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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. I love the list that you have there @smashradio! I think I started from the bottom up: first with #3, then #2, and then #1: #3 - Make a Plan. I like how you simplified the plan to focus on the why, how, & who. The "why" can't simply be "to make money." My why includes how I love being able to help my customers achieve their goals and dreams - whether it's launching them into the job market with a strong resume or creating their first ecourse. I also love how I can be at home and more present in the lives of my children. The "how" refers to your skills (your #2) and the "who" refers to your customers (your #3). #2 - Be Good At A Skill. Yes, we do have to be honest with ourselves! The "skills" I thought I had initially weren't really the skills that my customers were asking for, nor were they my strongest skillset. I had to be flexible to change my business and adapt when customer feedback told me what skills I should focus on. #1 - Be Unique. This point is so important! Too many newbie sellers make the mistake of blending in with their competitors. You really do have to be unique, specific, and stand out. As a seller, I don't need to cater to the masses. I only need a handful of clients in my specific niche to do well. This is HUGE! Why do new sellers always think it is about them? All the complaints from new sellers use the word "I" ... "How can I make more money?" and "Why don't I have any orders?" Very rarely do I see a new seller complain, "How can I provide value to my customer? What do they want? What do they need? How can I listen better to my customers so that I can provide the optimal experience for them?" Once new sellers start realizing how important it is to provide value to the customer, and can provide value, then they'll start making money. I think experimenting is good and opens the door for fluidity. My business plan that I created when I started Fiverr is so different from the business plan I have right now. Had I stuck with the original plan, I probably wouldn't be making any money. I adapted my gigs and tried out new skills because my customers were asking for it. I had plans to just do donkey work (data entry and proofreading). I specifically put in the plan that I would not write, because it uses brainpower, and always thought my writing was boring. However, my customers love my writing and it's really the only thing I do on Fiverr (research & summaries, writing ecourses/curricula, etc.).
  2. ☀️Happy Summer Solstice! 😎

    Yesterday was the hottest day of the year in Japan!

    More hot (and humid) days to come!

    1. dannykojima1


      The temperature will reach 101 coming this Sunday, so California is going bone dry soon. 

  3. Here are a couple more badges that haven't been mentioned in this thread yet: I am also very interested in the hidden reviews ... it would be nice to see those reviews! I'm curious! I'm going to be looking around trying to find them ...
  4. I can see @vickiespencer and @theratypist both have the "Highly Responsive" badge and the "1 Hour" response time. However, I have a "1 Hour" response time and have never gotten that "Highly Responsive" badge (even when checking my gigs with other browsers). I might be borderline on the 1 hour response time because I do get messages when I sleep.
  5. You're right, @animie_video! It is different. We are actually looking at three things: 1. Highly Responsive Badge (a lightning bolt icon) - this shows up on your gig page, not on the search page. 2. Quick Delivery Badge (a timer icon) - this shows up on the search page, not your gig page (and only if search thinks it's relevant for you). Note: I clicked on a seller to see exactly how quick he was delivering. Apparently, this seller has a 3-day delivery window and can deliver 4 days early!!! No wonder why his customers are "honestly blown away"!😂 3. Repeat Buyers Badge (a trophy icon) - this one appears on your gig page and search (if relevant) and you can track it in your Analytics page. @newsmike, this is the one you were seeing!
  6. And it's not just a badge. It also means your gig will have a chance to be showcased on the first page of search in the "Quick delivery, top quality" section. However, I'm not sure on what criteria they rotate through all the quick response gigs (if it's random, or based on other factors, such as performance or use of top keywords).
  7. We have a lot in common @dannykojima1! I think we were in 4th grade the same time and I wear hearing aids too (since I was 4). The last time I checked my ears I had moderately-severe hearing loss in both ears (but that was 10 years ago). I noticed my ears have been getting pretty bad over the past year, so that's one reason why I've switched from teaching English to Fiverr. It's a lot less stressful.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dannykojima1


      It's never too late to learn ASL, @vickieito! It's weird being a hard-of-hearing kid grew up around the deaf community, I have never thought I was put in this school by my parents. When I first goes to kindergarten class with other deaf kids, I didn't know what was going on. While on the yellow school bus, 2 other deaf kids thought it would be funny to teach me a middle finger sign language during school bus riding on the way home. I was only 6 at the time. Once I turned 10 and moved to Sacramento from Yuba City in 1992, I realized these kids taught me the sign language was bad and I'm glad I never used it on other deaf kid.

