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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. You cannot do anything then. Wait for 60 days. They won't respond to your queries if you send them any. So better to wait. Why would they follow up with you when they have already told you to wait for 60 days? Be patient and wait for their decision. Meanwhile, I will encourage you to try other platforms too.
  2. Your niche is the competitive one. Your gig galleries are not good enough to attract buyer's attention which is why your are losing your clicks and impressions so work on optimizing your gig i.e. gig galleries and gig descriptions as well.
  3. Why don't you discuss this question with Fiverr Support? You know their AI can do anything and can detect "location inconsistencies". It would be better if you inform Fiverr Support about your travelling plan in case if you go outside the Europe.
  4. Still you should be grateful that you are getting orders from your repeat clients. 99% sellers are still struggling to get orders and here you are complaining that you are not getting orders? Feel blessed! 🙏 You will see very less interaction with the new buyers now (all credits: new level system). So work with your repeat clients no matter what.
  5. Is it about flagged account issue? Could you please at least tell us about your issue?
  6. And you should stop complaining here because no one can help you on the Forum. Better to contact Fiverr Support via email or send a ticket to them.
  7. By improving your gig galleries i.e. videos. They are not good enough to attract buyer's attention.
  8. But you have no idea about the private reviews what your buyers have left you. Don't worry. Let it go and do your best next time too
  9. What's wrong with the 4.7* review? It's still good. Actually, private reviews matters the most.. Public reviews matters too but private reviews has more weightage than it. Do not force/encourage buyer to contact CS to modify his review as CS won't take an action on it. Let it go and Move on.
  10. Means I am doing well at it So what if that gig has 369 Favorites but still her impressions/clicks are not increasing. She should have known the answer by now!
  11. No. Favorites/Bookmarks has nothing to do with the impressions or click not even orders. Impressions and clicks actually tells you the performance of your gig. If they are increasing then it means your gigs are being shown to the buyers.. If not, then it means your gig is not performing well and have zero capability to garb buyer's attention so Favorites/Bookmarks is not related to it.
  12. @milos_siena or @ana_tomy Possible to look OP's ticket/case? Thank you
  13. Only if you have an access to it via Order Page or Inbox (Fiverr's). Zoom meeting link from their own website (Zoom) is not allowed to use and share with your buyers.
  14. First: There are no buyers on Fiverr who will ask for Urdu Business Card. So better to go for English Business Cards Second: Again, Urdu is not an universal language on Fiverr so do English one. Third: Poster design is very competitive niche so competition is tough Conclusion: Urdu Language will never work on Fiverr so learn English first.
  15. Oh really? Then could you please tell me that why have not you gotten any order yet since April 2024 when you have been trying to stay active 24/7?
  16. If you are a Robot then nothing will affect you, I'm sure. Why do you want to stay online for 24/7? Don't try to become a Robot. 🙏 You are a Human so act like it. Also, staying online has nothing to do with getting orders or clicks/impressions. It's useless. Just get online whenever you need to do something on Fiverr like deliver orders, check notifications, gig updates, respond to buyer's inquiries etc.
  17. Unfortunately no. Seller Plus has nothing to do with getting orders or grow your business. It only helps in improve your gigs (via Success Manager), fast payment withdrawal system, early payout, fast response from CS, buyer insights etc.
  18. Following links are allowed on Fiverr only. See an inserted image below: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies (Approved URLs) Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig
  19. True.. Same vibes.. And at those times, we had MSN too along with Yahoo Messenger
  20. What other reasons do you need when you already know them? Clearly, these are the main reasons. Only solution is to contact Fiverr Support because no one can help you in this regard on the Forum.
  21. Hello too It's a scam. Please avoid sharing your personal or bank details to anyone on Fiverr as it's strictly prohibited. Fiverr has already a page of Earnings then why would anyone want to have your card/bank details. Simply, report that buyer.
  22. Hi too What is the status on your clicks and impressions? Increasing or decreasing with the passage of time? P.S. Your niches are very competitive ones so you need to do research regarding them on Fiverr to observe how other sellers are offering their services.
  23. Reason of your account being temporary disabled? No one can help you on the Forum. If you have created a support ticket then wait for the Fiverr's response.
  24. @priyank_mod Is it a new way to trap buyers and get orders? Remember: Newbie.. Newbie
  25. They must have asked you to wait for 60 days or something like that. Have they?
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