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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Good point. I guess you can report every one of them using the flag button. They're all violating ToS for trying to spam a buyer and contact you off the platform. Even if they are directing you back to Fiverr.
  2. Hi @seven_sign, here's the update on my first ordered-right-from-the-gig-page subscription order. It really did make me nervous because up until now (both as a buyer and seller), all my subscription orders have been canceled because of the inability to move the dates of future subscription orders. It seems to be the case for this one as well. We might have to cancel the last subscription order in the series and the cancelation would result in a demotion for me. On my subscription order, we successfully closed out our 1st subscription order. Barely. We did have to extend the order by two weeks, but we were able to close it before the 2nd subscription order started. The 2nd subscription order was delayed because it sat in the "incomplete" stage for a week before the buyer finally submitted the requirements to start the order. I extended the deadline. However, it is currently delayed again because the client is slammed at work and can't provide me with the content he is producing (he's creating video lessons). So I can't upload the content onto Thinkific until he completes that. We just extended the delivery date again for this second order. However, the 3rd order is slated to start on the 13th. I'm not sure if my client wants to be billed now for something that we might not get to until 1 or 2 months from now. It's a pretty pricey subscription. If we do cancel that subscription order, it'll be a demotion for me. I had 2 other cancelations a couple of weeks ago (I canceled the orders & immediately issued new orders at lower prices). Both wouldn't have affected my seller stats if I waited until after Oct 3rd when the new cancelation policy came out. However, I wasn't aware that those changes were coming. It's just unfortunate timing of all of these cancelations. I currently have the Request to Order feature turned on for most of my gigs to avoid another unsolicited subscription order from being placed. However, I might just turn this feature off of all of my gigs because subscriptions cause more issues and headaches for me and my buyers than just doing straight orders. I've yet to see a successful one.😔
  3. @foxhoundsystems, my username is my actual name and I never get that many messages/invites from LInkedin (even though it would be very easy to find me). I've only gotten a handful in the past 12 months and I ignored all those requests. Do you think your information was shared as a "lead" to other lead generation specialists? I've had a data entry specialist go behind my back and posted my confidential file on YouTube without my consent (he created a "How to" video using my data and was angry that I demanded he take the video down - he put in a lot effort to make that video). In my case, the data entry specialist had over 1k 5-star reviews so I thought I could trust him. He told me he "always" creates videos from his client's information and never had to ask for permission to use their data. That really shocked me.
  4. Yes, you can use your gig packages, and then also use the gig extras to add on additional vector images.
  5. Based on your post here: It looks like your question is whether multiple gigs can be ranked. The truth is, there is no such thing as "ranking" in Fiverr. Search results are tailored for each specific buyer, so what you see in search won't be what your buyers see in search. And yes, both of your gigs can have the opportunity to be found in search. This is based on relevancy. If you are relevant to a buyer's search term, you will be shown in search. Your relevancy is based not only on your title & tags, but your seller performance and how you perform in relations to your competitors. The better you perform, the more likely your gig will be shown when buyers search for your services.
  6. Hi @rifat_samiul, it might be because you haven't gotten orders for 6 months. Fiverr promotes accounts that have orders and quality deliveries. Your last delivery was 6 months ago and you only have 2 reviews on your account, both a year ago. You might want to update your profile so that buyers know that you are actively offering your services and give your gig a fresh new look that is optimized to the buyers you are targeting.
  7. Hi @dhaka029, what update are you talking about? There were several updates made recently. Since you only have 5 reviews on your account (3 were a month ago) and 2 were this month, it might just be due to normal fluctuations in orders. Orders don't come in consistently. Sometimes you'll get a bunch of orders all at once, and then other times you might not get any orders at all. Also, FYI gig links can't be shared in this category - they may be shared in "Improve My Gig" and "My Fiverr Gigs." 😉
  8. Hi @unitedstate123, I'm guessing because of the four 1-3 star reviews that you received a year ago. You also received a 3.3 star review three months ago. It can be really hard to recover from those negative reviews. You also got several 4 star reviews, which could translate into negative private reviews, which do greatly impact your visibility in search. The best you can do is listen to the comments and feedback that you are getting from your customers and make the necessary changes to deliver the best service to your customers.
