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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. In addition to the "details" tab, there is a "requirements" tab where buyers can include their attachments and other instructions.
  2. This is a fun survey @uk1000! How long did it take to make all the AI-generated images? I wonder what Van Gogh would think if he saw these images!!! I like the ones with the elephants ...or the free-floating flowers around the vase. That makes me feel better. I only picked two - I voted before others started posted on the thread. However, I couldn't picked wrong two! I had to vote quick because the longer I looked at the images, the harder it got. I agree!
  3. As long as you report them, they should be taken care of! I'm wondering if buyers and sellers will have the patience to continue doing all this work to ensure better matches. Some buyers on the forum are getting "no matches" to their briefs.
  4. I do still have a pretty good stream of good briefs, but the number of daily briefs I get have increased, and with that increase, more questionable-looking briefs.
  5. I seem to have a lot more irrelevant briefs lately, too. I also noticed that (possibly due to increased competition), my likelihood of getting a brief has gone down. That, and an increase in spam in my inbox, seem to be the results of buyer requests going away.
  6. Hi @vickygraphix205, Welcome to the forum and Fiverr! The forum is a great place to learn how to build your Fiverr business. Here are a few helpful posts to get started: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-%E2%80%93-how-i%E2%80%99m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ Since you had questions on SEO, you might want to read these articles here talking about SEO, gig ranking, and your visibility in search: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ Another great post packed with helpful links is this one here, from a popular top-rated seller: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  7. It shouldn't - not for these minor changes.
  8. That scares me that the customer is willing to share the emails and names of all their contacts! I wouldn't want to do business with them if they were sharing my emails with others. Most likely that person doesn't have permission from all of those POC's to share their information. Even if the buyer did give you permission, your future buyers won't know that and it'll make them concerned for their data. I personally had a bad experience with a seller who shared my B2B mailing list on YouTube without my permission (he was using it in a tutorial video and got angry when I demanded him to take the video down - he spent a lot of time editing the 2-hr video). I would definitely blur the sensitive information, at a minimum.
  9. That makes me laugh (at myself)! All that thought I put into my gig images and it ended up looking like a Canva template. ...so much for trying to be original! 😂
  10. @ortensa! I almost forgot ...on the data cleaning gig, the first image in the gallery has the names of the POC and their emails, so you should either blur that info or swap that image out for one without personal contact information.
  11. Hi @ortensa, Great job making the changes to your gigs and adding the gig videos, portfolio images, and FAQs! Don't forget that you also get 2 PDFs per gig, so you can really utilize those to show off more of your portfolio (however, that can be built over time). I did notice a misspelled word in your profile that I missed on the last round - it should be "courtesy" not "curtesy." Also, the update gig thumbnails almost look exactly like mine (design-wise), so you might want to play around with colors and the design for something more original. Now that you've made updates, monitor your gigs to see how they perform over the next week or so in terms of impressions, clicks, and orders. I also noticed that you aren't utilizing all of your gig extras ...so get them in there because that can increase your average selling price and help you earn more.
  12. I'm pretty certain the order is paid for pre-requirement section. It can only enter the requirements section once it has been paid for. An order is paid for when the buyer purchases, or the subscription order kicks in and the buyer gets auto charged. The order then goes to the requirements section. You're correct @williambryan392! Fiverr CS confirmed that subscription orders auto charge the buyer and then it goes to the 'incomplete' status pending the order requirements. They recommended that I cancel to prevent that (and were willing to ensure it wouldn't hurt my stats). Usually, if my orders were canceled less than 10 days before the next order, it would affect my seller stats. The only reason why it wouldn't hurt my stats is because my buyer will buy it again at a later date (which they confirmed by viewing my chats with my buyer). However, I was able to chat with my buyer and convinced him not to cancel. We will just let the order auto-start and will keep extending the date until the project is complete.
  13. Hi @bartosz_99, the task is very easy for each voice over artist, but you will have to break it down and only give each artist their part. The hardest part of the project is being the project manager - You will have to have instructions for each voice over assignment - break it down by languages and male and female parts. Specify what sound you want when the scripts are read (accent, speed, intonation, feelings you want to evoke). I assume you have a budget for your project, so break it down to how much you expect for each voiceover artist. Factor in the 5% fee that Fiverr will charge you for each order. If you are working with 24 lines of script split over 18 different sellers (or less if you find multi-lingual VO artists), that fee can be hefty because you will have a lot of mini-orders. You also need to be aware that most voiceover artists will have a minimum fee, so even if you only have them say 5 words, they might charge you the same as if you gave them 50 or 100 words. They may also charge more for line-by-line scripts, which seems to be what you are requesting. If you are not specific in your order requirements, you will most likely have to ask for your sellers to revise their recordings, so be specific so that you don't have to purchase additional revisions, You will need more instructions than what you included above. You will also have to be vigilant in listening to the VO recordings to ensure everything is exact. Revisions can only be done in a specific timeframe, so if you find errors after the fact, you will need to pay for a whole new recording. The easiest thing would be for you to use Fiverr's search to find the VO artists with the sound and skills that you are looking for, and at your price range. Otherwise, you will be sorting through a lot of VO artists that aren't even remotely close to what you are looking for, or if they are, they're not at the price range you want. If you don't have much of a budget, you might find out that you can only afford AI voice overs.