      There is no shame to wear hearing-aids. I remember while back in high school during 1999, I met the very same (Vietnamese) kid went to same school with me in Caleb Greenwood Elementary School in 1993. He was too embarrassing to hang out with deaf kids and wearing a hearing-aid. I saw him take off his left hearing-aid and put in his pocket pant before entering the classroom. That was high school year 6 years after we were split from Caleb Greenwood. He didn't recognized me when I saw him walking right pass when he take off his hearing-aids. It just sad for me to see him embarrassed like that to be honest. I'm not quite sure what was his reasons for doing that. Maybe he didn't want his friend to know he was hard-of-hearing? Or wearing a hearing-aid? I don't know. To be honest, I'm glad I didn't have to meet him again because he was always a rude kid and arrogant.

      Most audiologists at Kaiser Permanente Hospital I went to are very nice person. While back in 2018, when I finally got my new (Oticon Bluetooth hearing-aids) from a blonde lady, when she put a hearing-aids on both of my ears after the hearing test. A friend sat there and she saw the audiologist have some tears in her eyes when she asked me if I could hear it. I said "yes" she then wiped her tears. I can tell she was very happy. This really brings joy to me and I can now finally have hearing-aids again after 14 years.

      I used some ASL and ESL mixed, because ASL still little bit new to me. But I'm still learning from YouTube. 🙂

    3. dannykojima1


      @vickieito, I went back to re-read my comment replied I didn't realized I typed "that it is indeed a lot stressful on here". I mean, it is indeed a lot less stressful on Fiverr. LOL. I am so sorry about that. I guess that's why I type way too fast and mess up my grammar! 😂

      Sorry... [Bow]

    4. dannykojima1


      "So I have gone to the audiologists, but I don't think they like working with me because my Japanese is so limited". That's not good, this is why I'm glad I don't live in Japan. I... I mean no offend. But living in the U.S. is nice, because I'm glad to know that there are still some good people like the audiologists and doctors from the hospital near my place take good care of their patients, even during hearing test.

  8. It sounds like you know exactly what you want! Hopefully you aren't compromising or "settling for less" too often! You're a lucky to have strategic buyers, and to be one yourself! I'm the opposite of you - window shopping feeds my impulse buying, so I have to wear blinders and shop with lists so that I'm not distracted from the goal. Shopping without a list is very dangerous for me!
  9. “You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.” —Tina Fey

    Happy Saturday! Let's make it happen! 😊

  10. Writing and designing both take a lot of brain power! It can be draining at times. I really struggle with design work if I've done a lot of writing. And I can't write if I'm doing a lot of design work. I'm trying to figure out a way that I can have the brain power and creativity to handle both. 🤔 Hmmm ... think, think, think ...

  11. I got this type of buyer When that's my first order. Who's willing to bet that the "Indecisive Buyer" is the most common one? Did he really use the word "pathetic"?! That's really sad! ... Let me know if you need someone to look at your resume or LinkedIn for you! 😉 I know some members in my family (the older generation) can't say "I love you" and they really struggle to compliment other family members. They also tend to use the words "stupid," "fat," and "ugly" a lot. I wonder if your buyer had a similar type of family? I love window shopping too! Earlier this year, I was looking at some gigs to teach me how to rap (I had this idea that I could learn to be more assertive in business and life in general if I could learn how to rap with attitude). My family quickly talked me out of that idea! 😂 I have ended up buying things from window shopping though. I think the last impulsive buy was a gig teaching me to speak several Arabic words and phrases. I'm glad you are able to separate your serious strategic buying from your nonbusiness buying. I sometimes have a hard time drawing the line between the two when I do both types of buying on the platform!
  12. Wow ... 22 years is a long time! I sure hope I can last that long. I've been freelancing for months, not years yet. I'm glad that you are able to freelance, explore new interests, and take care of your family. I also like how freelancing allows me to attend to my family needs in the best way that I can. And thank you for your service, @words_to_wow!!! You are awesome! 🤩 I have a 9-year-old daughter who is determined to be an artist when she grows up. She spends most of her time on Procreate and FlipaClip. I might need to pick your brain for ideas on what I can do now to help her move towards that goal! I can understand where you're coming from @ozan_erdi! I worked as a food scientist in manufacturing plants for 11 years and I was one of the few "women" who were in the facility. I only wore PPEs and didn't care about my appearance (I think I was 40 lbs/20kg heavier). The facilities had brick walls with no windows to the outside and it seems like we worked 8 days a week😂. I certainly don't miss those days!!!! I'm glad you are enjoying freelancing like I am!
  13. I had fun looking into my buying habits yesterday and started thinking about the buyers I deal with. As a buyer, I have been every type that I listed below. I'm usually #1 or #3. I'm trying to be #4. And every now and then, I like to be #10. 😊 As a seller, I normally deal with #1 and #9. How about you? What type of buyer are you? What types of buyers do you deal with? 1) Indecisive Buyers – Not sure what they want but are pretty sure the seller will come up with something they'll like (they’ll know it when they see it)! 2) Walmart Shoppers – Trying to get the most for the cheapest prices. 3) Window Shoppers – No real intent to buy … just looking around. 4) Strategic Buyers – Knows exactly what they want, their budget, and turnaround (this is rare!) 5) Disappearing Buyers – Here one day, gone the next. Where did they go???!!!! 6) Impulsive Buyers – Anything is good, they’ll order simply because the button is green! 7) Fence-Sitters – Here to buy … but need the seller to convince them to. 8) Desperate Buyers – It doesn’t matter what your service is … they need you!!!! 9) Lonely Buyers – Just wants to chat (and chat … and chat … and chat). 10) Royalty – Like to be told how awesome they are and need special treatment.
  14. I think the 24-hour posting period starts from the last post that you make for the day?! So I can't post on the forum until tomorrow. 😟

