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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. It's not removed. It's still there and I have an access to it. May be it is only accessible to those if user has a Payoneer card. No idea but I have this option.
  2. This is only possible if you are choosing "Revenue Card" option. If you are using Bank Transfer option, then they will be loaded directly into your account via Payoneer.
  3. Read the following article on Success Score: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/21965360854673-Success-score Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards
  4. We still need you here. Stick with us no matter what please 💕
  5. Contact Fiverr Support again and sort it out with them. If they have told you that their decision cannot be changed then it means they can do nothing for you anymore.
  6. Fiverr Support cannot help you in this regard because AI is doing the work for them so they rely on it. Just get used to the changes as we all have to adapt to these changes made by Fiverr. Improve your services and overall success scores. And read articles on it too. P.S. Nothing can be done so just face it. (Sorry to say this)
  7. No. Main/Parent Category cannot be changed. Only sub-categories can be changed. If you want to change the main category then you will have to delete the gig and create it again using the right main category. Read the following article on "Editing a Gig": Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4599462511377-Editing-a-Gig Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Editing & managing your Gig
  8. They won't help you with it. Try to discuss with your buyer and sort it out somehow and deliver the work according to your buyer's requirements. Else go to the Resolution Center and send a request to buyer to get the order cancelled.
  9. It would be better if you contact Fiverr Support directly via Email or Creating a Ticket as there is a less chance that any one will help you here regarding your issue.
  10. No. They really have removed all the clubs from the Forum yesterday. Check Kesha's response to my query: ⬇️
  11. It's okay. It happens. I can understand your frustration because I have been there too but I had always been calm and polite even the other person was rude to me. You are not the only one who got punished.. Others have too.. So don't worry. Calm down. You are right that we must have a right to make mistakes but the problem is that it's not possible on Fiverr.. Just focus on delivering quality work. Hopefully things will be fine soon! P.S. Try not to be rude if your buyer is being not polite with you.
  12. Hello too. Your question is already answered in your post. It definitely takes 3-6 months to get recovered from the effects of private and public reviews so you will have to bear its consequences. Secondly, it looks like that you were being rude to your buyer as well (after reading your response to your buyer's response). Change your attitude and behavior as well. Be professional, calm and polite even the buyer is rude to you. About new level system: We have to get used to it because this is gonna happen soon (after 14th March 2024) so you cannot do anything regarding it. Just keep delivering quality services and stay calm + professional. Hopefully your scores will be improved and you will also be back to track soon. Good Luck!!
  13. Not 1st March, it has been vanished since yesterday i.e. 29th Feb 2024.
  14. Because there will be no more evaluation days in the future as Fiverr is gonna launch the new level system on 14th March 2024. Once you complete the requirements to reach the next level, you will have its badge on the same day automatically but it might reflect on your dashboard after 24 hours. I will encourage you read the article on Fiverr's New Level System: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards
  15. @Kesha It's an off-topic question. I am wondering that where is the "Club" Tab now? Has it been removed from the Forum? We had it previously next to the Forums tab.
  16. Academic services such as assignments are not allowed on Fiverr. It's prohibited. Kindly read TOS again: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service Read the following article on Academic Services - Do's and Don'ts: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020869658-Academic-services-on-Fiverr-The-Dos-and-Don-ts Source: Fiverr Help Center > Trust & safety > Fiverr services - policies & guidelines
  17. They won't respond to this question because AI is doing their work for them. You will have to read "How To Improve Your Gig Score" even you can understand it or not.. Link: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/success-score-explained
  18. If you are a member of Seller Plus Premium then you will have an access to your Success Manager else no. Otherwise contact Fiverr Support: Either Email them at support@fiverr.com or Send a Ticket:.https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/
  19. You can do nothing. So, Move On! What do you want to do? Review Manipulation so that you can get your account banned? Avoid it.
  20. Contact Fiverr Support. Only they can help you with it.
  21. You should know the answer of your own question because you are a Digital Marketer. Aren't you? Have you tried it yet? If not then give a shot first then let us know about your experience. I will encourage you to read my response again if you really can understand English. I already have given you some suggestions.
  22. Did not you read @priyank_mod's response? ⬇️⬇️ So avoid asking/requesting your buyers to accept the delivery/order. It's not a right thing to do. Just request for an honest feedback on your work.
  23. In my case, I have tons of repeat buyers which is why I cannot request them to leave a review on every order. It feels like that I am pushing/forcing them to do it. Thank you so much again. I have understood everything now! 😊
  24. I don't think you should mention or request your buyer for it (red highlighted text). @vickieito has guided that you can ask for an honest feedback from your buyers. Promoted Gig: I have never used it even I have an access to it. P.S. We all have to adapt to the new changes made by Fiverr no matter what.
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