  9. Hi @smrakib, you posted in "Fiverr Questions." Can you let us know what your question is? You might want to keep your topic in the same thread as your last one.
  10. Hi @enginer_karim, I wouldn't focus on Buyer Requests if I were you. Fiverr is getting rid of Buyer Requests and will be replacing it with the Brief & Match process. You can read more about this feature here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/290822-any-guide-or-information-about-this-fiverr-brief-matching/?do=findComment&comment=1835122 If you want to know how to get orders, here are some tips to help you get them organically: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  11. Hi @mtnovi - If you get an alert that a buyer has messaged you and you don't find that message in your inbox, most likely it's a spam message that is automatically moved to your spam folder by Fiverr.
  12. Hi @excelravi, The first thing is to address the 3.4 review. The buyer stated that you are hardworking, but need to become better at what you say you can do. Address that concern. Show your professionalism and care for the customer. This will now be a concern for other buyers visiting your gig, so consider that in your response to your buyer. How can you show them that you will deliver them what you promise to deliver? You should also address that concern in your gigs and profile. Your portfolio should reflect what you can consistently deliver to your buyers. You don't have to be the best but you should be honest and there should be no questions in buyers mind on what you will deliver to them. That way, there are no surprises in their minds when they get the delivery. Take a look at your last two orders - is there a difference in the quality of your deliveries versus the gig videos that you have in your portfolio? Also, you have spelling/grammar errors in your gig descriptions and gig videos. If you are delivering videos with spelling and grammar errors, that won't make your buyers happy (especially if you are providing subtitling). You are also overusing capitalized letters and have several double spaces in your gig descriptions and profile. Once you correct those errors in your gig descriptions and video, make sure to put a proofreading check on all of your deliveries as well to ensure that you are delivering excellent work to your buyers. And, if you are making changes to your gig to improve the quality of your services, you can also mention that in your response to the buyer's review.
  13. Hi @brownzay, to get the most out of the Brief & Match feature, please read this article: You won't get as many matches as Buyer Requests, but the quality of these briefs are better. @chessart_studio - Unfortunately the new system doesn't filter out the scam and spam briefs, but there is a good reporting feature where you can report fi the brief is too vague, suspected spam/buyer not credible, or "other."
  14. @jubayer_dev, You already have 5 good reviews (with pictures in the delivery) so I wouldn't delete your ID if I were you. Keep the existing account and put something in your bio explaining your long absence. I had my Fiverr account for 2.5 years before I did anything. I do see an opportunity for you to improve how you've written your gig descriptions. They are long lists and your buyers may not want to read them. Try to write something that will pull your buyers in and make them want to buy. Web design is a highly competitive category, so you have to make yourself stand out from all the other web designers on the platform. Your gig images have a lot of words on them and look busy. Try to simplify the images and only have 2-5 words describing your services. Consider adding a gig video for each of your gigs to showcase your services and highlight your skill and talent. I also saw that you state the following (in bold, my comments are also included below): 1-month extra support after order completion - Don't work for free. 100% Customer satisfaction - You can't satisfy everyone. Support 24/7 - You need your sleep and your buyers should respect that. Unlimited revisions - This is opening the door for trouble. Offer limited revisions and charge for extra revisions. If you don't approve of the final product, I will cancel your order and you will get your money back - Why talk about canceling now? This causes buyers to question your ability to deliver a good product.
