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  1. I agree that some people don’t even look for solutions in Fiverr articles or forums; they directly open a ticket, which heavily impacts the support system in various ways. However, the current chatbot system is not functioning well. I tested it, and the results were unsatisfactory. It needs significant improvements. In my opinion, the chatbot should be turned off until it is at least 90% accurate or functioning properly because the support system is crucial for experienced sellers to get their solutions as quickly as possible.
  2. @Lena Please look into this matter.
  3. You said you are a digital marketer, but you don't know how to market your own business. So my question is, how do you call yourself a digital marketer if you don't even know how to market your own services?
  4. In my opinion, you should attempt to persuade your client to provide additional revisions, as they are not satisfied with the current work. If they refuse to provide revisions, I suggest you consult with the Fiverr support team to see what they recommend. When I encounter a similar situation, I always try to convince the client if the initial work was not satisfactory. If that fails, I engage with the customer service team for support. As always, I receive the best outcomes from the Fiverr customer service team.
  5. Add the country code before your number, then try again to see if you receive the OTP. If you still face issues, try changing the number to one from a different operator and see if it works. If you still don’t receive the OTP, I suggest contacting Fiverr support.
  6. There is no guaranteed way to get your gig back to the first page, as Fiverr’s system regularly shuffles gig positions to maintain balance among freelancers. However, sometimes a gig may be deranked for a few days after completing an order, and then it may return to its original position. Give your gig some time and monitor its progress for a week or two. If you don't see any improvement in its position, you can try editing your gig and making some improvements to see how it performs.
  7. Currently, the Fiverr Briefs page is not available for everyone. Please wait for it; if Fiverr enables your Briefs page, you will see it in the 'My Business' dropdown menu, located after the Orders page.
  8. First of all, if you do that, you'll violate Fiverr's terms and conditions, and secondly, you can simply tell your client that Fiverr has a Zoom feature for video calls.
  9. It is not refundable because you have already used the Seller Plus feature for a couple of months. If you're no longer interested, you should cancel it from the Seller Plus page.
  10. If you are using a Payoneer credit card and have not paid the annual fees for some years, they might be charging you for that. If not, please contact the Payoneer support team and ask why they are charging you a $100 fee.
  11. I'm not a pro on Fiverr, but in my opinion, you should never break a commitment you promised to deliver to your client. Always try to meet your client's expectations with quality work and good communication skills. Be transparent with your client, as it builds trust, and customer trust is essential for encouraging them to return and purchase your services again.
  12. My gig is not as popular as it used to be, but if I had to say what made it popular before, it would be the balance I created in the gig itself. What type of balance? Well, that's my secret recipe 🤣. I believe the gig image plays a big role in attracting more buyers. I didn't do anything special before publishing my gig, but I did a lot of research on my competitors and created an attractive gig image. I also make sure my gig description was clear and transparent, so buyers could easily understand the service I offer. That's what makes my gig stand out from the crowd.
  13. Your all point is great, but some order cancellation also happened due to client lake of requirement. Some clients start orders with the requirement, but after finishing the work they start putting in a lot of extra things. When we told them that they have to pay for extra things they want to add, they start arguing, and at some point when it is uncontrollable, it leads to order cancellation, so in this case I always reach out to the Fiverr customer support team so they can restore the cancellation rate again after reviewing the conversation.
  14. No company can provide you with their insights.
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