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  1. Hi, I recently got "promoted gig" feature from Fiverr. I am really grateful for that! Can anyone please let me know how much time do I have to use it? I have not turned that on yes, just curious if I don't start using it for few more days, will it be disappear? Fiverr gives this option for few days or is it my choice to turn it using this when I feel the need of it?
  2. Hi, I have completed all requirements for Level One but didn't got the Badge yet. Will I get it according to my evaluation date or there is anything which I am missing. Thanks in advance for your guidance.
  3. Hi, I recently made some changes in my gigs, changes were mandatory according to my skill category, (some spelling & grammar corrected, before correcting gig was performing good) but sadly my gig impressions & clicks falls to zero, and gigs not even showing when searched. Please guide me what's wrong. I don't understand when gig description was having mistakes it was performing good, and zero performance after correcting everything. (it's been 2 weeks with zero performance.. I waited as I thought gig edits takes some time to perform in algorithm)
  4. Can someone guide me how to achieve badges on forum? As I am new on forum. Thanks.
  5. Change gig cover. Change gig cover
  6. What do you think, "Audio Editing" specifically "Audiobook" is in demand? Which skill do you suggest to add for getting more business?
  7. Hi Share you experience in which month/season order ratio increases? Also mention your service category, Mine is Audio Editing.
  8. Sunshine, Exercise and good diet, 3 best things to follow.
  9. How is this Fiverr Brief system working for you? Do you miss Old buyer request system?
  10. Thank you for guidance & motivation.
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