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Everything posted by breals

  1. You claim to be fluent in English, yet your gig descriptions are barely legible. This is particularly worrying, as you will be creating social media content as part of your service. A well constructed gig that is written correctly will give the confidence to buyers that you will deliver high quality. Unfortunately, I don't see this, and the reality is that others won't either. Might I suggest that you remove your fluency from your gig and spend some time learning the language to communicate more effectively?
  2. breals

    No Order

    You're a digital marketing expert that helps small business grow. You should be telling us how to develop our businesses. Not the other way around. One point to note though. You have chosen to make your skill test results public, and I can see that you're not in the top 30% for your speciality. This may be a factor that you may want to reconsider? Whilst you're in this quiet period I would aim to retake this test to achieve a better result.
  3. I thought this one would be apt based on your post. 'We hardly need to use our ears, How music changes through the years'. Queen - Radio Ga Ga!
  4. And where have you gotten this information from? and on what basis have you come to this conclusion? Are you saying that every new seller on Fiverr has to sit in front of their computer for 10-12 hours every single day? You're speaking absolute madness. I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself and concentrate on getting orders for your own gigs!
  5. breals


    You claim to be fluent in English, yet I'm really struggling to understand what your question is? The issue with responding to buyer requests may actually be a good thing until you're able to communicate more effectively.
  6. Absolute rubbish. if you read the forum you would understand this is incorrect 145 posts on the forum, yet you're still posting this. This would tell me that you're more concerned about gaining credibility points on here rather than reading the forum and applying your knowledge to get your FIRST sale?
  7. As @mariashtelle1 has said above your rank isn't important. But just one more piece of advice for you. You have NO sales. Why do you need to post anything? You should be spending more time reading all of the information that's available to you on this forum. I can guarantee that whatever questions you want to post have already been asked and answered time and time again. Do yourself a favour. Less typing, more scrolling!
  8. I have the option to invite any customers thought the video icon at the bottom of the chat. This keeps it contained within Fiverr. I'm not sure though if this appears for everyone?
  9. You currently have just one gig, which is fine. But that gig needs to be the best it can be. If you expect your customers to spend up to $300 on your services, then at the very least your gig images need to show exactly what they are going to get. I personally find your images hard to understand and uninspiring. They are simply just screenshots. What was the project? What types of apps are they? Unless you have a portfolio to show what your work is like, then people will simply glance passed you. You also state that you're fluent in English? However, from the messages you've sent this is not the case. When dealing with customer queries in technical related subjects, your communication needs to be spot on, or errors will be made. I would consider dropping your Understanding of English to basic. Finally, Your gig description is very bland and basic. You need to look at this and wow your customers. I'm afraid when I read it, it didn't excite me or want to buy from you. This is where the 'hard work' comes in. You need to research this forum, Implement the changes and evaluate the results. We can't do this for you. Good luck
  10. You posted the same question yesterday? Please be patient and wait for an answer, don't start a new thread. Your lack of answers may also down to the fact that this question has been asked time and time again. As a new seller you should be reading the forum and understanding the changes you need to make. Not repeating your question until you get an answer you like. There is no magic bean you can eat to give you success. It will take hard work and tenacity to stand out from the crowd and to start generating sales.
  11. a MINIMUM of 20 hours a day online???? Stop talking absolute rubbish man! Your comments are directly affecting the mental health of new and vulnerable freelancers that are stupid enough to listen to you YOU HAVE NO SALES and no experience on this platform. I suggest that you spend your time reading this forum and understanding how Fiverr works, rather than trying to gain popularity points.
  12. Stop talking absolute rubbish, if you took the time to read the forum instead of providing fabricated advice you would know that this is incorrect. What you post has a consequence, and that consequence is peoples wellbeing and mental health being directly affected by staying online for unhealthy amounts of time. With just 10 sales on Fiverr, you should concentrate more on your own profile rather than answering questions you have no experience in.
