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About vickygraphix205

  • Birthday April 25


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  1. Hello Great Comrades🌹

    it feels good to be back. 



  2. I have improved my gigs to standard and I to land a job faster now.



    Hello friends and family rate my gig 🙏 

  3. Hello guys, longest time no see🤣😂


    I'm royal to you all.

  4. What's actually the reason why my Gigs impression and clicks keep on reducing? 


    I don't seems to understand, is it because am not always online or what?

  5. I'm very angry with this platform Fiverr or whatever. Why would my Gigs Impressions and Clicks reduce instead of increase? Why? 

    I'm really angry here.

  6. How can I create a community on Social media most especially Linkedin, to enable me to gain access to clients from there?

  7. I'm very angry with this platform Fiverr or whatever. Why would my Gigs Impressions and Clicks reduce instead of increase? Why? I'm really angry here.
  8. How can I create a community on Social media most especially Linkedin, to enable me to gain access to clients from there?

  9. Hey guys good day. I noticed that today my impressions instead of increasing, is  decreasing. Is there any precaution I should take about that?

    1. vickygraphix205


      Please what causes impressions to decrease instead of increasing 😾?

  10. Happy freelance international day to us🤣♥️👏💯


  11. Okay how can I Market my gigs on LinkedIn? What strategy should I use?
  12. please How can I Market my gigs on LinkedIn and get clients?

    I need an experienced person who knows marketing strategy on LinkedIn?

  13. The same thing that happened to @haven_art45 is what am passing through, please I need someone who can actually tell us what exactly needed to be done to get sales ?
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