    Edit: Just kidding! I can finally post now!

  15. Vickie, I saw that there was flooding in Montana ... I hope you're okay! 😟

    1. imagination7413


      Echoing this sentiment. Hope you, your family, and your neighbors are well.

  16. I was trying to post this on @dannykojima1's status update, but it wouldn't let me (on the post that I gave a laughing emoji):

    You're so funny @dannykojima1! And brave. I usually just consider my money wasted because I don't really have the heart to cancel an order even if I haven't gotten what I've paid for. I also choose not to leave reviews at all if I can't give the seller a 5-star review. I have a soft spot for sellers (being one myself) and it hasn't helped me as a buyer. I also don't do well with confrontation. Next time I'll ask you to be my spokesperson!

    By the way, I really enjoy reading your status updates 😊

    1. dannykojima1


      Why? Fiverr, why did you do this to vickieito?! Ugh... (Sigh) I thought the same that we are allow to share a friend's status too. 😞

      A spokesperson? Yes please, sign me up! I promise I will try to be nice and won't go all b***hy if the seller isn't trying to cheat you for your money out of the pocket. Haha. 🙂

      Well, of course no one want to waste the money to the shady sellers that trying to overcharge us for extra on revision. I would contact Fiverr C.S. for investigation make sure the seller isn't trying to scam me.

      All my gigs, I only put no revision on the Basic, and Standard, but 3 revision on the Premium. But my buyers are always great to me and never asked for a revision. For now, I just pause all my gigs just for temporarily.

  17. Happy Monday!!!! 

    1. dannykojima1


      Happy Monday to you too, vickieito!

  18. HI @lortui! Just to add on to what @williambryan392 said: 1. I think you have a good name and a good profile. I don't know why you would want to close your profile and start from scratch again. Many sellers start as a one-man show and expand their team when they scale up. 2. When you do scale up, it is important to mention that you are operating as a team (not just yourself). Buyers like to have transparency. But you can do this in the gig description, you don't have to change your name. I also want to scale up as a team, and will do it under my current username (which is my personal name). 3. I agree with @williambryan392, there's no reason why you can't be successful with your current username. I actually like the name that you have. It's short, unique, and easy to remember.
  19. Hi there! I'm getting a lot of personal messages from people on the forum, so I just want to let you know that I prefer to chat with you either here on my personal feed or on the forum.

    I'm limited on the number of posts I can make each day, so I prefer not to use private messages unless it's necessary.

    Also, if you send me messages containing your links and requests to buy your gigs, I will consider that spam and will report you. Sorry! I had to report 3 of those messages this morning.

    Thanks! I look forward to chatting with you!

    1. nomuffinsforyou


      waa they also post limit you in private messages? thats weeeeird

    2. dannykojima1


      "If you send me messages containing your links and requests to buy your gigs, I will consider that spam and will report you". Exactly my thought, I have reported a few message from buyers to buy one of their gig which is I find it annoying. There's nothing to feel bad about report the message like that, because I also considered this as a spam. I also received 2 messages from buyer too from January with a PDF files with example of concept art they are looking for artist to create characters for their game. I didn't bother respond to the message after I looked up company via Google to see if this was legitimate or not, but I couldn't find any information about this company appears on the internet.

    3. vickieito


      Yes, the 5 posts a day includes private messages!

