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About wahidtipu

  • Birthday April 15


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  1. Flocks, I changed everything on my GIG But my GIG is no impression and no click I noticed before changing my previous gig was a good impression. IDK What happened. Experience people, please give me a good suggestion. Checkout my gig if needed:https://www.fiverr.com/wahidtipu/give-you-day-trading-forex-strategy
  2. I didn't find my answer in your reply. 🙄
  3. Hi Flocks, I need advice from experts. I want to change everything on my gig like the gig title, keyword, Price, description, profile video, and primary image is this any bad impact on my gig? I think my gig link did not change. Please let me know your valuable advice.
  4. How people active 18 hours a day. This is make no sense.
  5. Thanks everyone
  6. if my client request some discount then does any impact happen on my gig?
  7. @jonbaasThanks
  8. I need tips from a pro seller. please suggest to me how to be more attractive in my GIG. Professional Day trading strategy
  9. Hello guys, I am new here to this community. everyone, please let me know my gig quality. https://www.fiverr.com/wahidtipu/give-you-day-trading-forex-strategy
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