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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. I did run into a new seller on the forum who said he was getting more matches than he wanted every day, so new sellers can get briefs, and lots of them. I'm not sure why the m0ds removed both of his comments on the thread, but you can see that they kept one of his responses (where he confirmed that new sellers get lots of briefs and he was "bored" of them). They didn't keep his response to me where he responded to my questions saying that he gets more briefs a day than he wanted, nor did they keep my response thanking him for his response. None of the posts were violating anything on the forum. Apparently this new seller was getting more briefs than I was. Also there was another new seller that published a gig a few weeks ago and still got an order without using the brief system. I'm going to loop him in because it can help other sellers who may have been dependent on the buyer requests to learn how to get orders other ways.
  2. I misinterpreted@miiila's comment! 😅 ...it was about lowering prices! My brain is on a completely different track!
  3. Welcome to the forum @fatema_0072! 😊
  4. Good to see you back @oliur76! I'm glad that you are able to pick up where you left off! Best of luck to you and your business!
  5. I wish the best of luck for you and your business @mariajaramillot!
  6. Fiverr got rid of buyer requests more than 6 months ago. It was replaced by the Brief & Match feature. Make sure to turn this on from your Gig pages to enable this feature! Here's more information on briefs: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4415601609361-Get-matched-with-buyers
  7. Also, FYI ... gigs need to be published in English, since Fiverr is an English-Speaking platform. This will also help customers find you better.
  8. Hi @mariajaramillot - those were scammers and spammers - Anyone trying to get you to communicate off of Fiverr's platform is violating Fiverr's ToS. Simply mark them as spam and this will report the buyer to Fiverr without affecting your response rate. The good news is, since they found you, real buyers can also find you!
  9. Good point! My price increases really helped improve my visibility in search (and prevents many inquiries from coming into my inbox).
  10. I was told by Fiverr that this shouldn't affect me. I'm using the Request to Order feature, so I reject most of the inquiries that come into my inbox. So far, it hasn't hurt me. However, I know that Fiverr does track conversion rates and they love sellers who can convert impressions, clicks, and inquiries into sales. So I'm still taking on orders even though I don't need new orders until April. I'm just being more selective and I try to spread the orders out so that my stream of orders never dries out while I work on my bigger projects.
  11. This is something that you will have to experiment with to see what works for you and your gig. I didn't get any briefs at $50 (but got briefs in the $150-$200 range). Other sellers set their prices high, only to find that briefs were coming in at lower prices ($30). Adjust and play around with your prices and see what kind of briefs you get. Briefs also depend on other factors, too. So please do the following: 1. Make sure your title, tags, and gig descriptions are relevant to the services that you offer. 2. Ensure your seller performance/stats are all good. 3. Ensure that your seller quality (defined as "appearance" quality and "delivery" quality) are also good. These are all factors that go into your Gig Match score that is used to determine how relevant you are to a brief that is submitted.
  12. Buyer requests are no more and if you don't have good visibility in search, you probably won't get too many briefs. Please let us know what you have been doing to attract your customers and increase your impressions, clicks, and orders. Knowing what you are doing will help us make suggestions on what you can do to improve your gigs. Currently, your gigs are very generic and don't speak to the pain points of your buyers. You are in a very competitive category, so it's important to make your gig stand out from the competition.
  13. Increasing my prices helped increase my impressions by 3 times the last time I made the change. I've noticed a boost in impressions the other times I increased my prices (but it didn't increase by that much).
  14. Are you on the Seller Plus Premium plan @donnovan86? Request to Order is now available to everyone on that plan!
  15. Fiverr sent a notice to all web designers last year telling them that if they did not set their minimum prices at $80 for website design, they would get reduced visibility in search. This is something you should be mindful of as you are playing around with prices. If you want good advice from a top-rated web designer (or want to follow him), check out his post here to newbie web designers: If you want to hear a buyer's perspective, here's mine:
  16. I have this feature and it is a real game changer. It's now available to ALL Premium Seller Plus members! I like that I can use it to schedule my orders without taking my gigs off the marketplace. I also like the flexibility of only working on projects that make sense for me. Although Fiverr wants it to be a part of the paid Seller Plus program, I'm not opposed to offering this to all sellers - I think every seller should be able to decide who to work with or not (and when they take on orders). It might make the buyer's experience a little bit more negative - I do turn away buyers, some of whom send me pretty detailed briefs. I asked product management if we could have an Announcement feature at the top of our profile/gig pages where we can create custom messages for our visitors (to tell them if we are busy, have upcoming travels, or made recent changes to our gigs).
  17. Hi @mariawasim - This is the criteria Fiverr uses to evaluate sellers for top-rated seller status: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010560118-Achieving-levels#h_01F4RXG21MDD3CD8J22CHBBZNE As stated above, there are other qualifications on the list that isn't included, so I reached out to top-rated sellers on the forum last year to see what they thought counted: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282557-%F0%9F%A4%A9popular-top-rated-sellers-what-are-your-thoughts-on-these-comments-about-becoming-trs/?do=findComment&comment=1784338
  18. I've had Fiverr's Choice orders consistently every month since April 2022. This is what Fiverr says when I asked them about the Fiverr's Choice badge: And when you hover over the badge, this is what you see: As long as you keep the buyers on these Fiverr's Choice orders happy, you can continue to be featured as a Fiverr's Choice seller to buyers. I notice as soon as one of these orders close, new inquiries will pop up due to Fiverr promoting me as a Fiverr's Choice seller again. Sometimes I'll have 3 or more Fiverr's Choice orders at a time.
