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The Best Suggestion Ever for Fiverr's Marketing Department


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So today I received a ‘Doers Digest’ marketing email from Fiverr. Like most spam (sorry) I only clicked on it because I thought it was an official Fiverr email. Then there was the usual, ‘these are great services to think about buying etc etc.’ However, then I had an idea…

As I understand it, Fiverr has an official blog and podcast. I don’t pay attention to these, just because I’m not that kind of person. What, though, if Fiverr created a second ‘sellers blog’ which only real Fiverr sellers can contribute to?

Let me explain.

As a writer and video maker, I get inundated with people asking to see samples. - And I turn all such people away. Sending links out to my own blog, portfolio site, or similar could result in my breaching TOS. At the same time, I can’t give out samples of work which has already been delivered to clients, as this would breach their copyright.

Given the above, wouldn’t it be good if Fiverr released a blog platform like a Fiverr version of Medium? Specifically, one where any seller could post content and media? It would obviously have to me moderated. However, as I see it, the benefits to Fiverr and Fiverr sellers would be profound.

  • Sellers would be able to link prospective buyers to a page (or pages) showcasing what they are capable of
  • Every day, Fiverr would have it’s content marketing efforts boosted a hundredfold, thanks to sellers creating indexable blog content for Fiverr FOC. (Good for SEO)
  • Allowing regular sellers to curate and publish content whenever they like, would help sellers feel involved with building the Fiverr brand

To clarify, I’m not talking about a blog strictly about Fiverr. I move to Cyprus soon. Right now I could blog about random things like the adverse effect the rabies vaccine has had on my dog and what other pet owners should watch out for. Or I could write a 5-step digital nomad checklist, tips for managing your freelance business when away from home, or just a random travel guide.

Conversely, someone like @misscrystal could write occasional posts concerning the history of witchcraft etc.

The point would be that there would be a platform which sellers could use to enhance their brand identity on Fiverr, while also giving Fiverr buyers face time with real sellers.

Personally, I think this would be a very effective and cheap way for Fiverr to market itself which sellers themselves would feel really passionate about.


This is by far one of the best ideas I’ve heard of. As a writer, this would really make my life a whole lot easier.

This is by far one of the best ideas I’ve heard of.

Thank you. This means a lot from you, Jim. And I really I think that my idea is pretty awesome and unique. (At least in the world of freelance market places). I will even go as far as to say that Fiverr can have it for free.


It’s a great idea. You can be the moderator too!

You can be the moderator too!

Too busy and too not PC I’m afraid… That said, my idea would only work if there was a semi-full time moderator. This would not be a blog for mek-sellers or Fiverr ranting. For it to work, it would need to be a legitimate space to share genuine, freelancer orientated blog content without an attitude or sales pitch in sight.

Wondering how to grow a Pineapple? The point of such a theoretical blog, would be to have Fiverr start appearing top in searches, the same way Medium and how-to blog posts do. This will always be the lasting beauty of Fiverr. The scope of possibilities is endless. It would reflect that and help imprint seller brand identities and the Fiverr brand everywhere all at once.


So today I received a ‘Doers Digest’ marketing email from Fiverr. Like most spam (sorry) I only clicked on it because I thought it was an official Fiverr email. Then there was the usual, ‘these are great services to think about buying etc etc.’ However, then I had an idea…

As I understand it, Fiverr has an official blog and podcast. I don’t pay attention to these, just because I’m not that kind of person. What, though, if Fiverr created a second ‘sellers blog’ which only real Fiverr sellers can contribute to?

Let me explain.

As a writer and video maker, I get inundated with people asking to see samples. - And I turn all such people away. Sending links out to my own blog, portfolio site, or similar could result in my breaching TOS. At the same time, I can’t give out samples of work which has already been delivered to clients, as this would breach their copyright.

Given the above, wouldn’t it be good if Fiverr released a blog platform like a Fiverr version of Medium? Specifically, one where any seller could post content and media? It would obviously have to me moderated. However, as I see it, the benefits to Fiverr and Fiverr sellers would be profound.

  • Sellers would be able to link prospective buyers to a page (or pages) showcasing what they are capable of
  • Every day, Fiverr would have it’s content marketing efforts boosted a hundredfold, thanks to sellers creating indexable blog content for Fiverr FOC. (Good for SEO)
  • Allowing regular sellers to curate and publish content whenever they like, would help sellers feel involved with building the Fiverr brand

To clarify, I’m not talking about a blog strictly about Fiverr. I move to Cyprus soon. Right now I could blog about random things like the adverse effect the rabies vaccine has had on my dog and what other pet owners should watch out for. Or I could write a 5-step digital nomad checklist, tips for managing your freelance business when away from home, or just a random travel guide.