  15. Why @theratypist?! You can always just ignore it and train it in your spare time! I still have better luck with briefs than requests and all the projects sent to me are in the $150-$250 range, so I don't mind taking a few minutes to send an offer in. If I have time to make a post on the forum, I have time to respond to a legitimate brief ...and only when I don't have so many orders. Yes, it should be - you'll have to make sure your gig's title & tags are relevant to your service and your prices are set up correctly in your gig and "Get brief" feature. Your seller performance will also be taken into account to determine if you are a good "match." Do you know anyone who could use your services? It might be good to share your gig links with them. Fiverr is kind of like a 7-Eleven. Buyers hang out here for a reason and it's usually because they want to buy something. That's what I do, when I visit 7-Eleven. I browse through all the selections, and then when something "calls my name" and I go and I buy it. 😊 @ashwathi_mn - I've actually never had to advertise through social media because Fiverr does all the marketing for me. I set up my shop and gigs and try to cater my gigs so that it speaks to the buyers who are visiting. Buyers can browse through multiple gigs, so why would they want to buy yours? Try to give them reasons to use you, and not your competition.
  16. Our mistakes make us human, and with each mistake, the opportunity to be more compassionate and more empathetic towards others. I wouldn't trade my mistakes - it's what makes me, "me." Well said, @wp_kid! Why live with regrets? We can't go back in time and correct our mistakes or the mistakes of others. All we can do is learn from them, make adjustments for the future, and move on. There's a reason why memories fade and our brains are constantly reconstructing past memories so that the painful ones grow dim. I'm the opposite. I took life too seriously growing up. I worried about dying and no one coming to my funeral (this is at 9 years old). I planned for everything (even the weather), and when things didn't go my way, my world crumbled. I had goals and delayed pleasure (and even my own personal health and happiness) in pursuit of those goals. I didn't travel or take vacations. I didn't hang out with family or friends as often as I wanted to. I felt guilty if I wanted to do "fun" things because I thought I should always be working hard. I felt like I should constantly be moving forward, and if I wasn't, I was slipping backwards. That's really no way to live. It's living in the illusion that happiness is achieved only when the goal is reached. However, whenever I reached a goal, I would just jump to the next one, because there was always an emptiness inside, a feeling of being unfulfilled. Exactly. What are we "hurrying" towards? And what should we be "serious" about? Actually, the time is NOW. We don't live in the past ...or in the future. Those are illusions. We only live in NOW. I agree with @donnovan86, if we aren't living in the NOW, we are going to have regrets. Some people regret not planning well. I regret overplanning my life. @rabihumakhan, @wp_kid, @katakatica, @donnovan86 - you are all so young! 😂 I just celebrated my 41st birthday a few days ago ...and I'm still rediscovering myself every day. I haven't "settled down" yet or figured out how my life will look. From my experience, I found out that a six-figure income doesn't bring happiness and we should appreciate what and who we have now. When I came to that realization (in my late 30s), I got rid of my materialistic possessions, sold my cars and my real estate business and properties, and moved my family to Hawaii. We significantly downsized our life, bringing only what we could carry in 3 suitcases and several duffle bags. We spent several years reconnecting with my parents and relatives in Hawaii before coming to Japan to reconnect with my husband's family over here. I'm much happier now and love my work here on Fiverr. I like that word, "temporary." Life is full of "temporaries." It's human to want to linger on some of those temporary, bad choices. But that only holds us back from living life to its fullest. 😊
  17. I agree with you that being available is key for providing excellent services. However, the "instant reply" all the time isn't necessary. As @mariashtelle1 mentions, buyers do know what time zone you are working in, and they should understand if you don't reply right away when you are sleeping. If not, then they aren't the buyers I want to work with. My buyers understand that I have to sleep, feed my kids, and work around my husband's schedule. I agree with @donnovan86 that it works well to instantly reply when you are available, and reply when you can around your sleep schedule. You can maintain a 1-hour response rate even with 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. I do like what you said on being available. I let the buyers know when they can expect to hear from me and also reach out to hear from them when type of communication they expect. Some buyers want daily updates. Others don't want to see a message until the work is complete.