  19. Even though I'm not a designer like you (I am a writer), I use my limited design skills to make my gig designs and videos look as professional as possible so that I can command the highest prices. I also try to make sure that my gig doesn't look the same as other sellers who sell at cheaper prices. I noticed logo designers' gigs all look the same (their gig images have one or more logos with no header text to describe their services). I don't think it would be hard to create a unique gig image that shows off your design skills and clearly shows what you can offer. You aren't just selling logos, you're selling your brand. So if you want higher prices, show your buyers why you deserve to be paid higher than you competitors (and how they are actually getting more value by going with your services). And if your brand your Fiverr services, your buyers might let you brand their business too, by creating their logo.
  20. I echo this sentiment! I'd also like free rein of my use of capitalizations in the gig titles (not just language and country names)! I really don't like how I have to tell people that I'll proofread their "english," optimize their "linkedin" accounts, or upload courses to "thinkific." If Fiverr gives sellers full rein on capitalizations, it'll help buyers to make decisions, especially for those looking for Writing & Translation services. Seeing a title like the one below would tell me to avoid that seller! It would also sends an easy flag to Fiverr when they are removing low-quality gigs from the platform. This sounds wonderful! Where does this show up on your profile/gigs?
  21. Yes, I think you have a very good chance of getting banned, especially since you are so willing to break the rules again. If Fiverr says it's not allowed, whether you get a warning or not, it isn't allowed. And if you are willing to break this rule again (after Fiverr told you it isn't allowed), who's to say you won't break other rules that Fiverr set up? Fiverr is already preventing new sellers from opening accounts and have shut down other accounts of leveled sellers with many orders and 5-star reviews because they aren't the type of seller that Fiverr wants on their platform. Don't give them a reason to suspect yours. You are a Level 2 seller with many happy customers - I wouldn't risk it if I were you.
  22. I had 29 orders last month. This month I only wanted 2-3 orders at most because apparently LinkedIn promoted me (I'm not sure how that happened) and I got an order through there that covers my income for the next 2 months. However, I still picked up 7 new orders so far this month (all at new, higher prices). However, the number of orders you want may be completely different. I know there are a lot of designers who process a lot more orders per month (like ~100) and they want it that way. I try to keep my orders as low as possible and increase my prices if I see it go over 20/month.
  23. If you ignore the briefs, you'll keep getting irrelevant briefs. So it's important to reject each brief with a reason so the AI knows what not to send you (the reason can be spam, too vague, I don't offer this service, etc.). It took me about 2 weeks (of rejecting & assigning a reason for the rejection) before the AI started sending me briefs that were relevant and ingthe price range that I wanted.
  24. Not sure what you mean by this. ⬆️ Many Level 2 sellers earn much more than top-rated sellers. "Top-rated" is only a badge and it isn't given to everyone who meet the requirements of top-rated seller. This is different than Level 1 or Level 2 promotions which are automatic. Some sellers will never be top-rated, no matter how good they are or how much money they make. Fiverr only allows a certain number in each category, so other factors (besides seller quality and earnings) come into play. This is the key. ⬆️ Both @kinjan and @donnovan86 are high-quality sellers with many, happy customers. You don't get that far by focusing on orders OR on earnings. These two sellers understand what their customers want and can deliver it in a way that meets or exceeds the customers expectation. That's why they are both successful here on Fiverr.
  25. This is because Fiverr sees your gig as relevant - if your gig is ranking, then of course, you will have impressions and clicks. This is because Fiverr doesn't see your gig as irrelevant - so it won't rank your gig, and you won't get impressions and clicks. As I mentioned: That's one reason why I mentioned your 7-hour response time. When it comes to deliveries, quicker deliveries helped me to increase my impressions by three times. I get your frustration. No one wants to disappear from search. And it's frustrating when you are trying to find out the cause. The truth is, no one on the forum has the information that you have and we can't see your business like you can see it. So our answers may seem vague and common answers. We know that there are a number of factors that may be affecting your ranking: SEO - gig title, gig links, gig description Seller performance - response time, response rate, repeat buyer score, ratings (private and public), order completion rate, conversion rates - basically the things on your dashboard (and metrics available to Seller Plus members). Seller quality - Fiverr says this is "appearance" quality and "delivery" quality - so how professional and credible your gigs look, how quick you deliver, the quality of your deliveries, and other quality metrics. By listing the "common things," we can start whittling away at the huge list of things and get to ones that are helpful for you. You have the ability to look at the data and you also have the ability to look at possible solutions to see what works for you or not. The good news is, you are getting orders (about 1 a month) and what that means is, you have a chance to turn around your situation with each order that you deliver. When I was a newer seller, I was able to get at least 5 orders from each customer by offering relevant services that they needed. This in turn helped me to gain better visibility in search. As a business owner, it's up to you to figure out how to get more orders. Search is only one way to get orders. If search isn't work for you, explore other ways to get orders until you start to gain better visibility in search.
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