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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @tyagijatin, Probably not. However, you can learn from your mistakes by studying Fiverr's Intellectual Property standards here: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property And Fiverr's updated Community Standards here: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/Product-abuse I tried to warn sellers so that they could take action to prevent their accounts/gigs from being shut down in this post here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/299053-👀-check-out-fiverrs-updated-community-standards/ There was also a post about AI standards in which Yoav (Fiverr's Engagement and Education Manager) stated clearly that you may not use AI to communicate with buyers, but you can use AI in your description and deliveries if you fully disclose that you are using AI in your gig descriptions and order chats. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/299183-live-blogging-fiverr-ai-webinar/?do=findComment&comment=1884634 You might want to read the whole thread, not just the post that I tagged.
  2. What this member is doing is in direct violation of the recently updated Community Standards (misuse of Fiverr's product tools as well as manipulative tactics. If I weren't worried that Fiverr would call you out for misusing the reporting function, I'd advise you to report again for a Community Standards violation (but wouldn't chance it). It seems like no action will be taken against that user on the platform. 😟
  3. Did you report him @vickiespencer? It makes me really sad that such people exist. 😟
  4. It looks like you were only added to the first tier of Seller Plus (without the Success Manager). You'll be notified when you are eligible to upgrade to the Premium level (there is a limited number of Success Managers available right now). I believe the price is now $39/mo for the Premium plan.
  5. I got this message @editors_picks but it's apparent from comments and behaviors on the marketplace and forum that many sellers on this webinar (and the previous webinar) did not get this message. When a significant part of the audience appears to be misled, regardless of what Fiverr said or was trying to promote, this calls for additional action and possibly a course correction on the nature of the AI webinars. Instead of touting the benefits of using AI in their workflows, the greater problem of misuse should be addressed first. It seems like the webinars benefit the minority of creatives who will use them responsibly while a majority of the audience is not yet ready for the content that was shared in the last two webinars. I thought the webinars had great content but it wasn't suited for the target audience. The audience's reaction is just as important as the webinar's content.
  6. @editors_picks - Here are several other threads on this topic: @markp's wise approach to chaptGPT saved one woman's business (I wish I was on this Zoom call)! https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/298991-how-i-saved-a-writer-from-chatgpt-and-got-their-business-back/ And this is why I started allowing Zoom in my previously no-Zoom business model: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/299014-latest-scam-advisory/ I think Fiverr's taking steps to address the issue of widespread misuse of AI-generated content through the updated Community Standards. I'm curious to see how this will be enforced because most sellers who are cheating the system by using AI, will not be stating that they are doing so on their gigs. Unfortunately, both of the webinars have not been helpful in this regard. Immediately following the first AI webinar, we started to get more AI-generated posts on the forum and posts from sellers encouraging other sellers to use AI in unapproved ways. I also noticed that more of my buyers are complaining about sellers using chatGPT to entirely write their content, which is why they want to make sure that I would be writing all of my content manually. This last webinar was extremely informative (and it was amazing what AI technology can do)! However, based on the seller's responses, I'm afraid that we will continue to see an increase in the misuse of AI among sellers. Because of that, I'm willing to incorporate Zoom calls into my business model (to show I'm legit) even though it means I have to now disclose my hearing impairment to my buyers, and this hearing impairment may cause me to appear less competent for buyers who have hard-to-decipher accents (and who may not read my disclosures about my poor hearing). I considered using paid consultations but may do free consultations to avoid any issues my hearing may cause. This is silly to me because up until now, I have had no problems doing business with buyers with thick accents since I haven't been using Zoom.
  7. Hey @sabinespoems! It looks like you rebranded your profile image and gigs! Looks great! 😍 I also think this feature isn't helpful to me. I'm not planning to use it unless Fiverr starts counting automated responses as actual replies. I'd like to go Out-Of-Office in my inbox sometimes and it'd be helpful if an out-of-office message were counted as responses.
  8. I did notice that all the Fiverr staffers were responding by giving everyone the link to their Community Standards, but I doubt those links will be clicked.