  14. Hi @luparani, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! Great job getting your first two orders ...you're off to a great start! 😊
  15. Hi @javedaslam, Welcome back! 😊 You might want to put something in your profile to explain your absence (and that you are back in business). Since you just turned the Out-of-Office feature off, you'll want to monitor your gigs for a week or so to see how they perform on the marketplace (and then make adjustments if necessary). Make sure your "Get briefs" feature is turned on from your Gig page because Buyer Requests are being discontinued and will be replaced with the Buyer Briefs.
  16. If you read the forum, you'll see that new sellers are also getting briefs. However, you do need to allow time for the Brief & Match to start sending you briefs. You can get notifications on your phone and can submit your offers via the mobile app as well. That's how it will be in the beginning. Make sure your "mark" each brief accordingly (e.g., I don't offer this service, brief too vague, etc). That will train the AI to start sending you more relevant briefs. There were too many problems with buyer requests (spam, sellers self promoting) and it doesn't fit well with Fiverr's business model anymore. It'll take time for the Brief & Match system to start working, but I can already see that it'll be a big improvement over buyer requests.
  17. Me either! I've been doing a lot of searches but haven't been paying attention to the little "Ad by..." tag until you mentioned this in your post! Yes! This is already great fun! Don't make me feel old! 😂 I don't know if that's true. I was pretty sure in my 20s that I knew everything. Now I know nothing. 😊
  18. I just tried another search for "virtual assisting" and got zero promoted gigs showing up. I hardly ever do searches for that category, so I'm wondering if that's the reason. The previous category I did a search for was on a category I've done many searches on. It looks like the search results really are tailored to what the buyer is looking for (as well as their likelihood on making a purchase). They are definitely promoting more heavily on the services that I'm most likely going to buy. I wouldn't be surprised if I got emails and targeted notifications on those gigs now too!
  19. Why don't you try it and see, @luna_eillish? One of the things I like about Promoted Gigs is that you can turn it on and off at any time. If your gigs are well-optimized and your seller performance is doing well, you could see 10-15x return (or more) on your investment. So it can be a great way to get orders. However, individual results vary and I've seen some sellers who haven't had much success with it. Either way, it doesn't hurt to try it out and see if it works for you!
  20. Thanks, @theratypist! I just tried a search on my own and saw that the whole top row had the "Ad by..." on them. So I could see 4 promoted gigs.
  21. That's what I was afraid of. So there doesn't seem to be a way to avoid the charge without canceling (or disabling their payment method). At this point, I'll work on convincing the buyer to allow the payment/charge to go through. It is a hefty fee, but they will eventually pay for it anyways. Yay! It's good to hear that subscriptions are working for you in the writing category!
  22. Actually, for subscription orders, you have to cancel 10 days prior to the start of the subscription order for it not to affect your seller metrics: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017173498-Subscriptions I do know my 2nd subscription order went into "incomplete" status, but it only stated that the order wouldn't start until the buyer completing the order requirements. So I figured at that stage, the order was already paid for. The buyer also stated that he paid for the order, he just didn't "start" the order because he wasn't ready with the order requirements. For my 3rd subscription order, the buyer doesn't want to pay until he is ready. So I don't know where that order would show ....is it thrown into the same "incomplete" category? @williambryan392, for those orders sitting in the requirements section, were they already paid for (and just pending order requirements)? Or did the buyer not pay yet? If they weren't paid for, then I could just have the buyer keep it in "incomplete" status until he is ready. 🤞I hope that's the case!
  23. I might reach out to CS on this one since it is a national holiday in Israel today (surprisingly it's also a national holiday in Japan, too). I'll let you know what I find out!
  24. How long can that be @williambryan392? I know for your buyer, there was a payment issue so the 2nd order didn't start for a month (and this also moved your subscription dates). My buyer might not want to start the last subscription for 2 months, so we can have enough time to finish our 2nd subscription order first. Do you think that would be a problem? Can we wait for that long before a payment is made? Or will the order cancel if the payment isn't made within a certain amount of time?
  25. Is there any reason why the dates of the future subscription orders can't be changed? Most subscription services offer that option. It would also eliminate all of the headaches that my buyers and I have around subscriptions.
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