Conversely, someone like @misscrystal could write occasional posts concerning the history of witchcraft etc.

The point would be that there would be a platform which sellers could use to enhance their brand identity on Fiverr, while also giving Fiverr buyers face time with real sellers.

Personally, I think this would be a very effective and cheap way for Fiverr to market itself which sellers themselves would feel really passionate about.

Like, the chap Simon Cowell would say…


Not a shabby idea! :ok_hand:t4:

As I understand it, Fiverr has an official blog and podcast. I don’t pay attention to these, just because I’m not that kind of person.

Samez, I think I’d be more interested in reading the 5r blog. If we get blog features not just from TRS or is just PRO Sellers. But from Sellers across the spectrum showing they’ve got what it takes to write HQ :pen: unplagiarized articles. Yanno, variety is the spice of life!

Seriously tho @cyaxrex you should email them this suggestion.


I find your suggestion very interesting, if implemented properly. A Fiverr official seller blog where any seller can post an article meeting some requirements (like article should be longer than X words to avoid spam, only 1 article every X days, etc.) seems something that can help in brand building.


I find your suggestion very interesting, if implemented properly. A Fiverr official seller blog where any seller can post an article meeting some requirements (like article should be longer than X words to avoid spam, only 1 article every X days, etc.) seems something that can help in brand building.

I really like this idea. Reminds me of an up and coming info sharing site that invites users to write engaging content. Would be nice and is very much needed as there are some inconsistency in acceptable/unacceptable links to share.


Was thinking about this a bit in terms of how it might work and the effectiveness of it and the more I thought, the more positive I feel it could be for both individual sellers and the whole Fiverr community.

Imagine a place where sellers could show their expertise and knowledge to anyone. Add to that the SEO strength of Fiverrs domain which helps forum posts to be indexed within an hour and makes it rank highly almost immediately.

Now imagine that when someone searched for something like “how to make a good video” and up came a post made by someone like @frank_d who explains the whole process and in a non spammy way, his profile can be easily found from that page. That means someone was looking for expert advice, gets it from a Fiverr seller and can even go and hire the seller. How good would that be for Fiverrs image?

Yes moderation would be necessary but it would be relatively straight forward and only require quick scans of the posts. Those attempting to spam could be immediately suspended from posting for a time. I think content would not necessarily have to be as G-rated as the forum either though obviously that would be up to Fiverr to decide.
In fact, I think making it something people had to apply to use would solve a lot of the potential issues.
Overall, love the idea and sent it on to see if it might draw some attention.


Was thinking about this a bit in terms of how it might work and the effectiveness of it and the more I thought, the more positive I feel it could be for both individual sellers and the whole Fiverr community.

Imagine a place where sellers could show their expertise and knowledge to anyone. Add to that the SEO strength of Fiverrs domain which helps forum posts to be indexed within an hour and makes it rank highly almost immediately.

Now imagine that when someone searched for something like “how to make a good video” and up came a post made by someone like @frank_d who explains the whole process and in a non spammy way, his profile can be easily found from that page. That means someone was looking for expert advice, gets it from a Fiverr seller and can even go and hire the seller. How good would that be for Fiverrs image?

Yes moderation would be necessary but it would be relatively straight forward and only require quick scans of the posts. Those attempting to spam could be immediately suspended from posting for a time. I think content would not necessarily have to be as G-rated as the forum either though obviously that would be up to Fiverr to decide.

In fact, I think making it something people had to apply to use would solve a lot of the potential issues.

Overall, love the idea and sent it on to see if it might draw some attention.

And who will read it, potential buyers? How would we direct them to it? How would we highlight our own posts for them?


And who will read it, potential buyers? How would we direct them to it? How would we highlight our own posts for them?

You could direct potential buyers to your own posts through a link on your profile (Fiverr domain so wouldn’t be a problem) but the real value would be in people finding posts through Google and then choosing to buy from you because they see your expertise.

It’s the whole basis of blogging (to show your expertise) but with Fiverrs SEO strength along with utilising the size of the existing community posts there would rank well for related searches.


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