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Everything posted by breals

  1. @andi2211 Before you even bother worrying about your gig ranking, you need to address the serious spelling errors on your gig and gig image. If you're producing ads, you customers need to be confident that that you can set up a campaign that is error free. What I see at the minute does not do that
  2. @wordpress_dev_s It's of no surprise that you're not getting orders, when a simple reverse image search of your gig images shows that you're just using templates. At no point in your gig do you reference the images as templates, so you're therefore deliberately misleading customers into thinking that these are your own designs. As a website designer myself, this is incredibly frustrating, as you're making out that you're an expert in your field, when in fact all you're doing is changing words and images. This gives the impression to people landing on your profile that Fiverr is full of people that are trying to pull a fast one. So before you even consider marketing your gig, I would look at the service you're trying to offer and be a bit more truthful, as to be honest, your potential customers can spot your flaws in seconds.
  3. Can't people just use an emoji for saying congratulations? This post has more replies than some of the important operational updates from Fiverr
  4. Look, we're all human here, and we all have hearts, so hearing about your plight isn't great reading for anyone. But here is some advise you can take or leave. A simple Google reverse image search will show that you're lifting your graphics from other freelancers and pre-built templates. There is no particular skill in doing this, and it's very misleading for a client who is expecting a design specifically tailored to their brand guidelines, as outline din your gig description. So spend the next few weeks/months learning your trade and doing it the proper way. Build your OWN designs onto your gigs and let the customers decide if they like them. A lot of successful freelancers have become experts in their field because of the unique service they sell. With nearly 1 in 4 freelancers on this platform offering a graphic design service such as yours, the reality is that you're unlikely to make it with what you currently have live. So, fight your way to the top. 1) Do something different. 2) Don't follow the other sheep. If they are unsuccessful, then why are you copying their gigs? 3) Be innovative in your designs. 4) Future proof yourself for when AI takes your job away from you. 5) Don't copy anyone else's designs, and don't use templates. Otherwise you're just doing data entry. Hope this helps
  5. Wow! Well done on spinning @catwriter 's reply. Clearly you loved it so much you had to repeat it?
  6. Well if you offered him unlimited revisions then he has every right to ask for changes until he is happy. In terms of editing other videos, then this is a service outside of your gig, so you should politely refuse.
  7. My wish is simple. Could I please ask Santa for me to be able to send a gig to my UK clients in pounds (£) instead of dollars ($) ? Whilst I appreciate that Fiverr works in $, some of my newer clients have no idea how different currencies work, so for me to say it will cost you this many £, and for them to then receive a gig to that value will make me very happy! Whenever I try to send an offer to match the value in my local currency it can take up to 5 attempts to get even close, this can be quite embarrassing at times. Happy to write a letter to the North Pole if it would help?
  8. @darsonix You have been reported. All of your posts on this forum are from chatGPT, with a link at the end to your gig. Hardly compelling content from a writer!
  9. @artsbrand Is this your option? or what ChatGPT is telling you?
  10. Even if you wipe out your performance in 2023, that still leaves 3 years you have been on the platform. Over these 3 years you have acquired just 14 orders. That is at best just 5 orders a year. This is hardly a resounding case for justifying people stay active on the platform
  11. As @smartdezigns has said. This is the 'bread and butter' of website design. If you're unaware of how to address this then you need to learn very quickly!
  12. Thanks for checking in @damooch916 - Your updates keep me sane in this crazy world. As I look out of my window on a cold and crisp Welsh afternoon, the same question slips into my mind day after day. WHY DON'T I LIVE IN FLORIDA? God, I hate the cold! What did 2023 bring for me? - Well, this was my first full year of being a 'grown up' freelancer. After giving up my job in education to chase the dream, I'm glad that I actually broke even and earned the same as I would have done in full time employment. Sure, I worked about 400,000 extra hours, but hey! it feels good to be my own boss now. Plus, I no longer have to wear a suit, underwear or even shave. 😀 Which is always a bonus. I was also able to be part of the Fiverr certified program, which is a pretty cool corner of Fiverr where geeky web designers live and talk geek stuff. On the flip side, working from home did allow me to help my wife support our 6 year old daughter who became T1 Diabetic as a result of COVID. this has meant endless sleepless nights, and lots of education on what she can and can't eat. Ironically, this kick in the teeth has now resulted in us becoming healthier and more active than we ever planned. I may even consider buying a 'Tommy style tank top' as a reward for my slimmed down figure. Although I'm not quite sure it will slip over the residual beer belly just yet. What's in store for 2024? - Like everyone else, I guess there is the realisation that Fiverr can't and shouldn't be my only source of income. So, I will be focussing on growing my website design agency in Wales, and trying to step back a little for even more family time. With two young daughters I want to be around long enough for them to bankrupt me with their expensive tastes. No offence ladies. But girls are costing me a fortune. Let's keep checking in and staying in touch! cael nadolig gwych pawb! Have a great Christmas Everyone Ian
  13. December and January are my busiest months. As a web designer I tend to pick up a lot of orders from people who are looking to start the year with a new business venture. This year seems to be no different. On an average month I will design around 15 websites on Fiverr. December and January combined I will probably do around 60. But as @catwriter has said, it is purely down to the niche you fall under and how you market your gigs.