  20. Sorry this might be a bit long, but I think this is my 5th post for the day! @dannykojima1 – I think it’s awesome that you were a kidpreneur! And funny how you found Fiverr through “a friend’s niece who’s husband” told you about it! I also find the order system on Fiverr (and the timer) stressful. I’m glad you’re building your business on DeviantArt and can’t wait to see your new art gig on Fiverr in January! 😊 @nomuffinsforyou – I also can’t wait until you’re a full-timer too! @williambryan392 – I’m like you, I prefer this lifestyle over corporate life and hope to eventually make more than I used to earn (someday)! I agree that each job has to be our best and we have to build other streams of income and not be too dependent on Fiverr. @farrukh_bala – Great points! I agree that there’s good money to be made if we work smart, “learning while working” is one of the best pros, and the pros heavily outweigh all the bad that comes with freelancing! @corsogr – So true: flexibility = freedom! I love the flexibility and freedom that Fiverr gives me. @smashradio – Ummm, you actually can’t fart as much as you want in the studio, right? Because you’re recording. Unless it’s the SBDs (silent but deadly ones). In that case, it’s just unfortunate for you! 😂 Anyways, you are awesome! I wish I had a schedule like yours! … I also want to see a picture of young and dapper smashradio in a tux! @visualstudios – I also find the direct relation between work and pay very motivating (but I also procrastinate more than I should)! I also find that the work tends to come at inopportune times and there’s not much control over the workload. …on your dream manager job – do you think managing a team of freelancers is on the horizon for you? 🤔 @theratypist – I loved hearing about your main jobs! Your researching/consulting projects explains why you have such great posts! I’ve been digging up a lot of your content on the forum and have been learning a lot from you, so thanks! I also like the people here on the forum. It was lonely trying to run a Fiverr business all by myself, so it's been great hanging out here! I hope I can get to know everyone better but it’s hard with the 5-post daily limit. I’m torn because I want to give back as much to the forum as I can (since I get so much information out of it), but I also don’t want to miss out on all the fun!
  21. It's tough being post-limited on this forum. 😟 There are so many good conversations that I want to jump in on but can't! And by the time I can, the conversations have already changed. *sigh*

    However, I do understand why there's a post-limit set, and I don't want to change the rules because it does help make the forum better. 

    For now, I'm just reacting to posts and putting in as much emotion as I can into each emoji!  Hopefully my fellow forum buddies can feel the love!😂

  22. Is the year already half over??! Is anyone else losing track of time? I went outside wearing a winter coat yesterday and realized it's almost summer. Time has been a blur since I started freelancing in November! Let's see. Here are my goals for 2022: 1. Become a Level 1 Seller (done!) 2. Become a Level 2 Seller (done!) 3. Update all my gigs (including prices) - this is in process ( @vickiespencer - @newsmike is my unpaid financial advisor too!) 4. Start having weekends again and work half days - making progress towards this goal, but haven't gotten there yet (increasing prices has helped) 5. Lose weight that I gained since I started freelancing - Failing at this goal. Ever since I set it, my weight has gone up!
  23. I agree! So many people want to just quit their job and become their own boss. That’s the dream life, right? But is it really what they want to do? Are they willing to give up the security of the monthly paycheck or break away from the tendency to be “told” what to do all the time? I think many aspiring freelancers on Fiverr forget that— 1. As a freelancer, no one can tell you how to run your business. Sure, there are nice people on the forum that will make comments on your gig. But ultimately, that decision is yours to make. 2. Also, Fiverr is not your boss, it’s a marketplace. It isn’t obligated to give you orders or a monthly paycheck. That depends on you. If you don’t have orders, what are you going to do to get those orders? So, if they can’t handle those two responsibilities, freelancing probably isn't for them. It's a dream, not a reality.
  24. Part-timers and full-timers, please share your experiences! Here are mine as a full-time freelancer: Pros 1. No dress code! Yay! 2. Also related to #1 - For Fiverr, no phone calls or video conferencing unless it's gig-related (I love this!!!) 3. I can say no when I don't want to do the job. Or charge a lot more. 4. Flexible hours with unlimited breaks. This is great…but opens the door for procrastination. And a lot of mindless snacking. 5. I set my prices and have more control over how much I make each month. This is wonderful. 😊 Cons 1. A half day is 12 hours of work, so my working day just got longer. 2. It’s harder for me to strike a work-life balance. If my kids see me on my phone, they'll ask, "Are you still playing Fiverr?!" 3. I make stupid mistakes (often!) that hurt my business. Once, my husband called me a "Yes Man." To prove to him that I was not a "Yes Man," I rejected 8 inbox requests for business in one day. Some of those requests would've been great orders. But I was set on proving to my husband that I could say "no." My best-selling gig quickly became one of my worst selling gigs. Luckily other gigs picked up at that same time. How does your freelancing life look like?
  25. Wistful thinking, but I wish I could freeze time and get everything done that I need to!

    1. nomuffinsforyou


      I wish there are more than 24 hours in a day, there are so many things I want to do but so little time to do them x) 

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