  9. Based on the comments during the webinar, it will definitely be abused. No one really paid attention to David when he said that it's a starting point. Comments were mostly geared at "How can I sell this stuff?" (as in, copy, paste, and sell).
  10. Lol. You two are making me blush! 😂
  11. It sounds like Customer Support is fed up with excessive tickets on the same subject. I think we'll see several people surprised when their accounts are shut down because they are sending urgent requests on why they can't find their gig in search. Or why CS is taking so long.
  12. I hope so ...there are so many ways to "drive web traffic" to a gig, so it makes me wonder why they chose to use that verbiage. It makes me think that they are including other methods, not just Google ads.
  13. Hopefully, the webinar on the 22nd, and subsequent webinars/educational tools, will address this! Copying Yoav (@editors_picks), Fiverr's Engagement and Education Manager. 😊 I also want clarification on what would cause Fiverr to shut you down for "sending web traffic to your Gigs." This wasn't clear on the updated Community Standards. Fiverr encourages sellers to promote on social media, and we already know that spamming forums and social media violate the ToS of those platforms (and is prohibited here, too). I also noticed Fiverr shut down many gigs when I saw Promoted Gigs come out, stating that "promote your Fiverr gig" services were in violation of Fiverr's ToS. So using those services (any that are still in operation), would be prohibited, too.
  14. I just receive the alert that Fiverr's Community Standards have been updated! You can view them here: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/Product-abuse I just wanted to thank Fiverr for taking a tougher stance against dishonest sellers (and buyers) on the platform! 👏 In the updated standards: 1. Fiverr reiterated that it's against their ToS to have multiple accounts. They specifically mentioned bullying behavior (e.g., buyers using multiple accounts to harass a seller) and product abuse (sellers using multiple accounts for competitive advantage or to take advantage of the referral program). 2. Fiverr also reaffirmed their commitment to take action against "fake" sellers and buyers. Action will be taken against those with AI-generated/false profile images, fake identities, or misleading profiles. 3. Fiverr took a stance against manipulative behaviors. This includes excessive cancelations (to boost seller stats or to get 'free' services), abuse of the delivery button, or manipulating buyer reviews (e.g., making purchases strategically to boost a seller's stats/seller level, manipulating buyers' reviews, or leaving retaliatory reviews to hurt a seller). I wanted to point out two manipulative practices that sellers might get flagged for. One is misuse of the Help Desk ticketing system: Sellers will need to allow CS to reply to their support tickets or they may risk their accounts being flagged for manipulating the system. It can take several days for CS to respond to your support tickets, so please be aware of that and allow CS the time they need to get to your request. The second is this: Basically, Fiverr wants to make sure you won't take advantage of the tools and systems in place to create an unfair advantage. Be careful how you are driving traffic to your gig and make sure that it's through legitimate methods. I've seen a lot of gigs shut down over the last year that were offering to promote people's gigs. I also know a lot of sellers are spamming others on forums and social media. 4. Fiverr will take a tougher stance against reporting abuse. This is aimed at shutting down individuals who are excessively using the reporting function to make false claims. However, individuals who are using this reporting function correctly may also get flagged for review: The Trust and Safety team won't contact you after you submit a report. If you are submitting multiple reports on a single seller, be careful, so that you don't get flagged yourself. We will probably see a flood of posts on the forum for violations related to these new standards. So please, take the time to review all of the updated standards so that you aren't one of those unlucky posters!
  15. I'm glad you have this feature @donnovan86! This prevents buyers from ordering gig multiples, so you shouldn't have that issue anymore!