  14. I think the concept is a good idea. but I can't imagine them being mobile responsive? And as 80% of all visitors will visit the site on a smartphone, it would be a bit pointless. I suspect that these types of websites will also slow down the site quite a lot, which will in turn have an effect on rankings. Good question though @viciam11 👍
  15. If you need to change your gig image then just change your gig image. All of the people above that tell you not to if your gig is ranking are talking absolute nonsense. Your gig is an organic document that changes as your skills, experience and offering changes. I have nearly 600 orders on Fiverr and I regularly update my images to reflect my new skills.
  16. It's disappointing to see that someone who states their skills to be digital and social media marketing has no clue in the difference between a click and an impression? I will also throw my hat into the corner on social media marketing topic. It's a VERY useful tool for a digital marketer that knows what they are doing. However, for someone that is relatively active on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram, I strongly recommend that people understand the principles of digital marketing, as opposed to spamming posts and groups with links to their Fiverr profile. Last week I saw a post from Fiverr on Linkedin about some great work that a freelancer was doing on the platform. They were really inspiring and were clearly doing well on the platform. Instead of other freelancers congratulating them, all I saw was an opportunity to spam this post with backlinks and requests for people to order from their profile. Once again. This is not Social media marketing!!!! Please understand that this is completely pointless, and all you're doing is showing yourself to be desperate. (This includes supposed 'digital marketers' on Fiverr) Social media is completely saturated with these types of posts, and to be honest, it's getting a little embarrassing when I see the measures that some people take to promote their gigs. So, please, understand this. I spent 4 hard years studying to become qualified in Digital Marketing. And do you know what? Not one of my modules or lessons said that I should constantly spam social media profiles and posts in the hope that someone will order from me. What I was taught was to be innovative in how you promote your gig. Make people think wow! that's something cool and different and I am willing to click to learn more. Otherwise you're just another sheep following the flock.
  17. I've ordered 1 Chinese takeaway and 1 Papa johns since Monday The service was good so I left them a 5 star review. Looking to receive another delivery for Dominoes Pizza at the weekend. Hopefully I will get my level 1 badge soon!
  18. What exactly do you do for 18 hours a day on Fiverr? I am genuinely intrigued to know.......
  19. Strange. It was only yesterday that you were asking for praise for being successful? Now you need tips as you're not getting orders. Why don't you apply the digital marketing and lead generation expertise you claim to have?
  20. ???? Shouldn't you be telling us about your gig research? 🤔
  21. You claim to offer a custom t-shirt design Gig, yet a simple reverse search of your gig images shows that your just using templates. This isn't graphic design, It's data entry. Customers aren't stupid, they can see this and they will click straight back out of your gig when they realise that 1000s of other people could be walking around with the same 'unique' design as them. This would explain why quite a lot of people are clicking your gig, but not placing an order. You're also offering '100% Commercial Rights' on a stock image. Good luck with that. 😀
  22. So you're a lead generation expert with no orders advising another lead generation expert with no orders? And the best advice you can come up with is working a 126 hour week????
  23. @sakirulhosen The first thing that I, and your potential customers see is the glaring spelling errors in your gig images. It's no good asking Fiverr for help if you can't address the things that are blindingly obvious.
  24. I couldn't disagree more! You get out what you put in to Fiverr. If you create a unique and eye catching gig then you will stand out from the crowd. If you do the same as everyone else then nothing will happen. I notice you claim to be a digital marketer? You should be better placed than most to put your gigs in front of people, and as an apparent lead generation expert you should be able to constantly have a pipeline of new customers. If you can't don't this for yourself, then how can you be prepared to take a customers hard earned money away from them?
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