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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. My first top client was approved within 3 weeks. The last two that I submitted have been pending since August 2022.
  2. Hi @licheng906! It was announced on the Seller Plus forum (which should be visible to you if you are on the forum and a Seller Plus member).
  3. @minordetails, I think you and I see time the same ...I could say that I spend over $1k a day with my family and kids but time spent with and for family is incredibly valuable to me (priceless, really)! I also don't consider the forum a $50-$100/day loss. I value the forum because of the knowledge I gain and the relationships I've built. 😊 I only mentioned price because a large number of sellers come to the forum expecting the time they spend here to be directly correlated to their success on the platform, regardless of what they do on the forum (and whether they implement what they learn). Most are looking for a one-answer silver bullet to success, when what it really takes is constant PDCA (planning - doing - checking - adjusting). There is no final destination, nor resting on one's laurels. Business is dynamic and constantly changing, and what works at one time, might not continue to work. Unfortunately, that's one of the biggest challenges on the platform. I just closed a ticket for a seller who was spamming me for the last year (and I was blocking him each time, but he could still send me messages). He wanted work, yet still had not published a single gig. Fiverr finally shut down his account this week.
  4. @mariashtelle1 already answered here: In addition to that: Pros - The forum, especially the Seller Plus forum, allows me to talk with Fiverr staffers, success managers, and Fiverr management who jump onto the forum from time to time to gather feedback from buyers and sellers on the platform. I've been able to overcome a lot of my weaknesses by learning from other sellers. Often, the biggest obstacle to my business is me - so I'm constantly trying to improve myself so that I'm not limiting my earning potential. Often the forum knows about updates and changes before Fiverr even makes an announcement - it's good to know as soon as possible when updates are made. I really appreciate the friendships that I've formed here - it makes freelancing so much more enjoyable. 😊 Cons - More time on the forum means less time on my business, so I do lose money there ($50-$100 per day). Sometimes Fiverr staffers, management, and other sellers (who I mark as spam) prefer to communicate with me on the marketplace, so it does affect my conversion rates. I get a lot of spam from Fiverr sellers wanting me to help them with their business - and some of them are quite demanding - this not only includes personal messages and status updates (which are disabled now), it includes the marketplace, social media accounts, and my personal email because I'm a pretty easy person to find.
  5. I think this was more of an issue when I first started posting on the forum in May 2022. 😊 I tend to get tunnel vision when I work (and I don't like interruptions when I work), so it's very helpful for me to break up my work day by jumping onto the forum. After 4-5 months on the forum, it started to become more natural to break away from my work and respond quickly (and happily) whenever I get customer inquiries.
  6. Lol...yes, there was that amazing forum member who managed to become a Grand Master in less than a month without making a single post (only by serially liking every post she could find). But she was immediately stripped from that badge (and despised by many members she was following)! ...so, I won't try to go down that path! 😂 One of the reasons why I joined the forum was to help me be more customer-minded because my husband mentioned that I was a bit insensitive and needed to be kinder when dealing with my customers. So posting on the forum (and reading through all the reviews of high-performing sellers) helped me to center my business on my customers and their needs instead of what I wanted.
  7. If it was a sudden decrease, it's most likely due to a negative private review, which you'll never see. Negative private reviews fall off your account after 90 days and can really hamper your visibility in search. Explore other ways to get orders besides matches and organic search. You mention that you have many satisfied customers all over the world - so work with your existing clients here on Fiverr (and if they aren't on Fiverr, direct them to purchase your services through your gig).
  8. Hi @minordetails, When you first start on the forum, you'll have the 5-post/day limit - this includes any private messages that you will get. You also have 1 status reply and 1 status update per day. I had the 5 post limit/day for awhile, even after I was a Grand Master on the forum with more than 5,000 reputation points. However, I've seen many people who have only been on the forum for less than a month (with less than 100 reputation points) have that post-limit removed, so there are a number of factors that go into deciding when someone's post limit is removed. For me, it was about 3 1/2 months of posting 5 posts a day. However, since reputation score plays a big role in this (how people are reacting to your content), I've always tried to post the most helpful/useful content that I could in hopes of getting the post-limit removed. There are others who have been posting 5 posts a day well past the 3 1/2 months, but they haven't had their post limit removed yet. When my post limit got removed, people noticed because my 5,000-word posts disappeared and I kind of went on a posting spree that hasn't really worn off yet. 😂 It's wonderful not having to decide who to respond to each day - many people thought I was ignoring them (they didn't believe someone with a Grand Master badge had a post limit)!
  9. Hi @happywithai, this just means that you don't meet all of the quality metrics to promote your gig at the moment. Based on the Help Center, this includes: Your Gig's Appearance - how you choose to present your gig (via images and titles) Your Gig's Delivery Performance - your overall performance within an order, communication, buyer satisfaction, and buyer potential to return to your gig. Please note that this evaluation doesn't just include YOUR performance, but the performance of other sellers in your vertical - if they are performing better than you in any of the quality metrics, then they will be more likely to qualify for promoted gigs. This is a decision that is very dynamic since these qualifications can change from day to day, so I have seen sellers on the forum mention that their status changes between qualified/unqualified quite frequently. Not everyone can be on the first page, so if Fiverr doesn't think you have a good chance of winning a bid, they'll disable this feature.