  16. I would love that, @markp! One of the reasons I went "in hiding" by working online with a no-zoom, no-phone policy was to avoid the stress that comes with not being able to hear things properly. It looks like I can't hide anymore. 😅
  17. Thanks, @mariashtelle1! You mentioned a lot of the things that cause me stress. I have the Request to Order feature and it is wonderful! It really makes a difference when you can control what orders you can take on or not. It's also nice that it doesn't take me off the market, so I use this instead of the Out-of-Office tool. It also gets rid of the "ordering multiple packages" issue with buyers. Hours of Operations should be separate from the Request to Order feature. No messages (even from past clients or sellers) received during your off hours should count toward your response rate. Sellers should be able to turn on an automated out-of-office message that will count as an on-time response to these messages. The same should be true for the Out-Of-Office tool. I planned in advance (for months), an off-grid, three-day camping trip last month. I warned all my clients so none of my buyers contacted me during this time. However, I didn't expect to hear from previous sellers since my last order as a buyer was 4 months prior to that time. Because of messages from my sellers (who were wondering if I had work for them), my response rate went down to 96%. It would have been worse if I didn't make an unplanned trip back to town to restock on supplies. I was briefly in an internet zone and could respond to messages then. Based on my first vacation while being a freelancer, I decided it isn't safe to take an off-grid trip longer than 1 1/2 days. Even with the internet, I have only taken a handful of 2-day weekends off. It would be nice for freelancers to be able to responsibly take time off, and be able to use automated out-of-office messages that actually count as an on-time response. I came to the forum because I wanted to see if I was alone in this struggle but wasn't willing to post about it until 4 months into the forum (and I've only been on the forum for about 10 months so far). It isn't really talked about much, probably because of the stigma around it, and because it doesn't look like other sellers are struggling. I guess to make a club visible, we can have a banner at the top of the forum saying: "Feeling burnt out and stressed? Well, you're not alone!" I don't know if there's a way to make anonymous posts, but that might help some sellers open up more about their experiences.
  18. Going forward, though, I wouldn't offer unlimited revisions - it opens the door for bad buyers to take advantage of you and it makes buyers question your quality (they might wonder why they would need unlimited revisions). If you state you only have 2 revisions, it's best to stick to your word. You can offer more revisions for a fee. If any issues happen, Customer Service can back you because you are doing what you are saying you will do.
  19. Buyers can request as many revisions as they want - it's up to the seller to decide whether to do them or not, and if they will charge extra for more revisions. It looks like you do limit the number of revisions (based on your gig packages). However, if you don't care how many revisions you are doing, just keep revising and delivering the order to the buyer until he is satisfied with the order.
  20. I'd have to agree with you. I'm going to turn off the paid consultations. It's too risky to use. I do have gig extras on all of my gigs offering consultations and I will go with that.
  21. Agreed. This is what Fiverr says: I also want to disclose my hearing impairment to my buyers so that they are aware of that beforehand. It's impossible to do all of that with 200 characters. These paid consultations are treated the same as any order and buyers can book up to 2 hours in advance: There will be order requirements. However, these are preset questions made by Fiverr (the seller can't add or modify them). If you don't make your call, it's counted the same as not delivering your order. If you cancel the call, it's a cancelation. Delivery dates are set 2 days after the Zoom meeting but if you don't provide the written summary within 10 days, it's a late delivery. Buyers will be able to leave feedback on the Zoom call experience. You will need to sync to a calendar of your choice and that calendar needs to stay updated. If you have anything on your calendar during the hours of availability that you listed in your Paid Consultations, buyers will not be able to schedule a meeting.
  22. Right away, I'd like an FAQ section or a bigger description so that I can expand on what is (and is not acceptable) to talk about on Zoom. There was a 200-character limit and it didn't allow me to cover all the reasons for why a buyer might want to schedule a Zoom call with me (to verify the authenticity of the seller, discuss projects, ask quick ESL questions, Q&A, explore the LMS eLearning site or their eCourse together, troubleshooting, etc.).
  23. Done! Now I have paid consultations. (that wasn't so bad, right?) 😊 I wonder how the alerts will go!
  24. I almost forgot about the getting paid part!😅 I'm glad you're here to remind me about monetizing things! Looks like I should get this set up:
  25. Unfortunately, it's not just a communication issue, it's a quality issue. In just the past month, I have had numerous buyers come to me to correct and rewrite content written entirely by chatGPT. In all of these cases, the sellers promised that their English fluency was native-level and in all of these cases, the buyers could tell immediately that the work was useless to them. These buyers were then approaching me with a reduced sense of trust and needed extra "proof" that I was, in fact, fluent in English, and that my writing would be done manually.
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