good to be real. I recommend using a photo that is more human, and down to earth. As for your introduction I will underline any grammatical or syntax error suspects I spot. (I'm not an English expert, so my observations here may not be perfect) : "Hello, welcome to my profile. I am a professional writer with years of experience in writing, I have passion in writing for clients to which it suits them and the content it is intended for. My writing prowess has put me at the fore front of my counterpart and proven me the best for you. I will be happy to work with you. Thanks in advanced." You might want to double check those items that are underlined. As a professional writer, you'll want to convey a strong command of the language. Your tags are all creative: Content creation Ghostwriting Book & eBook writing However your "about this gig" section focuses solely on fast and accurate data entry. Creative writing and data entry are quite dissimilar. You may have better success focusing on one area per gig. I hope this helps. Good luck!
  2. I sometimes feel like the fiverr app on my iPhone is lacking. One example: When a prospective buyer messages me about my gig (voice actor) they will often include attachments of a script or video. These I often cannot see while working via the iPhone. Maybe it's me, but I haven't been able to figure it out in a long time.
  3. Question about information on the “Promoted Gigs” tab that summarizes impressions, clicks, orders, spent and revenue. Is the “revenue” figure quoted pre or post the fiverr 20% commission? Thanks
  4. Ive been using the MKH416 with the Focusrite ISA One Pre-amp and analogue to digital converter “ADC card” for years now. I love the setup so much that I have a backup for each in case of emergency.
  5. Just do your best. Manage expectations, deliver excellent quality,and honor your commitments.
  6. Perhaps it is a good thing, then, that Fiverr is actively encouraging their sellers to charge higher prices. The days of “everything is $5” are quickly disappearing. Fiverr is a full-fledged freelance services website. Serious freelancers are business people seeking revenue for their services, just as this website is Fiverr’s source or revenue. If the prices and fees here are not to your liking, you are welcome to do business elsewhere. Just raised my base price. Still a very fair deal, a bargain compared to my “off-fiverr” price, and no more $5 gig! I hope this works. Will keep you posted.
  7. Henry, I understand your math, but don’t completely agree with your conclusion. Fiverr is a great site for small jobs. Just not as good as it used to be, but I’m hopeful that things will get better.
  8. Your correct if you’re referring to the sellers cut. Fiverr’s cut would be 3/7 of a $5 order. The percentage looks better (for the seller) as the gig value increases. Does that make sense?
  9. I think it’s a 43% fee on a $5 order right? $5 gig costs buyer $7, $4 of the $7 goes to the seller and $3 of the $7 goes to fiverr. $3 divided by $7 is .43. Seems like alot, which is why fiverr probably wants to discourage $5 sales. Like i said above, I was discouraged from leaving a $5 tip when I realized it would cost me $7 to do so. I don’t mind giving fiverr 20% of everything I earn, but as a buyer the additional fee just feels wrong.
  10. I run a voiceover production house in addition to producing voiceovers with my own voice. Many times my clients ask for female voices (more now than ever), and I often fulfill them employing voice actresses here on fiverr. I’ve ordered a total of 323 jobs from other sellers here on fiverr.
  11. I was just about to tip a seller $5, but stopped when I realized that it would cost me $7 to do so, and the seller would only get 57% of what it cost me.
  12. I agree, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for your experience, and I’m frustrated that this platform that I love, that changed my life, and that I used to make over $2,000 a month on has changed so much. My revenue is down well over 50%, and it hurts. The saddest thing is that, there’s no reasonable explanation for it. I pray that the owners see what they have done, or someone takes over this company, and returns it to what made it so special in the first place.
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