  13. If you're selling web design services, then I would want to see products you have designed in the past. With all of your experience. where is your portfolio of work in your gig image?. If you have no sales and are new to Fiverr your shop window needs to be enticing and innovative. I have seen too many web designers simply sticking a person pointing to the services you sell on their gig images. As a consumer, I want to see what you've done and whether it fits in with my design requirements. But, do not use templates in your images, it's off-putting and is simply just data entry. There are 10,000s of web designers on Fiverr. What are you going to do differently to everyone else?
  14. The best piece of advice I can give you is this. If you state in your profile that you're fluent in English, your future clients will expect to have a full conversation in that language. It's clear form your post that this is not the case. If you can't communicate with us effectively on this forum with just a few words. How can you expect to discuss keywords and client requirements on the Fiverr platform? I would therefore wok on your English language skills and change your fluency to basic.
  15. You mean 'an English test' right? There's something weirdly ironic about your response.
  16. I suggest that you take some English lessons before trying to take the test again. A few months of waiting will be better in the long run for you. If you've failed a basic English test then you will find communication with clients really hard, so consider this a good thing, as poor communication normally leads to cancelations and poor reviews.
  17. It's a requirement that the gigs you create are written well and easy to understand. If they're not, then your customers will struggle to understanding your offering? What gig were you trying to publish out of interest?
  18. Never eat yellow snow 😀
  19. Fiverr seem to be making a real effort to make positive changes, and they appear to be listening to feedback. I guess the only thing I will say is that seller plus is repeated in 2 menus. It appears in Growth and Marketing and Analytics. Isn't that a bit clunky?
  20. I'm thinking at the very least we should have an invite to canapes on the Fiverr company yacht. The problem is that if we're all sending buyer requests and active 24 hours then we will have to decline the RVSP. 😀
  21. I guess we're all in a position now where we can sit tight and see what happens. It's a nice position to be in, but like everyone else, I'm keen to see if I will get value for money and any extra perks. As @catwriter mentioned. If we are considered to be in a 'premium club' (Smoking jackets, cigars and cravats included) I would expect to see some movement on the payment window. Why should we still have to wait for 7 days for a payment to clear? Finally, there seems to be a lot of emphasis on success managers as part of this premium offering. However, there appears to be a lot of inconsistency in terms of the service we all get from them. I would like to think that the reduction in members will see more target support from the SM's, and a more insightful approach on how we can take our businesses to the next level. Exciting times are ahead, but it's now up to Fiverr to convince us that this service is worthwhile and beneficial, otherwise it's just another Amazon prime in the making 🙂 Great for the first month, but an expensive perk over time.
  22. Fiverr appear to be clamping down on a lot of services at the minute, particularly ones that promise/guarantee results at the end. You claim to be a SEO expert, and I am led to believe (I may be wrong) that freelancers in your field need to demonstrate competency via an online test. This may be one of the reasons that you are no longer eligible. It could also be a possibility that you have received some private feedback that contradicts your five-star reviews. If Fiverr deems your service to be of poor quality, then it will sanction you appropriately
  23. You're in a tricky niche, as your gig images are really what sells your product, and unfortunately, you have spelling mistakes on them. I personally wouldn't buy from someone who hasn't taken the time to make sure these are correct. After all, if they are wrong on your own profile, what makes me think that my delivery won't be littered with errors. If you're not comfortable using the English language, then apply your trade to your own language, as otherwise you're trying to be something you're not.
  24. You need to take a look at your gig images. A digital marketer that can't spell 'followers' correctly will always deter potential buyers. Your gigs are also littered with other spelling and grammatical errors. So, part of the issue is down to you, not the platform. Focus on getting your gig as good as it can possibly be, then reassess your metrics.
  25. It's not your right to have a gig rank highly. It's earned by hard work and dedication. There are 10,000's of other freelancers selling exactly the same services as you, who all want a piece of the pie. It is really disappointing though that you come here asking for help when this is on your profile I am an SEO Specialist with extensive knowledge in keyword research, competitor analysis, website auditing, and link building. If you claim to have this knowledge then you should be better placed than any of us to improve your ranking. If not, then you should consider whether proving SEO services is the right industry for you.
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