  10. Don't depend on the matches as a source to get orders. If matches aren't working, you'll have to focus on other ways to get orders. How do your impressions, clicks, orders, and conversion rates look over the past 2 months? Are they increasing, decreasing, or staying the same?
  11. If your impressions are increasing and your clicks aren't, that means your gig isn't attractive to buyers - Fiverr is showing your gig to buyers and they aren't clicking on it. So focus on updating your gig images so that they are attractive to buyers. They only have a few seconds to decide which gigs to click on, so make sure your images are unique and aren't too busy (keep text to 2-5 words clearly describing your service and only 1-2 images). Your images are very busy and have a lot of information on them, so buyers may be skimming over your gigs and clicking on your competitors' gigs.
  12. Put yourself in your customer's shoes - what would make YOU want to buy from your own gig when there are so many other data entry specialists and VA's on Fiverr's marketplace? I would start with your gig images - buyers only have a few second to decide which gigs to click on. Make sure your gig images are unique and clearly states your services. Keep it to 2-5 words maximum - too many words may cause buyers to quickly pass over your gig. Then, tailor your gig descriptions to your target buyers. The key is to target a specific group - this will help you to eliminate a lot of the competition. Niche down. I only work with educators in my data entry/VA gig. I also cater to this same group in most of my other gigs (so I offer a range of services tailored to them). I see that your bio says that customer satisfaction is your goal, so make your gigs and profile about them. 😊
  13. Just because they haven't been caught doesn't mean that they are successful or right. Just focus on your business and doing it the right way.
  14. Here is advice from a top-rated web designer:
  15. You can follow the advice in this article: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ And if you're up for it, here's the "Bible" that all sellers need to have: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  16. I agree. Order conversion rates depend on the seller - how good they are at convincing visitors to buy from them. If a seller isn't good at converting clicks to order, it really doesn't make sense for them (or Fiverr) to promote that gig at all (since no one will be buying). Sellers should first focus on making their gigs compelling to their target buyers so that they will want to place an order.
  17. I had a similar issue, going back and forth between Payoneer and Fiverr. I resolved this by attaching Payoneer's response to my Fiverr Help Desk ticket (and doing the same for Payoneer - I attached Fiverr's response to Payoneer's Help Desk ticket). In my case, this happened because anyone moving away from Japan is required to close their Payoneer account (and open a new one). Payoneer wasn't able to shut down my account until Fiverr released my Japan Payoneer account from my Fiverr account. Once Fiverr did that, Payoneer was able to shut down my Payoneer account so that I could create a new USA Payoneer account and attach the new account to my Fiverr account. It was confusing for all involved, but by keeping everyone in the communication loop, I was able to get this done within a week.
  18. Hi @web_munna45 - What are your current impressions, clicks, and orders? Are they increasing, decreasing, or staying the same?
  19. For me it just showed up on my profile one day (there was no notification). This was 5 months after I became a Level 2 seller. However, I have seen Level 1 sellers with this feature as well, so it's not really clear how they select sellers for this feature. Seller performance probably plays a role in who gets this feature.
  20. Hi @zelfira - did you try refreshing your browser (or using a new browser)? Also, it can take a day or so before Customer Support responds.
  21. If you have impressions, Fiverr is showing you to buyers. If you aren't getting clicks, you're not attractive to the buyers that are shown your gig (so they are clicking and ordering from other other sellers). Try to put yourself in your buyers' shoes - what would make YOU want to click on your gig? I would focus on your gig images and add gig videos to both of your gigs.
  22. I had to put in a help desk ticket for a new seller who started contacting me last year in January, when I was a new seller. He asked for work and I told him to publish a gig (which he still hasn't done). He has been messaging me and I have been responding and marking him as spam (or blocking from my phone). For some reason, he could still message me, even though he showed up as a blocked account. However, Fiverr quickly closed my ticket by shutting down his account. So I guess they are taking this kind of spam seriously.
  23. @lior_porat - I just wanted to loop in someone from the Product Development team. Back in Nov, we voiced our concerns about this feature when it was in beta and I'm wondering if there's a way buyers can turn this off (as well as any other notification from Fiverr about buying suggestions). They are spammy and buyers should be able to set their preferences on how much spam they want from Fiverr. Maybe a checkbox stating "Actively looking for..." and a dropdown menu of services? If I'm not actively looking, I don't want the messages. I've seen advertisements/notifications for all three. I get notifications for the services I've purchased in the past. Also for things that I've searched for (mostly forum-related, to help other sellers). And, after placing an order, I immediately get a notification of adjacent services that are relevant to what I've just purchased.
  24. The first time I heard about this was in November from a buyer who received this "spam" in their inbox: Currently buyers can't opt out of this.
  25. Thanks for jumping into the conversation @minordetails! It's really good to see someone who is a new seller, in this current market, who was able to get their first order in a little over a week of posting their first gig. I think you'd make a great community leader for new sellers. I believe the challenges that many new sellers have is loneliness (that they are alone in their struggles), fear (of the unknown, which comes with being new to the game), and a number of limiting beliefs that make them think that they are fighting the impossible game. I don't think the purpose of a new seller club is to get "more sales," but to help new sellers get the community support that they need to stay motivated and have the resilience needed to ride through the challenges that come with starting a new business. As a new seller, do you think new sellers are adequately supported to be successful? What do you think would be helpful and what would you like to see?
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