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About juanwriter

  • Birthday 04/02/1904


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    Under the Spanish Moonlight Shadow, learning from Munmun the mongoose

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  1. For this 2024, I hope Fiverr will continue working towards targeting a more mature, business oriented audience, so we can keep this platform as a B2B channel besides B2C or freelancing POI. This year AI nonsense has hit some sellers hard, mainly because of the media hype and misleading usability of current AI tools, but I think 2024 will put the market in his place again. Stay strong!
  2. I see some changes have been implemented in order to enhance Pro sellers flexibility, so we have now some tools to revert that situation. I will update this thread with my findings and tests so other Pro sellers can benefit from it if they face this situation. Thank you Yoav!
  3. Yes, my experience is almost the same. Since 2016, our team have been working hard to achieve the excellence in customer service. As a Top Rated Seller, our numbers were strong and we could see a steady development in our business here in Fiverr. However, in December 2022, we got the Pro status. That was really an accomplishment for the team, and specially for me. But things didn't go as expected. Our numbers in 2023 were not upgrading, but lowering month by month despite the excellence in the profile: not a single 3 star review or below, lots of courses, SEO optimized titles, paid promotions, coupons, you name it... not a single late delivery or problems. Now, our revenue is down the hill, we lost around 300% of monthly sales. The reason(s)? I am still figuring out, but seems this is related to traffic/buyer persona of Fiverr users and prices. As a TRS, I could set a $25 intro price, with the regular rate. Now, even with the same rate, I have to set a $100 price per Pro rules. I bet this have been discussed a lot here in the forums (unfortunately I don't have enough free time to write or read these forums, sorry!!) but, for our business, this is not working at all. Impressions have been hit also, I suppose the low impressions/click ratio may impact it. For us, the Pro "relaunch" is not working. I hope this gets fixed somehow soon. Now I am missing my TRS days, *sigh*. Anyway, I hope there is a "downgrade" option as last chance to return to Fiverr business.
  4. Nice point! I think I understand more the reasons behind this movement and why Fiverr is doing that.
  5. That strategy is encouraging buyers to try to hire the services outside of the platform, which is something that gets sellers in the unpleasant situation to explain Fiverr TOS, and buyer feel ashamed, which is BAD for business. Money can flow, but you have to think it carefully, as the risks involved in implementing a wrong approach can be too high. But also, they may want to develop a more mature platform, with increased prices (which, by the way, gives more benefits). However, I would try other paths to achieve that.
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