  18. Hi @aliwasir, Gigs aren't "ranked" like a search engine. Fiverr is a matching service, so how visible you are in search depends on your relevancy. Things that make you more relevant in search include: 1) your title and tags, 2) your seller performance, and 3) how well you are performing in comparison to your competition. Impressions are related to relevancy. So in order to get more impressions, you have to be more relevant. Make sure your title and tags are relevant to what you do. Understand your customers and know what search terms they will be using to find you. Also, do your best to respond quickly to messages, deliver timely orders, deliver high quality work, and keep your customers happy. If you are doing your best and still have trouble getting impressions, it may because your competition is doing better than you. So you have to step up and do better, so you can appear higher in search than them. Clicks are related to how attractive your gig is. If your gig is attractive, buyers will click on your gig to see what you are all about. Make sure the gig image accurately reflects who you are and what services you offer. Keep the image simple with only 3-5 words describing your service. Make sure to use a gig video to showcase your abilities and check your prices to see if you are competitive. If you have good clicks, then you want to make sure you are getting orders, too. Orders mean that your gig convinces the buyers to buy from you. If you get clicks, but no orders, then that means buyers look at your gigs and then decide to go with your competition. So make sure your gig descriptions are tailored to your target buyers. You can also use the FAQs to answer their questions.
  19. Hi @sarabarkat - Your activity on the forum has no effect on your Fiverr account. The forum can help because there are a lot of good tips on how to improve your Fiverr business. So the forum is a resource .... not a source for orders.
  20. Hi @iramshehzadi369 - it sounds like you are experiencing a bug. You can report this to Fiverr Customer Support by creating a help ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/report-bug
  21. Hi @webholice - When you were competing against New Sellers, you were performing very well, so you had good impressions. Now you are competing against more serious sellers operating at a higher level. If you are dropping in impressions, that means you aren't performing as well as your competition - they are getting more orders, delivering faster, have better metrics, and have happier customers than you. So you have to rise to the challenge. Do what you can to make your gigs look professional and your portfolio shine so that buyers will want to buy from you not your competition.
  22. Hi @sabbirsakib1, I think your daily budget is fine, but it looks like you have a custom CPC cap at $1.35 ....Fiverr recommends going with an unlimited CPC cap (which is set at $3). Currently you are getting out-bid by other sellers using the Promoted Gig feature. So you aren't getting a chance to be promoted. That's why you aren't spending much money - you aren't getting seen. Another thing that affects your success in using the Promoted Gig feature is your title & tags and seller performance. So take a look at your title & tags to make sure they are targeted for your buyers and and make sure that you are consistently performing well as a seller. This will help you to get the most out of your Promoted Gigs. From what I see on the forum, sellers who are doing well with Promoted Gigs are seeing a 10-15X return on investment.
  23. No - there's no connection between your forum participation and your performance on the Fiverr platform. The forum is mostly made up of sellers, so we aren't your target customer and won't be buying from you. So if we are looking your gig up in search (to give pointers or to just snoop around), you might get more traffic, but it won't help you with sales and will bring your conversion rate down since we won't be buying from you. The forum is just a place where you can interact with other buyers and sellers on the platform. It's also a great source for information and you can learn a lot of good tips on how to grow your business. Here's how I got the most out the forum: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-%E2%80%93-how-i%E2%80%99m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/
  24. Hi @fernando1015, I reached out the top-rated sellers on the platform and this is what we found out: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282557-%F0%9F%A4%A9popular-top-rated-sellers-what-are-your-thoughts-on-these-comments-about-becoming-trs/?do=findComment&comment=1784338 If you are on Seller Plus Premium, you also can get "priority vetting" for top-rated seller.
  25. Every seller starts out the same way with no orders and no reviews. Eventually over time, they start to get orders, slowly building up their reputation with good reviews and a growing portfolio of quality work samples. Fiverr isn't a get-rich-quick platform. Just like any business, it takes time to grow your business. Some sellers get their first order quick and for others, it can take months: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/234149-new-sellers-the-true-way-to-success/ That would be the first step. You can't make any money on Fiverr until you publish your gigs. If you want to promote through social media, feel free to. I've never promoted my gigs through social media and my Fiverr business is doing well without it. The forum is a great place to learn how to grow your Fiverr business. Here are some articles to get you started: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-%E2%80%93-how-i%E2%80%99m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282867-how-to-build-credibility-on-fiverr-even-if-youre-a-new-seller-with-zero-reviews/
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