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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. 4 active gigs for a Level 0/New Seller are allowed now according to the new level system. Check the following article: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system (Read "Level benefits" section) Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards
  2. You are violating Forum Rule 6. You are not allowed to share/mention the username of your seller/buyer here. @milos_siena Kindly hide the username as well as display names shared by OP. Thanks.
  3. I don't think so. Earn some funds first then try to add a payment method.
  4. You cannot use the direct Zoom or Google Meet Links from their own websites. If your buyer is sharing their links directly then avoid it. You are allowed to use the Zoom call only if you have an access to it on Fiverr via Order Page or Fiverr's Inbox.
  5. Actually, Fiverr has made their decision that's why they won't give you the further details on the reason of your account suspension. But the question is that did you really use VPN while travelling? Don't say "could be" or "no idea".. Just be honest..
  6. Once the gig is created, the URL will become permanent no matter how many times you change your gig title, gig URL will be the same like the very first gig title. No one can help you with it. You're a Level 2 seller and still you have zero knowledge about it? The only solution is that you need to delete the gig and create it again. But the problem is according to the new level system, Level 2 sellers can have 10 active gigs so I think you won't be able to create a new gig even if you delete the old one.
  7. I am sorry that you had to face this. If they have said that their decision is final then it means it is. Check @milos_siena response.
  8. You could have used the same ticket for follow-up purpose means 1 ticket was enough. @Lena or @milos_siena Kindly check OP's case if possible. Thanks
  9. Now, you are never gonna get any response from them due to the opening of 30 tickets. Seriously? 30 tickets in 30 days? You should have been patient if you're not getting any response from them. They have a list of queries to be dealt with everyday.
  10. Probably you have zero funds in your Fiverr account, that's why the payout methods are not enabled yet. Earn some funds first then try again.
  11. That's what I said and asked that are all of your gigs offering the same services that you want to use only 1 video for all? Video should be relevant to gig title and description as well.
  12. Try the same ticket and ask your questions again.
  13. Question for you: Why would you like to use the same video in all of your gigs? Any reason? Any differences in those gigs or offering the same services in all gigs? Also, is that the video relevant to your gig title, description etc.? Duplicate gigs are not allowed on Fiverr so I'd recommend you to avoid using the same videos/images/descriptions.
  14. Have you checked the following link yet? Link: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/success-score-explained Source: Fiverr.com
  15. Hi too. Have you contacted Fiverr Support regarding these issues? Only they can help you with it.
  16. Yes I am in the same boat like you but repeat buyers are being good to me these days. Got 2 or 3 new buyers this month and the new messages (from other new buyers) regarding the tasks which I have been getting were out of my scope 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don't know why this new level thingy has affected the entire platform when it should not be like this?
  17. Get those details via Order Page then if it's a part of your services. But better option is to contact Fiverr Support and discuss your concerns with them as they will guide you better what to do or what not.
  18. 4 gigs for a Level 0/New Seller according to new level system. Check the following article: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system (Read "Level benefits" section) Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards
  19. Here you go. Check the recording as well as articles: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/325788-get-ready-for-our-next-webinar-top-rated-quality-standards/page/2/
  20. Looks like that after-effects of launching a new level system are still alive!
  21. Hi too Check the following the link. It has your answer: Link: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/success-score-explained Source: Fiverr.com Almost 80% of the sellers have this issue. Chat with your buyer via Order Page if you have an active order..
  22. Sooner or later, your friend might get a warning due to the misuse of Deliver Work button. Never ever do it. Contact Fiverr Support and discuss your concern with them regarding buyer's unresponsiveness behavior.
  23. Have you tried contacting Fiverr Support regarding this issue? Contact Fiverr Support and request them to contact your buyer on the behalf of you.. Never ever deliver an empty file/work via Deliver Work button else you will get a warning due to the misuse of that button and you will lose your Fiverr account. Avoid it.
  24. It means use your gig images which are created/designed by you and content should be written by you in your own words. Do not copy images and content from others. Otherwise your gig will be removed and you might get a warning i.e. account suspension.
  25. As a new seller/level 0 seller, you are allowed to create 4 active gigs only. 3 gigs are active while one gig is in paused mode. Delete that gig and create the 4th gig. Check the following article: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system (Read "Level benefits" section) Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards
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